Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1262: The joy of the little secretary

  Chapter 1262 The joy of the little secretary

   "Don't look at it." Yin Xiaoyin said honestly.

  Buying clothes and looking at the hang tags, she used to live in a small county, and she did not go to the clothes store a few times.

  The clothes are bought by grandparents, and the price is directly asked for the price, without looking at the tag.

   After following Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Xinyi took her to buy clothes, always buying when he was optimistic, and buying when he liked it.

  As soon as you ask for a price, there is no such thing.

  When she buys clothes by herself, she has enough money, so following Zhao Xinyi's habit, she also buys clothes regardless of the price.

  Well, there are no clothes that can't be bought, and some clothes are tailor-made by the garment factory and delivered directly.

  In Zhang Ting's heart, ten thousand grass-and-mud horses rushed past. Is this the way rich people do?

  I don’t care about the price when buying clothes. The life of the rich is really unimaginable.

  Okay, I served, Zhang Ting went in and changed it.

  "Take it if you like it, it's not expensive." Yin Xiaoyin took off his coat directly and handed it to the waiter.

   "Help me wrap these two clothes."

   "Okay." The waiter said with a smile.

Zhao Xiaojin next to    went to checkout.

   "No, I just bought it like this, without bargaining or anything?" Zhang Ting grabbed Yin Xiaoyin and asked in a low voice.

   "It seems that there is no bargaining in this kind of place, right?" Yin Xiaoyin was a little confused: "And I don't know how to bargain?"

   "Forget it." Zhang Ting sighed helplessly. She would bargain, but if bargaining was not allowed here, she would be useless.

  A few people continued to shop, and after visiting several shops in a row, Zhang Ting just wandered around and watched not trying on clothes at all.

   "Tingting, what do you think of this dress? Try it?"

   "Forget it, the clothes here are too expensive. I can just go shopping, and I don't need clothes to wear." Zhang Ting shook her head.

  The dress just now cost more than two hundred yuan.

  It's not that she has no idea about money. It's people's business that people have money, and she can't be greedy. If people buy it, it will be nothing.

  She was embarrassed to buy such an expensive dress.

  That can still ask for...

   Yin Xiaoyin and Jiang Xiaobai persuaded a few more words, but when Zhang Ting insisted, they stopped persuading them.

  "Xiaoyin, you can pick another gift for your classmates alone." Jiang Xiaobai accompany him and exhorted.

   "Yeah." Yin Xiaoyin nodded, and by the time he wandered around five o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai was already tired and unable to walk.

  Do not enter the shop, just sit on the bench outside the shop and wait.

  Wait for them to leave two or three homes, he moved another place.

  Li Longquan has been following, and Zhao Xiaojin has entered the state. Try on clothes and buy clothes by myself.

   was chatting with the two girls, and Jiang Xiaobai was speechless for a while.

   So he waved his big hand and reimbursed the little secretary. It was not easy for the little secretary, who ran with him all day long.

  Most of the time I go to a certain place and I don’t have time to go shopping. Where does Jiang Xiaobai go, where does she follow.

   After finishing the work, he left in a hurry. This time it was also because he had to come to see Yin Xiaoyin.

  Otherwise, she doesn't have time to come out, so she finally spares some time. It's good for her to go shopping.

  "Thank you Jiang Dong." Zhao Xiaojin was not polite, and tried on the clothes with pride.

  "I think this dress is pretty good, Aunt Xiaojin, you can try it for my aunt. I want to sell it to her..." Yin Xiaoyin said, she went shopping by herself and did not forget to buy one for Zhao Xinyi.

   "No, your aunt, is this color too bright..." Zhang Ting asked suspiciously on the side.

   "It's not bright, my aunt is very beautiful, really, what kind of clothes she wears is very beautiful..." Yin Xiaoyin said with a pouting mouth.

   "This is true." Zhao Xiaojin on the side proved: "Mrs. Chairman, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. No one is more beautiful than the big stars in the movie. She looks younger than me."

  Zhang Ting has no way to imagine. In her opinion, Zhao Xiaojin is quite beautiful, but she can make such a woman feel ashamed.

  She couldn't imagine what kind of woman it was.

  "Then you go out with your aunt, others shouldn't think you and your aunt are sisters?" Zhang Ting said with a smile.

   "No." Yin Xiaoyin shook his head.

   "Why? Didn't you say that your aunt is quite young?" Zhang Tingting asked suspiciously.

   "I..." Yin Xiaoyin said with a black face, "I'm so ugly, I don't look like a parent born."

   "Hahaha..." Zhang Ting and Zhao Xiaojin were both happy, thinking about it, the vast majority of women are ashamed when they stand in front of Zhao Xinyi, and there are few who can equal Zhao Xinyi.

  But they are okay, they don’t spend much time with Zhao Xinyi, but Yin Xiaoyin and Zhao Xinyi spend a lot of time together...

  How troublesome this is.

  After leaving the shop, Jiang Xiaobai curiously asked a few people why they were laughing.

  Zhao Xiaojin pursed her mouth and said it again with a smile, Yin Xiaoyin was unwilling, and was arguing with Zhao Xiaojin.

  But after Jiang Xiaobai finished listening, he was deeply moved.

  Yes, I am with Zhao Xinyi, and others always look at me with strange eyes.

  When the mall is about to close, a few talents come out.

  Zhao Xiaojin holds big and small bags, and the same goes for Yin Xiaoyin and Zhang Ting.

  Zhao Xiaojin is carrying all her own clothes. Yin Xiaoyin has her own clothes, and some clothes bought for Zhao Xinyi and her two younger brothers at home.

  Zhang Ting carried a sweater she bought herself, as well as a piece of clothing, leather jackets, sweaters, coats, etc., which Yin Xiaoyin chose for the people in the dormitory.

   can be worn at this time, but the style is different and the price is similar.

  Of course, including Zhang Ting’s and a leather jacket.

  She is equivalent to one more piece of clothing than others.

  Li Longquan helped and threw everything into the trunk of the car.

   Zhang Ting looked at the pile of clothes in a daze. It was thousands of dollars.

  But Jiang Xiaobai didn't care, that Zhao Xiaojin didn't care, even the best friend next to him didn't care.

  As if it was not a few thousand dollars, but a few dollars.

   "Let's go, let's eat, what do you want to eat?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

   "Tingting, don't you think?" Yin Xiaoyin asked for the opinions of his girlfriends.

  But my best friend is still looking at the trunk in a daze.

   "Tingting." Yin Xiaoyin shook his girlfriend.

   "Ah, what's the matter?"

   "What do you want to eat at night?"

   "I can do it, whatever." Zhang Ting said.

   "Didn't you say that you wanted to eat seafood? Uncle, let's eat seafood." Yin Xiaoyin said with a smile.

  She is quite used to her best friend.

   "No, I just said that casually..." Zhang Ting said, licking her lips, she still wanted to eat seafood.

  (End of this chapter)

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