Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1245: Jianhua Village

  Chapter 1245 Jianhua Village, a treasured geomancy place

   "East and west, it seems to be developing very well, but they are all moons in the water, flowers in the mirror.

  To be a company, you must be steadfast. You can’t do it with a hammer or a hammer. When you think of what you do, the end result is that you can’t do anything...

  Zhao Gang said bitterly.

   Jiang Xiaobai did not rush to refute, he was waiting for Zhao Gang to finish speaking.

  How to say, Zhao Gang's words can not be calculated wrong, if Jiang Xiaobai was reborn not in 1978, but after 1992.

  Even after 1994, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely try to make the company NO1 in a certain industry first.

  Or not rebirth. Without the ability of foresight, he will try to gain a foothold in a certain industry first, develop into the leader of the industry, and then enter other industries.

  This is a normal choice.

  But Jiang Xiaobai is different. Jiang Xiaobai was not only reborn in 1978. In this best age, he has a lot of time to develop.

  And also know the future development direction of many industries.

  I am not afraid of spreading the stalls, nor are I afraid of not being the first page in the industry.

  With the development of time, various industries will also change, and he only needs to keep the various companies of Huaqing Holding Company in the top three, top five, or even top ten positions in the industry.

  As long as the industry faces new challenges, the various companies of their Huaqing Holding Company can rely on his foresight to achieve corner overtaking.

  Unless the opponent makes no mistakes, what about the industry’s leading boss? The times are evolving.

  Big brother in the mobile phone industry, how about Motorola? It's not down yet.

   was replaced by the back wave, as long as his back wave is not too far away from the first place, then all the leading companies will tremble.

  Of course, at this time everything is making money, and he is also making arrangements.

  In his vision, the future Huaqing Holding Company is definitely a giant, which can cover giants from all walks of life.

  "Dad, now companies pay attention to diversified operations and form a closed ecosystem. The upstream and downstream companies that control commodities can be operated independently and independently..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, the words in his heart could not be said to Zhao Gang.

  Can it be said that Dad and I are a transcendence person, you indigenous people are less BB with me.

  "What kind of diversification? That's nonsense, what to make money, isn't it a bully to break the stick?" Zhao Gang said with a dark face.

   Then he said: "But what you said about forming a closed ecosystem is a bit interesting. Tell me in detail."

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: "Let me take a real estate company as an example. I do real estate, build a house, and then set up a property company.

  The house is well built, and the property company provides good service. Customers will choose the house we built because of the good house.

   will also choose this community because this community has our company’s property..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Zhao Gang probably understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

  "For another example, Jianhua Village Feed Factory and Pig Farm, the two are also complementary, and we control both upstream and downstream.

  The last time I went back to Jianhua Village, the person in charge of the pig farm and I proposed a plan. They planned to introduce breeding pigs, raise piglets themselves, sell them, sell them, and set up a ham sausage factory..."

   "This idea is amazing!" Zhao Gang said.

   "Yes, I support him and tell him to let go and do it." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Oh, it's not right, I remember that your pig farm was not given to the village, did you give the village full responsibility?" Zhao Gang suddenly remembered, and Jiang Xiaobai mentioned this during a small chat.

   said that the original intention of setting up a pig farm was to allow villagers to increase their income.

   "Yes, now the person in charge is the village head, and this idea was also raised by the village head." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Zhao Gang shook his head and smiled: "Don't be funny, how can it be a village chief?"

  He does not believe that a person with such a vision and foresight is only a village head in the countryside.

   "What do you mean, look down on the village chief, Huaxi Village will find out, besides, our Huaqing Holding Company also came out of the village." Jiang Xiaobai asked rhetorically.

  Look down on the village chief, let the village chief of Tazhai village talk to you?



   "Fuck, is your Jianhua Village a treasure of geomantic omen? It still has talents." Zhao Gang said sourly.

  Jianhua Village has stepped out of Huaqing Holdings. This Golden Phoenix is ​​already pretty good, and there are such talents in the village.

  "Feng Shui is general. From ancient times to the present, there is no need to mention a high official in the village. Even a talented person has never been out. But the times are changing. Three hundred and sixty lines will be the top champion.

   Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "That's true too." Zhao Gang nodded, and the two chatted for a while.

   sent away Jiang Xiaobai, and stood at the door of the unit building, Zhao Gang sighed inwardly.

  I am really old, and I can’t keep up with the changes in the situation.

  It's just a village head, and the ideas that he put forward make me feel amazing.

  Early the next morning, continue the interview.

   "Okay, call everyone in, let me see how many high-level people have come." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  His students were a little unwilling, and they had agreed to interview one by one, but in the end Jiang Xiaobai had another moth.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai had no time to persuade him, and the staff had already gone out and called for someone.

   Soon, all the people applying for high-level positions came in.

There are five people: Li Xiaoliu, Sun Jianyun, Liu Jian, Zhou Guomin, and Liu Xiaomei.

  Jiang Xiaobai is going to go to two people, there is no need to go too much at the top.

   "Sit down." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   Then looked at Liu Jian and asked, "Liu Jian, what are you doing here?"

  "Director Xiaobai, I want to go to the satellite company."

   "Go to the satellite company, what do you do as a pig farmer at the satellite company? Go, don't make trouble, go back quickly." Jiang Xiaobai said impatiently.

   "What... Didn't the company say that everyone can sign up? And I raised pigs. Huaqing Holding Company still made canned food at the beginning. I didn't think it was any better than raising pigs." Liu Jian muttered.

"Okay, now there is it, everyone except Liu Jian can participate." Jiang Xiaobai said: "You are gone, who is in charge of the garment factory, I heard that you are not going to fight with Pierre Cardin? Go back and prepare well. Come on."

   "I..." Liu Jian knew this was unreliable. He guessed it. If Jiang Xiaobai let him go, he wouldn't have to engage in this selection at all.

  Directly assign it, but think it’s a try, just in case.

  I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so swift and agile that he would not even let him go in the cutscene.

  (End of this chapter)

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