Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1432: Never regretted

   Chapter 1432 No regrets

   "Xiao Bai is here, come in." Song Xin raised her hand and greeted.

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and sat opposite Song Xin.

  Song Xin stretched out her hand and placed the tea cup in front of Jiang Xiaobai. When she stretched out her hand, she revealed a lotus root-like wrist, like frost and snow, a little dazzling.

   Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes turned involuntarily, Song Xin noticed Jiao and said, "What are you looking at!"

   "Haha." Old Jiang Xiaobai blushed, and drank his tea.

   "Cow drink." Song Xin muttered, and fell on it again.

  "I remember the first time I saw you, it was in the university. Xinyi and I applied for a job in the student union, and I was also curious about the fact that we relied on our own ingenuity as soon as the school started..."

   "You might as well say that it's a mess." Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands and said with a smile while looking at Song Xin.

"Hehe, I remember the first time I met. You wore a sports suit. At that time, it was a different kind. Many people looked at you, but you were indifferent... I just felt it at the time." Song Xin said, she also fell into the memory. Among.

   "So handsome?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Bah, I think this person is really thick-skinned. If it were me, I would definitely be embarrassed and blush, but I didn't expect that I would be entangled for more than ten years."

  Song Xin continued, but Jiang Xiaobai couldn't pick it up.

  A woman can have a few decades, let alone Song Xin’s best ten years, Jiang Xiaobai is not Liu Xiahui.

  It’s Liu Xiahui. After ten years, the taste will change. This is because the opposite **** attracts each other...

  Is there any pure friendship between men and women? Jiang Xiaobai didn't know. Anyway, he himself would not have pure friendship with beautiful girls.

  Yes, it will become less pure in ten years. What's more, Song Xin didn't come to friendship at the beginning.

   Jiang Xiaobai also discovered this.

  If there is no Zhao Xinyi, the two might be together, but Zhao Xinyi is one step ahead of Song Xin after all.

   "Bang, bang, bang." The waiter knocked on the door and began to serve the food.

  They are all Jiang Xiaobai's favorites, and Jiang Xiaobai was given a bottle of wine.

   Jiang Xiaobai wanted to pour Song Xin a glass of wine, but Song Xin shook her head.

  Jiang Xiaobai drank it by himself, and then the two of them ate and chatted.

  I didn’t talk about work, everything happened in the university.

  After eating a full meal for three hours, Jiang Xiaobai drank a bottle of wine by himself.

   "Let's go, I'll take you back." Song Xin said.

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and got into Song Xin's car.

  Watching Li Longquan in Jiang Xiaobai’s car at the door, he drove to the house.

   "Come up and sit for a while?" Jiang Xiaobai asked when he got out of the car at the door of his house and looked at Song Xin.

   "No," Song Xin said.

   Jiang Xiaobai lay down on the car window and looked at Song Xin and said, "If you have anything to do in the future, call as soon as possible."

   "I will." Song Xin nodded.

   "I wish you a smooth journey." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, left the car window, and walked backwards.

   "I knew you were leaving that day.

  We didn’t say a word.

  When the bell sounds at midnight.

   Knock on the door of the painful parting heart.

  But can’t open your deep silence...

  Which day will I send you to the end?

  When the crowded platform is squeezed to see off people.

  But I can’t squeeze my deep sadness..."

  This song is not popular yet, but it has already come out. It is a member of the Little Tigers who is going to serve as a soldier. He wants to temporarily disband the Little Tigers. Wu Qilong wrote when he sent off his companions.

  A song can only be sung well if you have feelings.

  Ten years of feelings, today’s separation is imminent, Jiang Xiaobai’s voice is not loud, and he slowly leaves while singing, his eyes are always on Song Xin.

  "When you step on the platform, you will walk alone.

  I can only bless you deeply.

  Deeply wish your dearest friend.

  I wish you all the best..."

   Jiang Xiaobai's figure has disappeared, but the singing is still echoing in Song Xin's ears.

  Song Xin lay on the steering wheel, sobbing up and down.

   kept muttering: "This **** will be sensational and make people cry.

  I’m going to leave and make me cry. I don’t know if tears are not good for the baby, bastard, bastard..."

It was a long while before Song Xin drove away.

  It’s just that this night is doomed to sleepless...

  The next morning, Jiang Xiaobai got busy when he came to the office.

  All kinds of documents and schedules are almost full.

  Zhang Weiyi left, and he has not yet reached the north.

  However, Li Xiaoliu has arrived one step ahead of schedule, but his main energy is still concentrated on the Baikonur Cosmodrome, preparing to launch satellites.

  I heard that I have recruited several highly educated talents in Beijing, all of whom are old professors specializing in this area of ​​research in key universities.

  The spring breeze has disturbed the hearts of the people, and many people are unwilling to stay in school, and live in poverty with a salary of several hundred yuan a month.

  Just when Jiang Xiaobai was busy all morning and was about to get up to have a meal, the phone on the desk rang.

   "Hello." Jiang Xiaobai answered the phone.

   "I have arrived in Beijing, and I have not regretted it in the past ten years."

   "Beep beep." After a thoughtless sentence, a busy tone came from the phone, and it was obvious that the other side had hung up.

  Jiang Xiaobai clutched the phone, speechless for a long time, Song Xin left.

  No regrets...He didn't want to admit it, and didn't want to think about Song Xin's departure. He deceived himself and felt that if he didn't ask or think about it, Song Xin might not have left.

  He dare not ask...

  Ten years, no regrets! Jiang Xiaobai put down the phone, looked at the door and shouted.

   "Xiao Jin, find Li Longquan for me."

   "Okay." Zhao Xiaojin responded, and quickly put Li Longquan into Jiang Xiaobai's office.

   "What do you think of that Liu? Did you go back? Did you go in for reform?"

   "I went back this morning, and there is no news that I have come in yet." Li Longquan replied.

  After finishing the day before yesterday, Li Longquan arranged for someone to stare at Liu Chuanqi and his son.

  It’s just that he was a little puzzled that Jiang Xiaobai would generally not care about such trivial matters.

  Sometimes, even when I get busy, I forget it. Usually, he helps to stare at him. When the matter is over, he will talk to Jiang Xiaobai again.

"Okay, stare at him, and give him another day. If I haven't entered tomorrow, I will collect the non-compliant areas of Liu Chuanqi's property under his name, and then find someone to order him, what stuff." Jiang Xiaobai cursed. .

   "Okay." Li Longquan nodded, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai's expression not good, a bit irritable, and felt that it would not be enough.

  It should be Jiang Xiaobai who was angry, so he put his anger out on Liu Hui thinking this hapless guy.

  But what caused Jiang Dong to make such a big fire? There seems to be nothing wrong with the company recently...No, Mr. Song.

  Li Longquan understood a little bit. Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai had nothing to say, he quickly retreated and stopped spreading to himself. You must be careful in the past two days. Jiang Dong's mood is not very good.

  (End of this chapter)

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