Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1275: Gangster's random

   Chapter 1275

   "President Wang, when did Jiang Dong arrive, why don't we know at all?"

  Wait until Wang Meng arranges everything and sends most of the people away.

  At the beginning of Beiping did not leave, he looked at Wang Meng and asked with some doubts: "Brother Meng, why did Jiang Dong come here, but I haven’t received any news. I suddenly arrived in Pengcheng, most of the night?"

  "Just now it was Jiang Dong’s secretary. Zhao Xiaojin called. Before the satellite company opened, Jiang Dong was in the capital.

  After finishing the work at noon yesterday, the plane in the evening came over. If we didn’t tell us, we didn’t want us to know, and then pick up the plane at the airport. "

  Wang Meng repeated Zhao Xiaojin's words.

  "I understand this. What I want to ask is, is there anything else Jiang Dong came to Pengcheng?" Chu Beiping asked in confusion.

  As for Jiang Xiaobai's sudden arrival, is it against them? Chu Beiping didn't have this idea.

  One is because Changxingju Real Estate Company is developing very well and there is no problem. The second is because Jiang Xiaobai suddenly arrived in Pengcheng.

  But there was no surprise check, but a notice first.

   "Then I don't know, but I haven't heard of it." Wang Meng shook his head, he also had some doubts.

  But I haven’t heard of what happened at the headquarters.

   "Okay, let's stop guessing here, because we can't guess the result, so hurry up and prepare.

  In the afternoon, Dong Jiang will come over. If there is a problem at work, we will both have to be trained. "Wang Meng said with a smile.

   Jiang Xiaobai slept until after eleven o’clock noon before getting up.

  Call Zhao Xiaojin’s room after getting up. Zhao Xiaojin is almost ready to take someone out for dinner.

   did not go too far, and six people just ate a bite in a small restaurant near the hotel.

   "Okay, let's eat something at noon, and wait for President Wang to invite everyone to have a big meal in the evening." Jiang Xiaobai joked.


   "Okay, then I have to save some belly." Li Longquan said with a smile.

  After noon, inside the Changxing Real Estate Company, the staff were in a hurry, with serious expressions on their faces. No one still had a hippy smile.

  The biggest boss of the company will come to check the work soon. If the boss checks out any problems with the work, it’s over.

  Some departments have completed the preparatory work, but they are still checking over and over again, for fear of some problems.

  Others are cleaning up the office hygiene, and want to be as perfect as possible.

   "Beiping, let's take someone down and wait for a meeting." Wang Meng looked at the time and got up from behind the desk.

   "Okay, let me say that it is best to go to Jiang Dong's hotel, otherwise there is no news now, and we don't know when Jiang Dong will arrive."

  Chu Beiping put forward his own suggestion. He still felt that it would be more solemn to greet the big boss. They only greeted him at the door of the company.

   Wang Meng shook his head and said, “No need, Jiang Dong didn’t notify us in advance, he just didn’t want to cause us trouble.

  Beiping, you have a lot of dealings with Jiang Dong. You should know that Jiang Dong is a pragmatic person.

   won't care about these vain things, but if the work is not done well, Jiang Dong will definitely not be polite. "

   took two more people, and a group of four went downstairs to prepare to meet Jiang Xiaobai.

  Just after going downstairs, two taxis stopped in front of the building.

   Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Xiaojin, Li Longquan and others got off the taxi.

   "Brother Xiaobai."

   "Jiang Dong." Wang Meng and Chu Beiping walked quickly two steps to greet them, and the two behind them were still a little dazed.

  So casual? Such a big company, the big boss of such a well-funded company, got out of the taxi so casually.

  It looked like they were taking a taxi over to do errands, which was too far from their imagination.

  They thought there would be a long convoy, and they would be able to see it at a glance from a distance, and then there would be bodyguards coming down and driving the door after parking.

  But the result is too far from what they imagined.

   "Mengzi, Beiping." Jiang Xiaobai greeted.

   shook hands with the two.

   "Xiaojin, is getting more and more beautiful?" Wang Meng also praised Zhao Xiaojin.

   "Brother Mengzi, now I am more and more able to speak." Zhao Xiaojin said with a smile.

   "Secretary Zhao." Chu Beiping and Zhao Xiaojin are going to say hello.

  Wang Meng is a group of elderly people with Jiang Xiaobai. Regarding the secretary next to Jiang Xiaobai, he can speak freely.

  But he is different. He is not so close to Jiang Xiaobai or Zhao Xiaojin.

   "Good luck at the beginning." Zhao Xiaojin also nodded in response.

   "Brother Li." Wang Meng also hugged Li Longquan. When they were in Jianhua Village, their relationship was very good.

  Li Longquan followed Jiang Xiaobai very early, so they are all familiar.

   "Let's go, go to your company and see." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Okay, Brother Xiaobai."

  A few people walked inside, and Jiang Xiaobai said: "The satellite company was established, and Lao Mou asked me to go abroad to discuss cooperation. Zhang Weiyi in the north also needs to go there and see what it has done.

  The time is very fast, I was planning to go directly to the north, but thinking about your company doing a good job, I came here before I came to have a look. "

  Wang Meng and Chu Beiping were still guessing just now, why Jiang Xiaobai rushed over in the middle of the night, and now Jiang Xiaobai understood it.

   "Jiang Dong, take care of your health, can you be exhausted for such a big company," Chu Beiping said quickly.

   "Haha, it's okay, Mengzi knows, it's nothing, it turns out it's okay to be so tired." Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently.

  When I first started a business, that was the most tiring. The body was tired, and the heart was tired.

   "That's not the case, I have been sick several times." Wang Meng shook his head, not cooperating with Jiang Xiaobai's bragging pen.

   "Haha, just one time, OK." Jiang Xiaobai laughed, and indeed fell ill more than once.

  Sometimes I catch a cold, and I get sick after being tired.

  But it would be a young man, who didn’t care, took some cold medicine, covered his body with sweat in the quilt, felt okay, and ran out again.

  Although it was very bitter and tiring, in retrospect, that period of time was the most precious experience in life.

  Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Meng, Chu Beiping walked into the company while chatting.

  One by one, the staff in suits work in their own workstations, which are also glass compartments similar to the headquarters.

  In fact, Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd., on the whole, is similar to the headquarters of Longcheng. The decoration style of the headquarters of Longcheng Huaqing Holdings Co., Ltd. was the same as Jiang Xiaobai's decision at that time.

  The same modern office style.

  (End of this chapter)

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