Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1402: Awareness is too high

   Chapter 1402 Awareness Is Too High

  So Huang Zhongfu was ruled out, the superiors were ruled out, those who were still in Jianhua Village, and those who could rush over to the finale, then Jiang Xiaobai was left.

  "Everyone, just sit down here..."" He Guanghua greeted him and continued to talk about the pig farm with several village officials.

   Let them have a preparation in their hearts so that after Jiang Xiaobai asked for a while, a group of people stared at them and didn't know anything, and was scolded by Jiang Xiaobai.

  As for myself, the pig farm I am responsible for is the first to bear the brunt of abuse.

  Ten years ago, when the Jianhua Village held a villagers’ congress, they all brought their own small horses and stools, and then sat in the yard of the brigade headquarters.

  Now that Jianhua Village is rich, it has set up a meeting room for the villagers’ congress, which can seat more than 500 people.

  Although it is in the village, it is not easy to set up such a large conference room. After all, although Jianhua Village does not talk about an inch of money.

  But various factories, supermarkets and the like, also use a lot of land.

  Therefore, such a meeting room was built, covering a large area, and the village was also negotiated, and it was reorganized later.

   "This time, the manager of Xiaobai is dissatisfied with the work of our pig farm. Everyone must know this in mind.

  Especially the problem of environmental pollution in pig farms should be the top priority. The manager Xiaobai may focus on this issue in a while, so everyone must pay attention and be prepared in mind..."

  He Guanghua said, several village cadres nodded one after another, thinking about what they should say for a while.

   But not how to explain, but what should be done in the next step, and explain to the director of Xiaobai, to try to quibble their own mistakes, they do not have the guts now.

Although it is said that Jiang Xiaobai is not very involved in the specific affairs of Jianhua Village now.

   "Yes, we did have some negligence in this regard, but there are also some objective reasons." Someone murmured, and then stopped talking, and quickly talked about countermeasures and some rectification work.

  He Guanghua spoke for a while, feeling a bit thirsty in his mouth. When he looked up at the crowd in the conference room, he was stunned.

  Why are so many people here? He had been discussing with several other village officials just now, but he really didn't notice.

  There are so many people here. The first three rows, the first five rows, and the first eight rows are all full.

  Not when so many people came, He Guanghua subconsciously looked at his watch.

  Is it three o'clock already? Just now I was too involved in the conversation, so I forgot the time, it's already time, so everyone has arrived.

  As a result, there is no, this is just less than two o'clock.

  I gave a little notice. It was less than an hour, and so many people came. The key is that it is still far from the meeting time.

  Moreover, many of the usual meetings, either are late or not come, and now they are all here, and they are still sitting in the first row. This is just a joke.

   "Lao Liu, I remember that you have been sitting and sleeping after a meeting?" He Guanghua said while looking at the man sitting in the first row.

   “Yes, but I’m in good spirits today and I’m not sleepy. You see, I still have a notebook. I will write it down as soon as I say something.” Old Liu smiled and shook the notebook in his hand.

  He Guanghua saw that all of these people were holding notebooks and pens one by one. I didn’t know that they thought they were all leading cadres.

   "No, Lao Liu, you don't know a few big characters. With your notebook and pen, Zhu Bajie wears glasses and pretends to be a college student?" He Guanghua asked.

   "That's not right. Party Secretary, I don't know a few, but I have participated in all the literacy classes in the village.

  I also know a lot of words. If I really don’t know how to write it, I can mark it, and I will know what it means at a glance. "Old Liu said.

  It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, people say it is very good.

  The key thing He Guanghua doesn’t understand is that you don’t usually have such a high level of consciousness.

  Why is this so positive today...

   "He branch secretary, they should have guessed that the director Xiaobai is coming. These people are better than monkeys with fur on their mouths."

   "I guessed it." It's okay not to say this. He Guanghua suddenly smiled bitterly when he said that.

  Yes, don’t think you are the party secretary in Jianhua Village, the biggest leader in the village, but the real leader in Jianhua Village has never been him.

  But Jiang Xiaobai, Huang Zhongfu, no, Huang Zhongfu may be much worse than Jiang Xiaobai.

  Huang Zhongfu has guarded them for decades, but it is Jiang Xiaobai’s ten years that really brought them wealthy.

  And myself...haha!

  Look at the people in this conference room. They are usually late, leave early, and those who don’t come. Lean back when they come, either sleeping or chatting.

  Now, there are still more than an hour before the meeting, which is full of enthusiasm. There are still many people entering the meeting place. When they come, they will move forward and bring notebooks and pens one by one. It seems that they are so easy to learn.

  And all this is because they guessed that Jiang Xiaobai might come.

   Really slap her face, but there is no way.

  The protagonist they are waiting for, Jiang Xiaobai, is now at Huang Zhongfu's house, talking to Huang Zhongfu.

  "I’m going to hold a meeting for everyone. It’s not going to work like this. Our Jianhua Village needs both gold and silver mountains and green mountains and green waters.

  It is impossible to destroy our beautiful place in order to make money.

  There is also that if we want to develop Jianhua Village, we need to bring outsiders..."

  Jiang Xiaobai said in a whisper, he didn't know how much Huang Zhongfu could still understand.

  However, Huang Zhongfu is the old party secretary of Jianhua Village. No matter what he is doing, he should tell Huang Zhongfu if he is reasonable.

  Although Huang Zhongfu is now lying in bed and can't move.

  Huang Zhongfu couldn't move, but he understood in his heart, he hadn't spoken, listening to Jiang Xiaobai's chattering.

   There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. What he was most afraid of was that as Jiang Xiaobai walked further and further, he would slowly forget Jianhua Village.

   But now I found out that although Jiang Xiaobai had gone far, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart had always been in Jianhua Village.

   It turned out that there was nothing wrong, but when something happened, Jiang Xiaobai never ignored it. This time, when he came back, he was going to hold a village meeting that he hadn't returned for so long.

  This way he can feel relieved, and he’s relieved to leave.

   "Xiaobai, don't worry... don't worry about it. From now on, Jianhua Village will leave it to... you." Huang Zhongfu said, pulling Jiang Xiaobai's hand vigorously.

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, trying to say a few words of comfort, but he didn't know what to say.

  Sitting with Huang Zhongfu for a while, Jiang Xiaobai watched that it was almost time before he got up and left.

  (End of this chapter)

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