Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1282: Free and easy to give up

   Chapter 1282

   "I can't do it slowly." Jiang Xiaobai said: "I have been driving with me since 1979. You can't drive me forever."

   Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, it is necessary to be a property company, and Jiang Xiaobai also wants to give Li Longquan a future.

  From 1979 to today, it has been more than ten years.

   "Why can't, I am willing to drive without having to worry about anything, and there is a lot of money. I really don't want to do it." Li Longquan shook his head.

  Wang Meng on the side, Chubei Pingping people are a little dazed.

  What a great opportunity. Although it is a property company, as long as Jiang Xiaobai pays attention to it, the scale of the future will not be small.

  In fact, Wang Meng, Chu Beiping and the others are okay, while the others at Changxingju Real Estate Company are completely a little surprised.

  Pay money and hire someone to do your business, but if you don’t want to, you are willing to drive.

  There are such people in the world, yes, they have seen them now.

  They could hear what Jiang Xiaobai said, it was not polite, it was really heart-warming.

  I have been with Jiang Xiaobai for more than ten years, more than ten years.

   "Have you considered it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly.

   "Well, I have been thinking about it for a long time." Li Longquan said truthfully.

   "Don't regret it?"

  Li Longquan smiled freely: “I have no regrets. I didn’t even have a job. If I didn’t meet you, I might be a part-time worker. Maybe I still don’t know where to eat.”

  "Now, I have taken all my daughter-in-law and children from my hometown. I have a house in Longcheng, and my child’s school is also good.

  There are also those comrades in arms. Now they have a rich life, and the money is enough to spend. What can I regret? What can I regret..."

  Li Longquan laughed very freely, this kind of happiness can be felt by everyone present.

  This is a man who is particularly satisfied with life, and the kind of free and easy energy makes everyone envious.

  A good future is in front of me, and I pushed it out without hesitation, not the kind of entangled giving up.

  Even this kind of free and easy infects everyone in an instant, making many people want to learn from Li Longquan.

   Give up fame and fortune and live a good life.

  It was just a moment, and that moment passed.

  Everyone still has to work hard and live, and many things don’t mean you can give up if you give up.

  After all, I have been fighting for it for so long, and after paying so much, I can give up easily.

  The heartbeat is only a moment, Beishangguang does not believe in tears, let alone the special zone of Pengcheng.

   "Okay, then don't do it, do whatever you like, we have this condition." Jiang Xiaobai picked up the glass and had a drink with Li Longquan.

  Everyone realized this, fucking, and waiting for others to compare with Li Longquan.

  People have this condition, backing on Jiang Xiaobai, and following Jiang Xiaobai for more than ten years, of course you can do whatever you want.

  There is no shortage of money, no lack of contacts, Jiang Xiaobai can help whenever there is a problem.

   But their own, no money, nothing here.

  What are you talking about giving up, giving up a fart, giving up drinking northwestern wind?

   scolded in his heart, but fortunately he didn't give up. You are not even qualified to give up. If you want to live, you need to work hard.

   "At that time, I will go back to Peiping and get the property company up first, and wait until there is a suitable candidate."

   Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay, don't worry, I will report to you after I take it." Chu Beiping said.

  "Okay, please feel free to contact us. We must pay attention to this work. We have completed several phases and the owner has already moved in. So follow-up property services must keep up in time.

  In addition to the maintenance of the community, it also needs property maintenance..."

   After a few words, Jiang Xiaobai won't mention this, and let's talk about it when Chu Beiping returns to the handover with Li Longquan.

  This is not something that can be said clearly at the dinner table, and I am going to the north to go abroad next.

  I don’t have time to deal with it. I have to wait until I come from abroad.

   "By the way, Jiang Dong, I need to report something to you." Wang Meng said suddenly.

   "You said." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

   "There are two real estate companies who want to develop a plot with us in partnership."

  "Two real estate companies, jointly develop a plot?" Jiang Xiaobai was a little confused.

  "Yes, they came to talk about a plot, and they plan to jointly develop that plot, which looks like eight to ten plots.

  At that time, eight large-scale communities to ten large-scale communities will be connected to the city, and then the surrounding facilities will be planned. "Wang Meng said.

  Wang Meng said this, Jiang Xiaobai probably understood it in his heart.

   "Is that land a bit desolate in Pengcheng now? It's in the suburbs?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Wang Meng was taken aback and looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "Jiang Dong, how did you know?"

   "Haha, guess." Jiang Xiaobai said, in fact, this kind of real estate development method is very common in some large cities, but mainly in first-tier and second-tier cities.

  There are few plots in the center of first- and second-tier cities, and the cost of acquiring land is high.

   But relatively speaking, the land in the remote areas, or the suburbs, is cheaper.

  If a real estate company develops one or two communities, it is to build houses in the suburbs, and the surrounding schools, commercial complexes, hospitals and other plans cannot keep up.

  House prices can’t rise either...

  But if multiple real estate companies unite to develop many communities at once, and there are enough people, they can naturally apply for government supporting resources, schools, and hospitals.

  With people and related supporting facilities, this place is equivalent to being developed.

  Then build a large-scale commercial complex by itself, which immediately brought up the compelling characteristics of the surrounding communities.

  House prices will naturally rise with the tide.

  Obtaining land at low prices and selling at high prices, this is naturally a profitable project.

  But this kind of operation difficulty, the difficulty lies in the need for multiple real estate companies to jointly develop.

  A real estate company simply can't do it, even if it is rich, it still needs support from all kinds of contacts.

   "Guess, Jiang Dong, you are too good, so there must be some basis for it?" Liu Hui and Chu Beiping asked.

"Of course there is a basis. In fact, as long as you use your brain, you can think of what joint development is for. Of course, so many real estate companies are combined to make a little more money, and now..." Jiang Xiaobai said this development model. I want to understand.

   "Jiang Dong, when you say this, we will understand it, it really is so!"

   "Let's talk about it, those two real estate companies?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  "It is Dongxing Real Estate Company and Vanke Real Estate Company." Wang Meng said.

  (End of this chapter)

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