Chapter 1253 Classmates

  The meeting place for classmates this time is a small restaurant at the entrance of the school.

Both Qian Baobao and Liu Xiaogang brought their daughter-in-law and their children.

  Compared with the gathering of the three in the capital a few years ago, this time it will be a lot more lively.

  Liu Xiaogang's suit and leather shoes, with the appearance of a little leader. Compared to the way he wrote the eldest child and the eldest child on his face a few years ago, it is much more low-key and deeper.

  There is no change in Baby Qian. The only change may be that the figure is slightly fatter, and the glasses on the bridge of the nose are thicker.

   "Come on, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai was sitting in the dim tavern with a wine glass, but he didn't dislike it at all.

  Greasy desktop, dim lighting, this is their usual place when they go to school, who is looking for someone. Who is broken in love, New Year's Day, holidays... are all in this small restaurant.

  Remember that there were not many small restaurants near the school at that time, just a few.

  Most people still have tickets to eat at the canteen’s Wowotou.

  Now the day is better. Although the restaurants in front of the school are not lined up, there are quite a few.

  And this small restaurant has hardly changed.

   "Let's go." Liu Xiaogang and Qian Baobao were also deeply moved.

  Things are non-human, and eight years have passed in a blink of an eye.

  "Brother Xiaobai, you are different now. Well-known private entrepreneurs across the country, my baby and I are still like this."

  In fact, Liu Xiaogang is quite good among his classmates. He is already a leader at a young age.

  However, there are too many leaders in the capital, and his level is really nothing.

  In contrast, it is Jiang Xiaobai who is doing business, and now he is doing a good job.

   "I am still like this, Chief Liu..." Qian Baobao said with a smile, Liu Xiaogang is still a leader anyway, young and promising.

  Now it's Liu Division, and maybe it will be Liu Ju in a few years.

  And he is still a university teacher.

  As for the comparison with Jiang Xiaobai, let alone.

  "Quickly stop laughing at me. I am a leader. Actually, I am quite envious of you. I am in the ivory tower of the university.

  As long as we focus on teaching and educating people, we don’t have to worry about other things. Unlike us in government agencies, we have to fight all day long.

  A place was vacated. I don’t know how many people squeezed their heads to fight, rob, brightly, and darkly. It is really the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, and I am really tired. "Liu Xiaogang said it was bitter.

  In fact, this kind of thing, he usually wouldn't say it to anyone, but today, the classmates are not outsiders, so he started to speak his own words.

   "Teaching and educating people, now the school is also panicking, what is the name of the atom bomb is not as good as the tea egg, haven't you heard of it?

  A professor resigned last year and went to Pengcheng to do trade. Everyone looked at money and made money..." said Baby Qian.

  Everyone on the table looked at Jiang Xiaobai, this is a business man, and wanted to see what he said.

  Liu Xiaogang also agreed with Qian Baobao and said: "Yes, doing business is happy, thinking that Xiaobai was going to do business at the beginning, we thought he was crazy.

  As a result, when I look at it now, Xiao Bai is very far-sighted. If I go to our unit, my level, I guess only serving tea and water..."

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said, “I won’t say how difficult it is to do a small business. Now Huaqing Holdings is okay in China, right?”

   "That's great."

   "It must be possible." Liu Xiaogang and Baby Qian nodded in agreement.

  ”That’s it. The time spent at home in a year is less than half a year, either on a business trip or on a business trip, or even staying at home for about three months.

  I came to Beijing this time, and the itinerary was densely arranged. What you see is only the beautiful side..."

  On the contrary, Jiang Xiaobai also envied Qian Baobao’s life, quietly teaching and educating people in the university.

  Eight years after graduating, the three men met again at the gate of the school. This is not to say that it was too much trouble, but to simply talk about the hardships of life.

  But Baby Qian is quite optimistic. He is very satisfied with his current life, just like what Liu Xiaogang and Jiang Xiaobai said about teaching and educating people in college with peace of mind.

  At the same time, watching their children grow up healthily and happily.

  As for leaders and rich people, they have nothing to do with him. Give him another chance and the same choice.

  "Xiaobai is not easy. The leaders are busy. Come on, have a toast. After dinner, let's go around in school and remember the lost youth..." Liu Xiaogang suggested.

   "Okay, no problem." Qian Baobao expressed his opinion as a school teacher.

  Jiang Xiaobai actually wanted to go in and have a look, but he hasn't gone back for many years.

  I have come to the capital quite a few times, but every time I pass by in a hurry, Baby Qian has never seen it several times.

  The three of them did not drink too much. If you start drinking, you can drink until midnight.

  But the three of them will have business tomorrow, especially Jiang Xiaobai, the schedule is full.

In a slightly drunken state, Baby Qian asked the guard to open the door.

   "I will take my classmates back to see." Baby Qian said with a smile.

  "Good teacher Qian." The security nodded, muttering as he opened the school door.

  It’s not uncommon to bring classmates back. There are also people who come back to see their alma mater after graduation, not to mention that some classmates come back from school.

  But people usually come during the day, so why do they come at night?

  The familiar campus is always so young, carrying the youth of generations of young people, and it is their best time.

  Looking at the men and women holding books, shuttled around the campus.

  Between the two girls, whispering to each other, the boys laughing and playing.

  There is another pair that is interesting to each other, but they are too slow to confess, and they keep the distance of fifty centimeters abruptly while walking.

When    is near, it will immediately blush.

  Occasionally, fingers touch each other, as if breaking a taboo.

  In the brightly lit library, there are always many hardworking people working hard for their future.

  On the basketball court, there are boys who wantonly sway the remaining energy.

  The reluctant men and women in front of the dormitory were whispering face to face.

   "Baby, staying with such a group of people, no wonder you feel that you are younger than the two of us. You don't look like a thirty-year-old person, but like a twenty-year-old." Jiang Xiaobai said with emotion.

"If you are twenty years old, it would be nice if you were twenty years old. Look at the clubs over there, break dancing and so on. I don't understand what young people play now..." Qian Baobao smiled all over his face. He has never regretted choosing this career.

  (End of this chapter)

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