Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1491: The reporter has a hard time

  Chapter 1491 The reporter encounters hard stubbornness

   That night, Laosan Li returned to Jianhua Village in a hurry, and the historical student in Longcheng also arranged work and set off for Jianhua Village overnight.

  Wang Meng, who was far away in Pengcheng, got the news and knew that his old father-in-law had an accident. Although there was some accident and anxiety, there was nothing to do, and he didn’t take it seriously. It was just that the incident was a little bit sudden and it was not a big deal.

   just called Li Laosan and asked Li Laosan to call him if he had something to do.

   and then continue to work on myself.

  As for Jiang Xiaobai, he was still on his way to the Baikonur Cosmodrome, and he didn't even go out to the northern countries in one day.

  I found a small town in the evening. I was resting. After a day of running, everyone was tired.

  Jiang Xiaobai also didn't want everyone to drive fatigued, although the area is sparsely populated, the probability of a car accident and a collision is not high.

  But there are still dangers such as a car overturning. Anyway, there is nothing to worry about at the Baikonur space launch site, so Jiang Xiaobai let everyone rest for one night before going on the road.

  Called Zhang Weiyi in the evening, and the two chatted for a while about the negotiation between the two auto factories, and there was no problem.

  There was no call from the country, Jiang Xiaobai was completely relieved, maybe it was just a sudden whim.

A sixth sense is not an important matter. In addition, in 1992, there were no major policy changes in the business world. This time, after the status of the multi-ownership economy was determined, it has never been repeated. .

  So Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t think of anything that could happen, so he continued on the way to the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the early morning of the next day.

   But just as Jiang Xiaobai set off, the entrance of Jianhua Village was brightly lit, and the villagers dug another trench behind the roadblock.

   Holding the torch and confronting each other, Li Laosan had already returned to the village, of course he did not enter from the entrance of the village.

  But went back from other roads, and the news back was kept secret and not publicized.

Soon after Li Laosan returned to the village, two men in jackets and glasses got out of the car at the entrance of Jianhua Village, then took out long and short cannons and aimed them at the brightly lit people at the entrance of Jianhua Village. Take pictures.

  "Kakaka." The flashlight kept on, which immediately attracted the attention of the villagers in Jianhua Village.

  They were confessed that they had been guarding reporters for a long time and were not allowed to take pictures.

  If it weren't for three o'clock in the morning, when people were most sleepy, they would have known the reporter when they got out of the car.

  Now that people are facing the camera, they realize.

   "There are reporters." A villager shouted.

   "Quickly, they took a picture, everyone wake up."

   "Some reporters are here, some reporters are here..."

   "Quickly wake up, a reporter is taking pictures..." Everyone yelled, and everyone woke up and panicked.

  The two reporters smiled and looked at the flustered look of the villagers, the expressions on their faces became even more proud.

  It's just a group of spoilers, they really regard themselves as personal things, and their reporters scared them when they came out.

   may really be a reporter from the provincial capital. The Yigao people are bold and confident. After discovering the panic of the villagers, they have been found to be reporters.

  Not only did not leave the scene quickly, but also held up various instruments, the camera lights up the red button, and began to record.

   "Excuse me, so many of you are jammed here, so you don't let the staff into the village..."

  "Excuse me..." Before the reporters asked a few words, they heard a shout from the opposite crowd: "Take their reporter's stuff."

   "Snatched, robbed..." The crowd yelled, and the law does not blame the crowd for withdrawing incisively and vividly at this moment.

  A pair of hands stretched towards the two reporters.

   "Ah..." The two reporters panicked and quickly prepared to retreat, but at this time there was no time. In panic, the two reporters were caught by the clothes by the villagers.

   Then drag it toward the front.

   "Let go, you are crazy, crazy..."

   "Let go of being bold, let go of us..."

   "What do you want to do, ah, let me go, let go..."

  The two reporters were struggling and shouting.

  They have seen this kind of situation there, and no matter what unit they go to, they always serve delicious food and drink.

  Don't care about the leaders of any level, they are all politely called, for fear that the hospitality will not be good.

  They had heard of Huaqing Holding Company, Educated Youth Cannery, and Jianhua Village.

   But I didn’t feel much about it. When they came, would they dare to treat them?

   But now, they started suddenly. They didn't have a little defense. They were completely caught off guard.


   "Ah..." With two howls, the two reporters were dragged directly into the trench. Fortunately, there was nothing inside.

   But just like that, it also threw the two big reporters into pieces, and the equipment in their hands was also snatched away.

   "Smashed things." A villager said, holding the guy in his hand, facing the camera thrown on the ground, the camera "kangkang" smashed it.

  "Don't touch our things!" The two reporters were still yelling loudly in the trench, but it was no longer useful.

  The two of them don't expect to stop, now they will save their lives first, leaving this place is the kingly way.

   angered in his heart, wishing to immediately publish the malignancy of the villagers in Jianhua Village in the newspaper.

  Dare to beat reporters and smash their equipment, even in the presence of relevant departments.

  This Jianhua Village is the first one. They swear in their hearts that they must let Jianhua Village not be able to eat. This time, if Jianhua Village is not turned upside down, they will never give up.

  There are also people from related departments who did not try their best to stop the villagers of Jianhua Village and protect them. These people can't let it go, and they must be told to explain.

  Too much, the two of them feel that they have suffered the greatest humiliation in their lives.

  Xiaocai encountered soldiers, and it is unreasonable. They feel this way now. They are very aggrieved and angry, but they have no power to restrain the chicken. In this case, there is nothing to do.

  And there is no evidence. Although I took a few photos in a panic just now, the cameras were looted and damaged by villagers in Jianhua Village.

   "We were wrong, let's go." A reporter who was a little older was softened.

  This group of stupid villagers, they can be regarded as knowledgeable, regardless of whether you are a reporter or not, and then buried yourself alive.

  People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. Now people are in the trenches, so they have to bow their heads and bow down.

  (End of this chapter)

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