Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1436: Jiang Xiaobai's threat

   Chapter 1436 Jiang Xiaobai’s Threat

  It has been two days since I came back to Chase City. Since leaving that night, Liu Chuanqi has not returned home.

  I didn’t bother to look at that yellow-faced woman. She spent the past two days on Little Cutie, and came to the mine to see the situation today.

  As for his son's affairs, he was going to go home at night and then persuade him. Even deep in his heart, he also had an idea, maybe Jiang Xiaobai would not pursue it.

  That’s great, my son doesn’t have to go in.

"Jingle Bell."

  The phone on the desk rang, shocking Liu Chuanqi who was thinking.

   Then angrily grabbed the phone on the table: "Hey, who is it?"

   "Boss Liu, you are very angry." Jiang Xiaobai's voice came from the phone.

  Legendary Liu was a little confused, and then he heard it.

The expression on   's face suddenly became solemn, and the hope in his heart was also lost. Jiang Xiaobai was definitely not calling for a dinner, but about his son.

   But then, Jiang Xiaobai's words made him nervous.

   "What's the matter? I have been venting on Little Cutie for two days, is there still evil fire that has not vented?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

  But Liu Chuanqi felt cold all over, he stood up quickly, and then looked towards the window outside the office.

  I want to see if anyone is watching in the yard, the one who loads the car, the one who cleans the sanitation, and the outsider who is chatting with the sales department...

  Legendary Liu's gaze swept over a person, and he looked alike to every one, but no one looked alike.

  Jiang Xiaobai is staring at him. Others may speak casually, but Jiang Xiaobai will definitely not say such meaningless words.

  Jiang Xiaobai knew that he had been fooling around with Xiaomi for two days, and knew that he had just returned to the coal mine. As soon as the window of his office opened, Jiang Xiaobai called, and everything he did was under Jiang Xiaobai's supervision.

  Liu Chuanqi was cold all over, it was terrible, and he knew nothing. The people in the yard below must be Jiang Xiaobai. Who is it?

  When was I targeted...

  Legend of Liu Liu looked like a frightened bird. In fact, Legend of Liu was in the office, Jiang Xiaobai really didn’t know.

  He knew that Legend Liu had gone fooling around. As for the opening of the office windows, it was purely the shadow of Legend Liu.

   "Jiang Xiaobai, what do you want?" Liu Chuanqi asked tremblingly. He was scared, and anyone who was stared at 24 hours a day would feel scared.

   But after all he returned to Chase City, he was somewhat emboldened. After all, this was his own territory.

   "What do you want to do, doesn't Mrs. Liu know?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back, this Xiao Liu, who has become so courageous, even dared to call his own name directly.

  Liu Chuanqi choked, of course he knew.

   "It takes time, my house..." Before Liu Chuanqi had finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai interrupted him.

   "Boss Liu, that has nothing to do with me. I only look at the results. One day, I will give you one day today." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "No, the time is too short." Liu Chuanqi said.

   "Hehe, by the way, boss Liu, I heard that the detonator was lost before your mine. Some time ago, the massacre of a family of three in Datong City was caused by the explosion of the detonator.

  Will the detonator be the detonator in your mine? "

  Jiang Xiaobai suddenly changed his voice and talked about other things.

  However, Liu Chuanqi was shocked by the content of the words.

  Which coal mine does not use detonators, but according to regulations, such dangerous items as detonators need to strictly abide by the operating procedures and require certificates.

  But how can coal mines like theirs be so formal. The operation is done by people who are randomly looking for them, and they basically don’t understand anything.

  Not to mention the chaotic management of small coal mines like theirs. It is notorious. The loss of a detonator is normal.

  Many people use detonators to fry fish, and they are endless, but they are all right.

  But just after their mine detonator was lost for a while, the custodian of the mine detonator had an accident.

  Because of a conflict with his father-in-law's family, he took a detonator and killed all three of him and his father-in-law's family.

Needless to say, the origin of the detonator, the tool of committing crimes, must be from the Liujia Coal Mine.

  Of course it is a big problem to investigate this kind of thing, but if you look into it in depth, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

  After all, people were not killed by Liu Chuanqi, nor was he instigated. The management of various coal mines is rather chaotic.

  It was not his family, I can only say that he was rather unlucky, and this matter disappeared afterwards under his operation.

   But now Jiang Xiaobai is mentioning the old things again. If they really want to investigate, then their coal mines need to be closed for rectification.

   Jiang Xiaobai, this is already a direct threat.

   "Jiang Dong, if there is no evidence, can't you talk nonsense." Liu Chuanqi was frowning, but he insisted.

   "Hehe, I also heard that there was a landslide accident in your coal mine..." Jiang Xiaobai said politely.

  It’s just that Liu Chuanqi was interrupted before the words were finished.

  "Stop talking, one day, just one day, I will do it now." Liu Chuanqi said hurriedly.

   "Haha." Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Boss Liu, don't worry, it's all a matter of catching the wind, and there is no actual evidence yet. I will talk about it when there is actual evidence."

  Legendary Liu's legs are trembling. With actual evidence, Jiang Xiaobai will be given time. With actual evidence, Liu's coal mine will also be over.

   "No, Chairman Jiang, those are all things that are catching the wind, so I don't need to worry about Jiang Dong, I can handle it myself.

  Before get off work this afternoon, I promise to send my son in for renovation. "Liu Chuanqi said word by word.

   "Hehe, Mr. Liu doesn't call me Jiang Xiaobai anymore, just call me Xiao Jiang. I am a young man, whatever I call him."

   Jiang Xiaobai is still talking and teasing the legend of Liu.

Liu Chuanqi was full of bitter apologies, and Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone.

  What is something, Jiang Xiaobai called Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai is also something you can call.

  This is a coal mining company, a shit, if you offend someone, you don’t know how to die.

  Just looking for something wrong with the whole body, he even raised a second generation ancestor like Liu Huixiang.

  Hang up the phone, Liu Chuanqi drove home directly.

  He had no luck at all in his heart now. Jiang Xiaobai's shot was very sharp, and he immediately caught his deadly spot.

  If something went wrong in the coal mine, then the whole family would be gone. He didn't dare to bet on whether Jiang Xiaobai had any evidence.

  As long as you want to investigate things like that, there will be evidence. Once Jiang Xiaobai is stabbed out, with Jiang Xiaobai’s status, he still speaks with a certain degree of strength, then how could the Liu family's coal mines be able to withstand the investigation.

  (End of this chapter)

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