Chapter 1308 Promotion

   "What are you celebrating? I have eaten with my colleagues, and I am not the office director of the main factory." Zhao Xinyi shook her head.

   "Director of the General Factory Office, Xinyi, you dare to think too." Jiang Xiaobai said silently, Zhao Xinyi's ambition is still quite high.

  In fact, it is very important to be promoted to the office director. Even for Longgang, the change of office director of a branch factory is a very important position change.

  The office director of Longgang's branch plant is in the leadership team of the branch plant, and the next step may be the position of deputy director of the branch plant.

  So the importance of the post of office director can be imagined.

  The office director of the branch plant, this is also a leader in Longgang.

   "What's wrong? Can't it? I also graduated from a prestigious university." Zhao Xinyi said proudly.

  It has been these years. Because of Jiang Langlang, she herself did not ask for progress. Otherwise, she might be able to be the deputy director of the branch factory now, and it is not impossible for her to be the director.

  After all, Zhao Xinyi's conditions are set here. She graduated from a prestigious university and she is a beautiful person.

  My father is the director of Longgang Steel, and my husband is the chairman of Huaqing Holding Company.

  The two companies add up, and the energy of the whole Jin Province is needless to say.

  So this is why Jiang Xiaobai has not moved his headquarters to the south. Sometimes one plus one is really greater than two.

  So Zhao Xinyi has such unique conditions, even if he is 30 years old as the director or deputy director of a branch factory, it is not impossible.

  However, Zhao Xinyi has given a lot for this family, so her progress is delayed.

   "Okay, if I say that the position of the office director of the branch factory is too low, it should be the office director of the main factory."

   Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "In this way, I greet people at night, and everyone will go to the big brother's place."

   "There is no need for such a big fanfare." Zhao Xinyi said embarrassedly.

   "Oh, just listen to me when it's alright, I'll go call." Jiang Xiaobai finished eating, put down the dishes, and ran to the room to make a phone call.

   "Hey, who are you looking for?"

   "Let me find my second brother, Jiang Zijian." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, this second brother is still very serious in his work.

  Never go home at noon and work overtime in the unit.

  "Jiang Zijian's younger brother...Ah, you are Zijian's younger brother, Jiang Dong?" Jiang Zijian's colleagues still know something about Jiang Zijian's family.

  Jiang Zijian has a mediocre personality and sophistication, but after coming to the unit, he has made progress.

  Why? It is because one of his younger brothers is the chairman of Huaqing Holdings.

  So called the second brother, then it is possible that Jiang Xiaobai called.

   "Haha, why don't Jiang Dong not Jiang Dong, I am Jiang Xiaobai." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  "Okay, Jiang Dong, you wait for me to call Zijian." Colleague Jiang Zijian said excitedly. It was enough to brag about being able to talk to people in the newspaper.

   Soon, Jiang Zijian answered the phone: "Hey, the third child, are you back?"

   "Yes, I'm back, let's get together with Big Brother tonight." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Okay, I have time here," Jiang Zijian said.

   "Okay, the second brother, please help me inform the others. At six o'clock in the evening, at the eldest brother's place, he said to leave a private room for the elder brother." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  He just made a phone call and took his son to the hospital for examination.

   "Okay, I'll call later." Jiang Zijian agreed.

  The two chatted casually, and then Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone.

   Then he called Zhao Gang again.

   "Oh, Xiaobai is back, when will he be back......" Zhao Gang asked with a smile.

   "Just come back, Dad, you and my mother will go to my elder brother tonight, let's have a meal together." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "You brought Langlang here, right?" Zhao Gang asked.


   "Then I have time, my mother and I will go there soon." Zhao Gang said.

   Jiang Xiaobai is a little helpless. Who are these people? If you don’t bring Jiang Langlang to the co-author, you two will have no time, right?

  After the phone call, the couple set off with their son.

   "Dad, I don't want to go to the hospital." Jiang Langlang mumbled in the car.

   "It's okay, just go to the hospital and get an injection." Jiang Xiaobai teased his son deliberately.

   "Ah, the injection, Dad, I'm not going, my nose doesn't hurt anymore." Jiang Langlang said anxiously.

  Seeing that his parents didn’t speak, Jiang Langlang quickly said, “Dad, it’s better not to go to school for two days.”

   "No, you must get an injection."

   "One day, just one day..." Jiang Langlang began to give in again.

   "Okay, don't tease your son." Zhao Xinyi said helplessly.

   "Haha, if you don't have an injection, just take a photo." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Jiang Langlang relaxed immediately. He was not afraid to go to the hospital, but he was afraid to get an injection.

   After going to the hospital for an examination, and saying that it was okay, Jiang Xiaobai was relieved. The family of three had fun outside for an afternoon, and then when the sky darkened, Jiang Xiaobai drove his wife and son to the Sanjin Hotel.

  At this time, all the Jiang family at the entrance of Sanjin Hotel have arrived.

  Received a call from Jiang Zijian, and the rest of the Jiang family has arrived.

  At the beginning, they all waited in the private room. Jiang Xiaobai was his family, and they waited outside the door without seeing them.

  But soon Zhao Gang and Han Lin arrived. As soon as Zhao Gang arrived, Zhang Shoujun, Ding Xiaorong, and Jiang Honglan were all working in Longgang. They were a little nervous when they met their leaders.

  It's okay for those unintentional careers like Ding Xiaorong and Jiang Honglan. Although they are a little nervous, they can still be treated as Jiang Xiaobai's in-laws.

  But Zhang Shoujun is different. He is a person who wants to make progress.

  Looking at the biggest leader in my factory, I can't say a bit nervously.

   "Director Zhao."

   "Shoujun, right? Hello." Zhao Gang and Zhang Shoujun shook hands.

  'S eyes have been staring outside.

   "My family, go upstairs." Jiang Tieshan said to Zhao Gang with a smile.

   "My family, I'll wait a while, Xiaobai said, and I will bring Langlang over." Zhao Gang was unwilling to go upstairs, he wanted to welcome his grandson as soon as possible.

  Think about the way his grandson got out of the car and ran towards him with his short legs. Zhao Gang couldn't move his footsteps.

   "Haha." Jiang Tieshan can understand Zhao Gang's feelings. It's better for him to have more grandchildren.

  But Zhao Gang only has such a baby grandson, and he is busy at work, so he knows how excited it is to see his grandson.

   "Then I'll go up first." Jiang Tieshan didn't take this opportunity with Zhao Gang. He was fine when he retired, and he wanted to see his grandson for more time.

  (End of this chapter)

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