Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1465: Investment method

   Chapter 1465 Investment Methods

   Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the hospital three days after arriving at the Volga Automobile Factory, but he was reluctant to give up.

  The days in the hospital are really comfortable, lazily basking in the sun every day, lying on the bed, watching the unknown purple flowers growing and blooming in the sunshine on the windowsill, and then chatting with the beautiful girl Bragi.

  This kind of day, Jiang Xiaobai can't wait to continue, looking at Jiang Xiaobai's eyes Agata a little puzzled.

  How can a rich person like Jiang Xiaobai like a hospital? What's in the hospital? Nothing.

  Where there is fun outside, Jiang Xiaobai can buy the Volga Automobile Factory with all his money. It’s not impossible even to go to the other side of the ocean, so why would you like to stay in the hospital?

  "Chairman Jiang, likes to be in the hospital, and a little bit reluctant to leave?" Agata was a straight-tempered person, so he asked what he was thinking.

   "Yes, I'm a little bit reluctant. I really hope to stay in the hospital for more time." Jiang Xiaobai said. He didn't dare to say staying in the hospital all the time. It was a curse to himself, he wouldn't say it.

   "Why? You are well." Agata asked suspiciously.

   "Because it's easy, no need to work." Jiang Xiaobai tried to use simple language, as Agata could understand.

   "You have so much money, not working is enough for you to spend." Agata said.

   "Haha." Jiang Xiaobai didn't answer any more, leaving a question for the little girl.

  If you have money, you can not work. This is a truth for many people, but it is not for Jiang Xiaobai.

  From 1978 to 1992, he has not worked hard for money.

   While Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi were negotiating with Volga Automobile Factory, Sergei of Haqiao Father Automobile Factory received the news.

   Furiously, he sternly scolded Mr. Huang and the others, saying that Jiang Xiaobai had no integrity and was a villain.

  Mr. Huang said with a smile: "Director Sergey, we have never said that we will only purchase one, nor have we said that if we acquire the Ha Qiao father car factory, we will not purchase the Volga car factory.

  We can buy both, or neither, nor can we choose only one car factory whose conditions are favorable to us.

  The right to choose is in our hands, isn’t it? "

  Sergey looked at Mr. Huang with red eyes. This thin man with long gold-wired eyes has been constantly squeezing their conditions over the past few days.

  Continuously through your various ways, let them lower the conditions.

  Now he even went to the Volga Automobile Factory. Of course, he understood that behind all this was the one named Jiang Xiaobai.

  "Director Sergey, we are businessmen, just to make money. You have been talking with us about our feelings these days.

  The truck-aircraft combination is indeed very good, but it cannot create benefits for our company. The same is true for amphibious vehicles..."

   Mr. Huang said, the violent director Sergey slowly sat down, and the two sides continued to negotiate.

The progress of negotiations between    and Volga Automobile Factory is also progressing very quickly.

  Because the two sides have already made it clear that what Volga Automobile Factory will let out is only one-third of the production line. This is clear, and that is the issue of price.

  Volga Automobile Factory wants 800 million U.S. dollars, but Jiang Xiaobai gives up to 500 million U.S. dollars.

  The differences between the two sides are very big, and this point needs to be closed as soon as possible, but Jiang Xiaobai has not stayed at the negotiating table.

  After getting well, he wandered around in the production workshop of the factory, watching everything in the production workshop.

   "Lao Zhang, how long do you think it will take if we want to move these things back to China?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  "Three to five years." Zhang Weiyi replied. He knew what Jiang Xiaobai meant. These production lines are not meant to be shipped back to China.

  We still have to choose to rebuild the factory with various supporting facilities, so even if there is a ready-made production line to move back, it will take a long time to recover.

   "Three years, or five years, time is too long." Jiang Xiaobai sighed.

  A few years ago, SAIC Volkswagen was a small workshop in China, and it could only produce small speakers and the like.

  There is no such a sophisticated machine.

  But by 1992, they had done very well and had a very complete workshop.

  "It is best to purchase both. Volga Automobile Factory can produce parts and then assemble them in China.

  As for the father of Haqiao Automobile Factory, we can move back slowly. "Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Yes, but this way it will occupy a large part of our funds in the auto industry." Zhang Weiyi said.

  Jiang Xiaobai knows this, but if he wants to be in the automobile industry, he has to spend this little money.

  "Which way do you think we should invest in?" Jiang Xiaobai asked as he walked.

   "Can't our bank make direct investment?" Zhang Weiyi asked.

   "Okay, there is no problem, but in this way, does it belong to foreign capital in China, or is it domestically produced?"

  Banks and foreign industries have nothing to do with Huaqing Holdings. The only difference is that the boss is Jiang Xiaobai.

   "This... But if foreign capital invests in Huaqing Holding Company, then the foreign side will control Huaqing Holding Company." Zhang Weiyi said.

  If you invest in two companies this time, the capital used will at least exceed one billion US dollars, which still does not count the follow-up.

  If you want to move the Ha Qiao father car factory back to China, then a certain amount of capital is needed to build a factory in China.

   And at home, Zhang Weiyi knows that there is another strategic development department that is making plans, which is another sum of money.

  In this way, if it comes from Huaqing Holding Company, the foreign capital entering this time will become the largest shareholder of Huaqing Holding Company.

  Of course, the largest shareholder is still Jiang Xiaobai.

  "Let’s do this and acquire in the name of the bank here. After the acquisition is successful, the two auto factories are separated and the names are changed, but they are still two brands.

  Huaqing Holding Company contributed money and invested in the projects of these two auto factories. "Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said.

  In this case, the two auto factories are actually placed under the name of the bank, and they also cooperate with Huaqing Holdings.

   But in fact, they are not much involved in each other.

   "That's good." Zhang Weiyi said: "This is a joint venture car, right?"

   "Haha. Yes." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded. The main thing to do this is to leave a way for himself.

  This is Jiang Xiaobai’s main purpose, Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, can't all press Bao on it.

  (End of this chapter)

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