Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1494: Stand the last guard

   Chapter 1494 Stand on the last post

  Someone came back soon, saying that they had not caught up.

  Shi Sheng was already mentally prepared, and didn't think there was anything, but Li Laosan cursed the incoming person with a dog-blood spray.

   "Okay, okay, what's the use of scolding him?" Shi Sheng frowned and sent people out.

   "President Shi, what should I do now?"

  "Which newspaper do these two reporters belong to?" Shi Sheng asked. He was going to find a relationship to see which newspaper person belonged to and whether he could suppress this matter.

   But I know in my heart that the possibility is unlikely.

  Two reporters ran all the way to Jianhua Village. It would be a joke to say that there was no one behind them.

  Since they have instructed, how can they let themselves be suppressed, they should have already thought about it.

   But what’s even more tragic is that several villagers don’t even know which newspaper the other party belongs to.

  Shi Sheng was so stupid by a group of people that he knew that he could beat people and solve problems violently, but he had no other ability.

  One question and three questions, he did a lot of stupid things,

  I don’t even know which newspaper office, so naturally there is no way to find someone, because there is no way to find someone.

  It’s useless to find anyone, you don’t know anything.

  It took a long time for the historical student to react: "Forget it, now I can only hope that the place where the camera is stored is broken. You should go to rest first. I will read the books here.

  I'll talk about anything tomorrow, and tell those people in the good village not to do stupid things, and to report in time if there is any situation. "

  After Shi Sheng's advice, there are still some people who are unwilling to leave.

  However, Shi Sheng gave a fierce look, and then he left before Shi Sheng became angry.

  However, Li Laosan stayed, and Shi Sheng and the two turned over the ledger.

   "By the way, President Shi, did you call Dong Jiang about this?" Li Laosan asked tentatively.

   "No, Jiang Dong is busy abroad. Let's try to solve this problem first. If it can't be solved, then call Jiang Dong." Shi Sheng shook his head and said.

   "Yes." Li Laosan nodded. He knew that Jiang Xiaobai had never had a free time. It would be fine if he was in the country.

  I'm abroad now, if I can not disturb him, it is better not to disturb him.

  A little bit of time passed, and the sky was bright in a blink of an eye.

  The smell of smoke filled the room, the two of them yawned, their faces were exhausted,

   Both of them are not young anymore, and after staying up all night like this, they can't stand it physically.

  Both of them moved leaning on their waists, then looked at each other and laughed.

   "Youngest, my body is dying?"

"You are not the same?" Li Laosan also said with a smile: "I think when the director of Xiaobai first started his business, he was in an educated youth cannery. I picked cans by myself and walked dozens of miles of mountain roads without any problems. "

  "I’m better than you. In order to contact the garment factory, during a business trip for half a year, I didn’t get a good night's sleep. I didn’t expect that more than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye.

  I can't stand it even if I stay up all night. "Shi Sheng said emotionally.

   "I am going to retire in two years." Li Laosan said.

   "Huh?" Shi Sheng was a little surprised.

  "I’m a villager in Jianhua Village. A farmer has been able to go to this day. I’m very content and lucky. If I hadn’t met the manager of Xiaobai,

  Maybe I’m an ordinary farmer, like many ordinary people... Now that I’m older, I can’t keep up with my energy, and I’m not short of money, so I’m always occupying a position.

   Free it up for other young people, I will go back to amuse my grandson, how great..."

  Li Lao San said with a smile, obviously longing for the life of old age, but he is not greedy for power.

  This point, Shi Sheng admired very much, like Li Laosan accompanied Jiang Xiaobai from the earliest start-up, as long as he did not make any major mistakes.

  Even if his energy can't keep up, Jiang Xiaobai will not say to ask them to resign.

   "Me too, I told Dong Jiang before, I can't do it anymore, after this period of time, I will resign..." Shi Sheng also said.

   "Ah!" Old San Li was taken aback, and then said: "No, President Shi, I didn't say what you meant, I just said myself.

  President Shi, your treasure is not old. Unlike me, I have no culture. I am just an old farmer..."

   "Hehe, it has nothing to do with what you said, I have planned for this a long time ago."

  Shi Sheng smiled and shook his head, and then said: "Okay, it's not the time to talk about this. Let's take care of the things at hand first and let us stand on the last guard."

  The two went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then Shi Sheng sat in the office and started talking on the phone with related parties.

  I want to see if this matter can be solved, the leaders of Zhangxuan County's relevant departments, in fact, at this time, the leaders of Zhangxuan County's relevant departments are also in a difficult situation.

  They did not expect things to develop to the point where they are today. Huaqing Holding Company and Jianhua Village can be regarded as a benchmark in Zhangxuan County.

  With the existence of Jianhua Village and Huaqing Holding Company, Zhang Xuan County has risen rapidly in the past two years, regardless of the leader who came to be a cadre.

   But now, someone has been fooled into Jianhua Village, and they have made trouble to this point.

  A few major leaders have long hated the leader who sent people to death, but now at this moment, they have no choice. Others are watching. The matter is too big, and they want to withdraw the people back.

  Shi Sheng contacted them. In fact, they were also anxious to contact Shi Sheng, wanting both parties to solve the problem together.

  In fact, the two sides have a common enemy, and that is the man who calculated behind, Wu Xuefeng.

  It's just that now Wu Xuefeng hides behind him, and instead makes them both pinch up.

  Shi Sheng communicated with each other for a long time, and obtained a lot of information from each other, but the two sides did not reach an agreement in the end.

   "President Shi, or let them come to investigate, our Xinxing Feed Factory has no problem, but if we do this, it seems that we have some problems."

  Li Laosan and other historical students hung up the phone and spoke.

  Shi Sheng thought for a while, but finally did not agree.

"hold on,"

   "By the way, please contact Longcheng and let people buy back today's newspapers. I want to see who is behind the calculations and which newspaper company dares to deal with our Huaqing Holdings brazenly."

  Shi Sheng arranged to say that the fierceness in his eyes also flashed past. He is also the general manager of Huaqing Holdings Company at any rate. He has been in a high position for a long time, and he is not without any means.

   "Well, it has been a long time since Huaqing Holdings has made a move. People think we are bullied.

  A cat or a dog can hide behind and calculate us. "Laosan Li also said fiercely.

  (End of this chapter)

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