Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1395: He Guanghua was scolded

   Chapter 1395 He Guanghua was scolded

  Looking at He Guanghua's nonchalant appearance, Jiang Xiaobai stopped and looked back at him coldly.

  The smile on He Guanghua's face slowly solidified.

  "Is it because I can't speak well?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

", director Xiaobai, it's normal for this pig farm to have a bit of smell..." He Guanghua was still trying to explain to Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't say a word, just looking at He Guanghua, slowly He Guanghua I shut up and stopped talking.

  "From tomorrow, your family will move to the pig farm." Jiang Xiaobai moved forward with a sentence.

   "No, Director Xiaobai, I was wrong, I value..." He Guanghua chased after him with a bitter expression.

  "Director Xiaobai, listen to me..."

   "Okay, don't say anything." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, unwilling to listen.

  After arriving at the new factory, Jiang Xiaobai took a look, and after the completion of the new factory, there were no fish ponds or emperor bamboo grasses.

  Yes, this new pig farm is farther away from the village, and the smell may not float to the village no matter how far, but it is pollution to the environment.

  "Director Xiaobai, the size of our pig farm is larger than the size of the pig farm over there..."

  He Guanghua said half of his words, and Jiang Xiaobai interrupted: "So I think my integrated ecological cycle pig raising method is useless, so it's not complete at all?"

is it? Of course it is, but He Guanghua doesn't dare to say that. He still has this wink.

   "It's not..." He Guanghua squatted to explain, but he couldn't tell why it came. After all, he didn't build a fish pond and grow bamboo grass.

  It means to say that the flower comes, and it won’t grow out of emperor bamboo grass, and it will turn into a fish pond out of thin air.

   "Let's go, go to your slaughterhouse and cold storage, and take a look at the processing plant." Jiang Xiaobai said nothing, did not criticize or scold again.

   "Don't go, call a car to come over." Jiang Xiaobai said, he was not interested in walking down two places.

  It's better to take the car and hurry up, maybe take a look.

   "Oh." He Guanghua responded, and then hurriedly greeted people to call for a car.

  He was a little bit apprehensive in his heart. He originally thought that he had done a good job, so he might ask Jiang Xiaobai to advise him in the general direction.

   And deep in my heart, I also feel that I have done a good job, a bit of showing off, I want to get Jiang Xiaobai's affirmation.

  Even in this situation, should I smile and nod in agreement, or should I smile and be modest and say nothing but what I should do.

  No matter what, I should be smiling.

  But I didn’t expect that Jiang Xiaobai was dissatisfied with sewage.

   And now that Jiang Xiaobai looks like this, I kind of want to deny myself completely.

  To be honest, He Guanghua regrets a little bit. If he knew that, he would not call Jiang Xiaobai over.

  Now that I have not received praise, it is all a lot of criticism, and I have to live in the pigsty.

  I used to know that Jiang Xiaobai is abusive, but it’s the first time I tried it today. Whether it’s living in a pigsty or a family in a pigsty, Jiang Xiaobai can also think of it...

  The car arrived soon and went to the slaughterhouse. The slaughterhouse is in the village, next to the cold storage.

  The processing plant is on the other side of the village. Jiang Xiaobai spent two hours looking at these places.

  I also saw He Guanghua’s one-stop process, which is from the pig farm, then to the slaughterhouse, and after the slaughter.

  One part is directly packaged and sold white striped pigs, and the other part is sent to the processing plant to be frozen and then sold.

  There is no problem in the process.

  Out of the processing plant, He Guanghua checked the time, and it was almost noon.

   Then he said, "Director Xiaobai, you think that's the point too, otherwise let's have a meal first?"

  Jiang Xiaobai cast a glance at He Guanghua and asked, "How to eat and where to eat? Go to your pig farm?"

  He Guanghua smiled bitterly, this matter is going to be overwhelming, can you eat in the pigsty?

  Jiang Xiaobai’s ability to fascinate people, he has experienced it today.

   "Go to my house, I will let your younger siblings fry two dishes, or let's go to the restaurant in the village. Last year, a neighbor from the village came over and opened a small restaurant in the village.

   said it was the chef of some big restaurant in the ancestors. He knows two special dishes, and the taste is not bad! "

  He Guanghua said that Jiang Xiaobai was interested.

   "Is there still restaurants in the village?" Jiang Xiaobai asked. He hasn't been in the village for a long time, and he really doesn't know about this.

  Unexpectedly, there are restaurants in the village.

   "Yes, it's next door to the sixth aunt's house. Of course, the house is not owned by the restaurant owner, or the original Wang and Lao San's house. Wasn't his family in trouble?

  The house was not sheltered from wind or rain. Later, the village did not move to a new house. The homestead belonged to his house, and he ignored it.

  Later, the owner of the restaurant took a fancy to it. They gave him 8,000 yuan, but he still quit, renting it to them for ten years at a price of 300 yuan a year, and then they will leave it to him when they are renovated. "

  He Guanghua saw that Jiang Xiaobai had a smile on his face, so he introduced it and worked harder.

   "Wang Lao San, I know him, this kid used to be idle all day long, but now he also has a business mind." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  One side is 8,000 yuan to sell the homestead, and the other is ten years and 3,000 yuan in rent.

  Then the house will be repaired for free in the end. Choose between the two, why would you choose the latter?

   "Okay, then go to this restaurant." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  He Guanghua led the way, and several deputy factory directors behind him have been following along.

   Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s gloomy face with a smile all morning, he immediately followed up to talk.

  "Director Xiaobai, our village not only has restaurants, but also guest houses. It was opened by the old Wei family on the side of the village. He himself built a two-section small building at home. The business is not bad..."

   "When did the driver who pulls the goods come over, or come from another place to work, some family members come over. Many people live with him..."

   "Oh, is it? It seems that the village is pretty good now. It can retain people. As long as it can retain people, it can develop better and better.

  If the economy develops well, there will be more ways for everyone to make money.

  What small shops, restaurants, guest houses..." Jiang Xiaobai finally showed a smile on his face when he heard about these things.

  The development of Jianhua Village is getting better and better. It’s useless to have empty houses in the village anymore.

  Everyone can only face the loess and eat in the ground with their backs upside down. Whether they can eat or not depends on God’s mood.

  Drought or flooded, everyone has a bad harvest.

  (End of this chapter)

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