Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1392: Final request

   Chapter 1392 The Last Request

  "Director Xiaobai is here."

  As soon as Jiang Xiaobai arrived at Huang Zhongfu’s door, he ran into the villagers who came to see Huang Zhongfu.

  Huang Zhongfu has been serving as Party secretary in Jianhua Village for so many years. He is very prestigious and respected by the villagers.

  Now that his body is dysfunctional, the villagers who come to Huang Zhongfu's house to see Huang Zhongfu are endless.

  Some people come every other day, and some people come twice a day.

   "Well, I'll take a look at the old party secretary." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

   "The old party secretary is now..." The neighbor was in a deep mood and walked in with Jiang Xiaobai and others.

   When Jiang Xiaobai entered the house, he saw a bunch of people in the house and the strong smell of medicine in the house.

  "Xiaobai Director."

  "Director Xiaobai..." When everyone in the room saw Jiang Xiaobai coming in, they stood up and said hello.

  The people in Jianhua Village called Jiang Xiaobai more often than the original "Director Xiaobai".

  As for Jiang Dong, they are not used to calling it that way, because when they knew Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai was "the director of Xiaobai."

   "Hmm." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and looked towards the bed.

  "Xiaobai...coming, cough cough..." Huang Zhongfu lay on the bed, struggling to get up, but Jiang Xiaobai walked quickly to the bed and held it down.

   "Uncle Huang, don't move, I'll come back to see you." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Huang Zhongfu who was already skinny, feeling a little sad.

  I think when they jumped in, Huang Zhongfu didn't say that he was young and strong, but he was physically strong.

  The voice is full of breath, and the rocker is straight. With him, Jianhua Village will have the backbone.

   "I... also tell you to do...what, cough cough cough...influence and affect your work." Huang Zhongfu can't say a complete sentence anymore, and he has to cough for a few sentences, which is very laborious.

  "I should be back, Uncle Huang, you will recover well and you will get better..." Jiang Xiaobai was comforting Huang Zhongfu by saying something against his heart that he didn't believe in.

  Unexpectedly, Huang Zhongfu laughed. Although the scrawny face smiled harder, the smile was not very good.

  But he is very sincere, and it can be seen that he is really happy.

   "Xiao Bai, I... my own illness... I know it in my heart, cough, cough, cough. It's not going to be better... No, there is no taboo, I can close my eyes..." Huang Zhongfu said diligently.

  "Stop talking, take a break." Jiang Xiaobai couldn't bear it.

   "It's okay, I can say... two sentences, just say two sentences, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to say..."

   Huang Zhongfu said, someone in the room was already sobbing.

  Family, come to visit Huang Zhongfu’s village.

  Huang Zhongfu served as the secretary of the village. After decades of work, no one in the village had a big or small affection. Huang Zhongfu did not look at the situation beside him.

  I stretched out my hand every time, especially when I was unable to eat for a few years.

   "Director Xiaobai, let him speak." Huang Zhongfu's son said to the side, his father is so sick that not only his son, he stays at home all day long.

  The two married girls also returned with their son-in-law and children.

   "Okay, you say, I'm listening." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and bent down slightly to get closer to Huang Zhongfu, so that Huang Zhongfu didn't have to speak so hard.

   "I have no regrets in my life, everyone in Jianhua Village is now rich, and I have nothing to miss..."

   "Uncle Huang, Jianhua Village will get better and better in the future. You have to stand up and see the future Jianhua Village..." Jiang Xiaobai still remembers.

  It would be because of the work points, and the educated youth at the brigade office would be quarrelsome. Huang Zhongfu was desperate for the villagers to be able to divide more and save some lives.

  That meeting Jiang Xiaobai's impression of Huang Zhongfu was not good. From his own point of view, he was deducted from work, and of course he felt uncomfortable.

  I just think that Huang Zhongfu is a cunning and treacherous rural cadre.

  Later, their educated youth came back with canned bottles. It rained heavily, and it was Huang Zhongfu who rushed into the heavy rain to help.

  After getting along slowly, Jiang Xiaobai also understood that Huang Zhongfu was not cunning or treacherous, but to enable more people to survive.

  The reputation of begging rice village for so many years, Jiang Xiaobai believes that Huang Zhongfu of Jianhua Village is definitely the one in his heart.

  "I don’t need to watch it. I’m fine now, and when I do better in the future, or when there is something important in Jianhua Village, I’ll talk about it before my grave, and I’m satisfied."

  Huang Zhongfu said that he is already very satisfied with the current Jianhua Village, or can develop to the present, he can't even think about it.

  As for the best time, he can't think of it, so he doesn't need to think about it anymore.

  He is very satisfied...

  "Dad." Huang Zhongfu's son shouted, and then began to cry.

  The other villagers around did not know when they went out, leaving time for Jiang Xiaobai and Huang Zhongfu.

  In fact, these should be regarded as the two leaders of Jianhua Village.

  He Guanghua took over the position of the village party secretary. Jiang Xiaobai never took over any position in the village from beginning to end.

  But Jiang Xiaobai really took over the burden of the villagers from Huang Zhongfu, leading them to make a fortune.

  Everyone also trusts Jiang Xiaobai very much.

  So even if Jiang Xiaobai does not have any position in Jianhua Village, many people think Jiang Xiaobai as the second leader of Jianhua Village.

  And He Guanghua, that must be the third generation, and belong to the generation that enjoys its success.

  So He Guanghua, even if he is now in charge of the pig farm, took the baton from Jiang Xiaobai and led the villagers to move on.

   But compared with Huang Zhongfu and Jiang Xiaobai, it is still a lot worse.

   "Xiao Bai... I have a personal request."

   "You said." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

   "I've been upright and honest all my life. Of course, there was nothing in Jianhua Village that would make... I embezzle..."

  At this time, Huang Zhongfu was still in the mood to make jokes, but Jiang Xiaobai really couldn't laugh.

   "Now I am a private person, please, at the right time... take good care of my son... and two daughters." Huang Zhongfu said, not daring to look at Jiang Xiaobai.

  Maybe he begged for the first time for his own family.

   Jiang Xiaobai agreed without thinking about it.

   "No problem, don't worry." Jiang Xiaobai said, and didn't think there was any problem.

  A little selfishness at the end of life, this is human nature, it couldn't be more normal.

   And it’s still a troublesome self, not trouble the village, let the village ask for care.

   "Then...I'm relieved, thank you..." After such a conversation, Huang Zhongfu couldn't hold it anymore.

  "Dad, don't say it, don't say it." Huang Zhongfu's son came over, crying. This is the father using the last time of his life to pave the way for himself.

  (End of this chapter)

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