Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1478: The weakest of the three

   Chapter 1478

  "Car." Chen Dongsheng muttered, suddenly a bright light flashed in his mind.

Cars, is it because Jiang Dong has any cooperation with the car factory here? They are called here because the people in their group are doing family car plans, so they are sent to the group for business trips, and take this opportunity to let them group over. Visit to study and study.

  This is possible, and only in this way can we explain why the five groups of the strategic development department individually called them on business trips.

  If this is the case, then the business trip content of their group of ten people should be different from the other 100-odd people.

  As for Shi Sheng, he told them to go on a business trip because of their curiosity. Just listen to them, and whoever believes is a fool.

  However, there are some places that can’t explain it. That’s why it took so much effort to borrow so many cars. Could it be that there are other hidden reasons.

  Chen Dongsheng couldn't figure it out for a while, and soon everyone got in the car.

  Jill of Jiang Xiaobai—115 is big enough, Jiang Xiaobai is sitting in the co-pilot, and three people behind are more than enough.

  In addition to Liu Xiaomei and Zhang Weiyi, Chen Dongsheng also followed Jiang Xiaobai's car.

  As soon as he got on the bus, Chen Dongsheng asked, “Jiang Dong, are the ten people in our group different from the others on business trips?”

  Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Chen Dongsheng, the kid guessed it, so he nodded: "Yes, it's not the same."

   "Dong Jiang, is there anything else with our team?" Chen Dongsheng continued to ask.

   This time Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, denying Chen Dongsheng's guess.

   "Just to pick up people?" Chen Dongsheng asked?

   "Yes, it's just picking up people."

  Chen Dongsheng just straightened out his thoughts a little bit, and suddenly became confused again, is it so hard to pick up someone?

   "How is this car?" Jiang Xiaobai patted the dashboard, then turned to ask.

   "Okay." Chen Dongsheng's answer was simply incomparable.

  Liu Xiaomei nodded her head, summing it up very brilliantly with just one word.

   "Dong Jiang, are we going on a business trip this time related to the car?" Liu Xiaomei asked. She could tell that Jiang Xiaobai was selling the door and asked them to guess, but didn't want to tell them.

  Since the big boss has this hobby, of course they have to cooperate.

   "Yes, it has to do with cars." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Chen Dongsheng on the side of    was taken aback again. Jiang Xiaobai said just now that the task of their group is different from that of Liu Xiaomei and others.

  But now Liu Xiaomei and the others are on business trips related to cars, what about their group, has nothing to do with cars?

   messed up, messed up...

  "Okay, don’t guess. When I was in China, I didn’t say it for confidentiality, but now I don’t say it so that you can have a good rest.

  Wait until you have rested, then arrange your work. I am afraid that after the work is arranged, you are not in the mood to rest.

  Let’s say it first, this time the task is very heavy, and everyone must be mentally prepared to endure hardships.

  Also, this time not only our company, we will also invite a team from Europe and the United States to come and assist everyone.

  No, to be precise, we want everyone to learn from others and cooperate with the work. In addition, some people here will also participate.

  This time is considered a three-party cooperation, and the people at our company headquarters should be the weakest of the three parties. "

  Jiang Xiaobai watched Liu Xiaomei confess that Mr. Huang had the strongest professional auditing company from Europe and the United States, and then the investment department of the Flower Commercial Investment Bank.

  Many people in the investment department are also the elites that Zhang Weiyi dug back from abroad, and they have gone through practice. Last year they acquired many factories and some potential companies.

   At the end, there are people from the headquarters. There are a lot of people. They are said to be elites, but they belong to the short-term generals and have not participated in such acquisitions.

  Whether it is experience or ability, compared with the other two waves, there are some gaps.

   However, it was among the three waves that Jiang Xiaobai trusted the most.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much, but revealed a little information, but it was this little information that filled Liu Xiaomei with infinite daydreams.

  Guangzhou Huaqing Holding Company has recruited 100 people, which is regarded as the company's elite. Such a large team turned out to be the weakest of the three cooperative teams.

  And Jiang Xiaobai said, let them have a learning mentality, but there is no deeper meaning that Liu Xiaomei can hear.

  That is to trust them and let them also play a supervisory role.

   Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything about it. Just the tip of the iceberg made them feel that the workload this time would be very huge.

  Chen Dongsheng no longer wanted to ask. The one-hundred-person team was the weakest among the three parties. His ten-person team was obviously not included in Jiang Xiaobai.

   And this time it was a three-party team work, my God, Chen Dongsheng suddenly felt a little enthusiastic.

  Three hundred people have reached a small company or a factory. As a result, Jiang Xiaobai only used them to complete a job. It is conceivable that the job is huge.

  The car stopped at the gate of Huahua Commercial Investment Bank.

  Looking at a building full of exotic styles, most of them can’t understand and don’t know what it means.

   Jiang Xiaobai took them directly to the backyard. It turned out that Flower Bank was in this building.

  But last year, the hotel building at the back could not be maintained, Huahua bought it. The upper part continued to be operated as a hotel, and the lower floors were used for office.

  The courtyard wall is opened between the two buildings, which can be regarded as the backyard of the Flower Commercial Investment Bank.

  The steps in front of the Flower Commercial Investment Bank are quite good. Standing in the front yard, people who do not understand Russian do not understand what it is doing.

  Followed to the backyard, went to the hotel floor where he was located, arranged for the staff to dock, and then took a rest. When the cleaning was finished, it was almost time for lunch.

Back at the office, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Weiyi and said: "Lao Huang has already found an audit company and sent some information. I feel that this company is pretty good. I have participated in the acquisition audit of some large companies and have quite a lot of experience. I guess. I can be there tomorrow morning..."

"how much is it?"

   "Three million U.S. dollars." Jiang Xiaobai spit out a number, three million U.S. dollars, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the 1.2 billion U.S. dollar purchase.

  But if it is taken out alone, three million US dollars is equivalent to more than ten million yuan.

  More than ten million, it's just a single order. Now, there are only a handful of private enterprises with domestic assets of more than ten million.

  However, in order to make this acquisition smooth, Jiang Xiaobai still agreed to the price, and the acquisition of two auto factories across the country could not tolerate a trace of carelessness.

  Zhang Weiyi nodded. He has been abroad for a long time, and he probably understands the market in Europe and America. The price is a bit higher, but not too much.

  (End of this chapter)

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