Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1295: Communication satellite

  Chapter 1295 Communications Satellite

  Mou Qizhong is actually not ignorant of how fantastic his ideas are in the eyes of others, and he wants to make a project to transform the Great Northwest.

  It’s not enough to rely on him alone, he needs the support of many people, such as Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai is the most important character in the sequence he fought for.

There is no him. One is because of Jiang Xiaobai's ability. In Mou Qizhong's view, Jiang Xiaobai is now second only to him in the domestic business community.

  The other is that Jiang Xiaobai, a dog, is rich, and he has made a lot of money now.

   But when compared with Jiang Xiaobai, the rich native, he was a little insignificant, and his current worth was several hundred million, which was still all his assets.

   But Jiang Xiaobai, he only knew that he had spent billions of dollars in the north.

  If you have Jiang Xiaobai’s support, you can give yourself a lot of support if you miss something.

  But the only problem is Jiang Xiaobai. He didn't agree to do this project with himself. As soon as he mentioned it to him, he changed the subject and didn't pick up questions at all, let alone cooperate.

  So this time, if the launch of the satellite can be successful, Jiang Xiaobai may change his attitude.

  The other thing is that he also needs the support of some other people in the country, and he has done "canned food for planes."

  If we do the launch of satellites again, maybe our own reputation in the domestic business community can reach a peak.

  Of course, this matter is mainly because Jiang Xiaobai's reputation is not disputed, and everything is let to him.

  The last point, if you can make some money, invest in the development of the Great Northwest.

   So when Jiang Xiaobai said that, Mou Qizhong was really tempted.

  "Xiaobai, which satellite do you like?" Mou Qizhong asked.

  "This communication and broadcasting satellite. I like this broadcasting and communication satellite. One is that it runs for a long time, and the other is that it is easier to achieve in terms of profitability. It is the most suitable as the first satellite launched by our company.

  There is also the issue of launch cost. This communication and broadcasting satellite is considered the most suitable among the launch costs of these satellites."

   Jiang Xiaobai slowly said his reasons, he was also thinking about accumulating prestige.

  Prestige is sometimes useless, but sometimes it is also useful.

  Especially when doing business to the level of Jiang Xiaobai, although Huaqing Holding Company does not have much foreign debt, it also needs a reputation.

  As long as Jiang Xiaobai has no failed investments and continues to succeed, there will always be people who believe that they will respond to everything they want to do.

  So if the satellite launch this time is successful and profitable, then Huaqing Holdings will really release the satellite.

  If it fails, it will become a failure in the history of Huaqing Holdings' investment. In the future, Jiang Xiaobai will propose any investment or project, and others will wonder if it is appropriate.

  "After the successful launch of this communication broadcast, we have no problem whether we use it ourselves, establish a radio and television station, or rent it to other radio and television stations.

  With our own radio and television station, or a relationship with radio and television stations, we can involve the film and television industry in the next step..."

   Jiang Xiaobai talked about his plan. In his future vision, Huaqing Holding Company is a behemoth that spans various industries.

  Now if there is a chance, launch a satellite, and then acquire a broadcasting company from Hong Kong or abroad, even if Huaqing Holdings is officially involved in the media industry, it will make two more movies and two TV shows.

   "Haha, okay, my brother, I listen to you." Mou Qizhong said with a laugh.

  He doesn’t understand some of Jiang Xiaobai’s ideas, like building a house or working as a media company.

  What are you doing in these businesses? It’s too vulgar. It’s better to develop the Northwest to improve the country’s agricultural problems.

  But this Jiang Xiaobai is really making money in these businesses, so this time he is going to agree to Jiang Xiao’s choice.

   "Okay, then we will order this satellite and talk about cooperation with Boris later." Mou Qizhong said.

  After the two agreed on their opinions, the two parties began to study the broadcasting and communications satellite.

  Various materials of broadcasting and communication satellites were extracted from inside.

  "Is the price of 20 million US dollars too expensive?" Zhao Xiaojin said.

   "Indeed, the price of 20 million U.S. dollars is a bit expensive. They are not launched for us alone. They are all multi-stage launch vehicles...can be launched at one time..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, many people may not understand it. Simply put, it means "multiple satellites with one arrow". One rocket launches multiple satellites.

  This technology Baikonur Cosmodrome is the second realization in the world, launching eight satellites with one rocket at a time.

  And the satellite that Jiang Xiaobai and others talked about this time also used the technology of multiple satellites with one arrow.

  "50 million U.S. dollars, according to the exchange rate at this time, one U.S. dollar can be exchanged for more than 5 yuan, so 50 million U.S. dollars is equivalent to more than 200 million 300 million yuan." Mou Qizhong said.

The total registered capital of   satellite company is only 50 million. In other words, if you want to win this satellite, according to the current price given by the Baikonur Cosmodrome, that is to say, you need to invest 200 million.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, thought for a while and said, "I think there is still room for bargaining on this."

  In fact, the cost of launching this satellite is also declining as the technology matures.

  In the beginning, launching a satellite once required tens of billions of funds.

  When it comes to the cost of launching a satellite in later generations, it will drop again and again, and it will be able to launch a satellite at 20 to 30 million US dollars.

  And what the approximate launch cost is now, Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t know, but the price of 50 million US dollars is indeed a bit expensive.

   "Well, then, in addition to broadcasting and communication satellites, let's use weather satellites as a foil to make a price, otherwise it will be too expensive." Mou Qizhong said.

  Hundreds of millions of yuan, Nande Company does not have so much working capital at all, and it may need to use loans.

  Of course, the money is a matter for the future. Whether the Baikonur Cosmodrome can agree to cooperate and help launch satellites is not necessarily.

  After eating at noon, and then talking in the afternoon for another afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Qizhong reached agreement on many situations.

   "By the way, let's talk here. Has Huade Satellite Company come?" After all the things were finalized, Mou Qizhong suddenly remembered an important question.

   "Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded likewise, he also thought about it, as if that was the case.

  (End of this chapter)

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