Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1505: The inspection team is almost crying

  Chapter 1505 The inspection team is almost crying

  Wu Xuefeng was shocked the first time he made the phone call, but he still did not give up, cursing a boneless head.

  Then continue to call other people.

   "Pharaoh is me, Wu Xuefeng, what, who is Wu Xuefeng? No, what's wrong with you, Pharaoh? Don't recognize me, let's...dudu..."

  Wu Xuefeng looked confused. In any case, although the old Wang is a bit older, he can't not know himself after only a few days of meeting.

   Could something happen? I don't know anyone anymore, but I haven't heard of it, but this is also possible at the age of Old Wang.

  It’s true that I don’t get sick early, and I don’t get sick late. I just fell ill when I had an accident, and it didn’t happen at the same time.

   Then Wu Xuefeng called again.

   "Jiang Xiaobai of Huaqing Holding Company has let out the words and cannot help..."

   "There is news coming from Jianhua Village, I will never die, Lao Wu, listen to my persuasion..."

  As the calls were sent out one by one, Wu Xuefeng couldn't understand what was going on.

Calls were made one by one, some said that the signal was not good, some said that they were busy, there was no time now, and some said that they were sick... and they told him directly that Huaqing Holding Co. took the initiative and they couldn't afford it. of.

  Illness and bad signals are all excuses. There is only one truth, that is, everyone is unwilling to offend Huaqing Holdings and Jiang Xiaobai.

  Wu Xuefeng muttered, and suddenly thought of something: "Jiang Xiaobai, didn't Jiang Xiaobai go abroad? Are you back?"

  It may be, otherwise, who else would dare to do things so unscrupulously and be able to directly represent Huaqing Holdings.

  But it was such a small matter without any serious consequences. Jiang Xiaobai returned to China. As for the reaction to such a big deal?

  In his opinion, it was the end of the trouble, and the big deal was that the Xinxing Feed Factory had a problem. In fact, he himself did not predict the consequences of the things he tinkered with in Jianhua Village in the end.

   "A group of bastards, bastards, usually called brothers and brothers, now there are things that run faster than anyone else, bastards..."

   Just when Wu Xuefeng was rather desperate to vent.

  On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai also woke up from the sofa.

   I squinted my eyes and felt that the light from the window was a little dazzling, but in the next second I found something was wrong.

  I actually fell asleep. Didn’t it mean that Shi Sheng and Li Laosan came back to look for him after finishing the arrangement?

  Is this asleep?

   Jiang Xiaobai got up, feeling severe neck pain. He should have slept on the sofa all night, no, it was midnight, so his neck was a little uncomfortable.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai has long been used to it. He stretched one hand to his back and grabbed his neck twice to relieve it a little.

  At the same time, he got up and opened the door, looking for someone to come over.

  Jiang Xiaobai woke up, and Li Laosan and Shi Sheng arrived soon. The two got up much earlier than Jiang Xiaobai.

   During this period of time, the two of them have slept very little, but can’t fall asleep, they don’t know what to do to solve this problem, there is nothing to do, or to say that there is very little to do.

  But after Jiang Xiaobai came back, it was different. Jiang Xiaobai arranged a lot of work, and they were finally at ease while they were busy.

   "Is everything done?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Okay." Li Laosan and Shi Sheng finally showed a little smile on their faces.

   Then briefly reported to Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Okay, then, I will clean up, and then go to the inspection team to take a look." Jiang Xiaobai put down the tea cup in his hand, called Li Longquan over, and took a few changes of clothes.

  He is in the dust, and now I feel terribly uncomfortable all over.

  When Jiang Xiaobai finished washing, Laosan Li had ordered someone to bring the breakfast over, and Jiang Xiaobai ate directly without being polite.

  A bowl of golden millet porridge, two small pickles, and big meat buns, Jiang Xiaobai swept away like a cloud.

   Then he stood up comfortably while touching his belly, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

   Li Laosan and Shi Sheng on the side looked at them, not knowing what to say.

  What is Jiang Xiaobai’s current worth, they don’t know the specifics, but they probably have an estimate.

  Hundreds of millions, billions of net worth, the result is from more than three o'clock, sleeping until eight o'clock in the morning, and then drank a bowl of millet porridge, ate two bites of pickles, and then two meat buns.

  This is so satisfying, it really makes people wonder how to say it.

  The quality of breakfast is better than ordinary people. After all, at this time, no one can afford meat buns every morning.

  But the sleep time is not as good as an ordinary person.

   But just like that, Jiang Xiaobai, who is so expensive, is already extremely satisfied.

   "What do you think of me? You didn't have breakfast?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in confusion.

   "We have eaten, we have eaten." Shi Sheng and Li Laosan said quickly.

   "Let's go, go and see the inspection team." Jiang Xiaobai got up and took the lead and walked towards the conference room where the inspection team was located.

   "Boom boom boom." Jiang Xiaobai knocked on the door politely, and after hearing the words "please come in", he pushed the door in.

   "Hello everyone, this is Jiang Xiaobai. I only came back last night. I'm neglecting everyone." Jiang Xiaobai said politely.

   "Jiang Donghao."

   "Where does Dong Jiang speak..." Several leaders stood up and said somewhat restrained.

  The name of the person, the shadow of the tree. Jiang Xiaobai is famous in Zhangxuan County and Shangdang City.

   Jiang Xiaobai only came back early yesterday morning, and then went to bed after finishing the arrangement. They really didn't know Jiang Xiaobai was back.

   Jiang Xiaobai appeared suddenly, and they still couldn't react.

  After all, they came here this time to find fault.

   "Sit down, let's sit down and talk." Jiang Xiaobai's face was kind.

  "I was abroad before, and I didn’t know the domestic affairs. After I got the news, I came back as soon as possible.

  Our Jianhua Village and Xinxing Feed Factory, even our Huaqing Holding Company, welcome the guidance, supervision and inspection of relevant departments at any time.

  What you eat and live here, if you have any difficulties, you can say that we will provide logistical support. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, the staff of their inspection team almost did not cry.

  They knew that since Jiang Xiaobai said that, it was not a show, because they knew it before.

  Jiang Xiaobai is not in the company, otherwise they would not be stuck at the entrance of the village for several days and nights, causing them to suffer.

  Later, even though they were allowed to enter the village to check their accounts, they were frightened after entering the village one by one. The villagers looked at them one by one and looked very bad.

  As for food and housing, I don’t even think about it. There is no arrangement at all.

  (End of this chapter)

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