Chapter 1243 Question

  A total of more than 400 people came, including high, middle and low third-level leading cadres from various enterprises.

  Not to mention the third-level leadership that can fully represent each company, because this time they are all motivated and dare to fight.

  But it also helped Jiang Xiaobai to have a general understanding of the leaders of various enterprises.

   Jiang Xiaobai got off work a little earlier today, went to the kindergarten to pick up his son, and then went to pick up Zhao Xinyi.

  Went to Zhao Gang’s house for dinner.

  Zhao Gang called and said that one was missing his grandson, and the other wanted to ask Jiang Xiaobai about the satellite launch company.

  A family of three stopped at the gate of Longgang’s Family Building.

  As for why he didn't bring Yin Xiaojun, Yin Xiaojun is already a student in high school, and he needs to study at night.

  Supper is eaten at school.

   "Grandpa, grandma, I miss you..." As soon as Jiang Langlang entered the house, he threw himself into Zhao Gang's arms. The little guy's mouth was still sweet.

   "Think about grandma, why don't you just come to see grandma?" Zhao Gang asked as he walked in with his grandson.

   "I want to go to school." Jiang Langlang said distressedly. It turned out that he came here often.

  Sometimes I miss my grandma, so I asked Zhao Xinyi to bring him over when he went to work.

  Bring it back after get off work, he still likes to stay with the elderly, because both grandma and grandpa love him very much.

  So Jiang Langlang loves to stay with his grandma.

  "Oh, let’s give my family to the poor, grandpa has delicious food here, let’s go, grandpa will take you to eat delicious food."

  Zhao Gang left with the baby, and Zhao Xinyi shouted from behind: "Dad, don't give him too much sweets."

  But Zhao Gangying did not respond.

   "You two rest for a while, and the meal will be ready soon." Han Lin said with a smile.

   "It's okay, I'm not too hungry." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and sat on the sofa.

   didn't need anyone to greet him, so he turned on the TV and watched the news.

   is also considering the matter of Huaqing Holdings.

  In today’s interview, he discovered that there is a big difference between the middle and low-level employees of several companies under Huaqing Holdings.

  The people in the educated youth cannery and the feed factory are compared with the employees in the beverage factory and Huaqing Electric, the headquarters of these three places.

  There is a bit of a gap in both vision and thought.

  Meanwhile, middle-level cadres in educated youth canneries and feed factories have relatively low academic qualifications.

  The most eye-opening people are not the employees at the headquarters, but the more than a dozen people returned from the Changxingju Real Estate Company in Pengcheng.

  The staff at the headquarters are much worse, and the people at the headquarters are even worse than Huaqing Electric.

  As far as leaders are concerned, among these companies, Liu Jian, the director of the garment factory, has the highest education.

  However, the vision of the employees of the garment factory is still worse than those of Changxingju Real Estate.

  To sum up, Jiang Xiaobai analyzed the geographical location.

  Huaqing Holding Company started from Jianhua Village. In fact, the academic qualifications of senior leaders are not high.

  Shi Sheng, Wang Chao, Wang Meng...

  They are self-made, and their horizons are not limited.

  But the people below are slowly limited in their horizons due to geographic location.

  Changxingju Real Estate Company still has a position in the headquarters.

  But basically it is equivalent to relocating to Pengcheng.

  The employees of Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd. speak, regardless of whether they have real talents or not, whether some things can be realized.

  At least I know it after I mention it, and I dare to think about it, dare to say...

  In the process of the interview, Jiang Xiaobai felt that the employees of Changxingju Real Estate Company were very hearty and straightforward.

  When I asked about the company’s problems, I did not hesitate to speak out.

  There are people, business, and even some people directly said that he ran to Wang Meng’s office and suggested.

It's just that Wang Meng refused later. He obeyed Wang Meng's decision, but reserved his own opinions.

  What do these employees say, it gives people a special feeling.

  It’s a bit like the kind of international big company, but it’s not exactly the same as the kind of international company, and it’s like a start-up company.

  Everyone can communicate as equals. Whether it’s the boss or the employees at the bottom, everyone is doing it for the good of this company.

   "Oh oh." Zhao Gang shook before Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, and Jiang Xiaobai came back to his senses.

   "What do you think? So ecstatic?" Zhao Gang asked.

  "Thinking about something." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Where is Langlang playing in the room, let's go into the study and chat for a while?" Zhao Gang suggested.

   Jiang Xiaobai had no reason to refuse, and followed Zhao Gang into the study.

   Jiang Xiaobai told Zhao Gang what he had just considered.

  Zhao Gang fell into deep thought after listening. Long Gang was in Longcheng. He hadn't really encountered this situation.

  It is also the first time I heard that there are so many styles in a company.

  After pondering for a while, Zhao Gang said: “Geographical location is a very important factor, but there is another point that I think is also very important.

  That is the person in charge of the company. I have met Wang Meng several times. He is a good person. As for how to manage the company.

  I guess it should be a very open-minded person who can listen to opinions and is also very courageous. "

   "You mean, besides this geographic location, the person in charge of the company is also an important factor?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  "Yes, what kind of personality a leader is, it will directly affect the personality of everyone in a unit.

  If the leader is cautious and has a conscientious personality, then the people in the unit are basically the same, except for very few people.

  On the contrary, it is another situation. Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd. itself has a very good location in Pengcheng.

  In addition, Wang Meng is also enlightened, so I think it’s normal to be in this situation. "Zhao Gang helped analyze.

   “It’s true that Wang Meng’s personality is a bit reckless, and his temper is a bit bad, but he is not too strong. On the contrary, Wang Chao’s personality is relatively strong..."

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, Wang Chao, Wang Meng and others were all brought out by him. He knew the best temperament.

   "In fact, geographical location is also a very important factor, Longcheng this place..." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, and said nothing.

  Longcheng, the geographic location of Jin Province is much worse than other southern cities.

  Not only for the present, but also for later generations. The economy has been unable to develop. Jin Province is a resource-based province.

  The importance of geographic location to a company is self-evident. The southern metropolis has many talents and developed economy.

  As far as Dragon City is concerned, there is really not much advantage.

  It is not easy to use a company to promote the development of a city.

  (End of this chapter)

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