Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1508: Worst result

  Chapter 1508 The worst result

   "Jiang Xiaobai, are you back from abroad?" Zheng Qingyun also lived up to Jiang Xiaobai's trust. Although he has left Jin Province, he has been paying attention to the development of Huaqing Holding Company.

  Two days ago, I heard the original colleague mentioned what happened to Huaqing Holding Company. He called the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Company as soon as possible.

  Unfortunately, the news is that Jiang Xiaobai has not returned from a business trip.

  So he was anxious, but he couldn't reach Jiang Xiaobai. He could only do it in a hurry, and there was nothing to do.

   "Yes, I came back last night." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  "How are things now? I just heard people say that something happened to you, such as illegal deposits.

  Is there anything Xiaobai needs to help, my old leader is still in Shanxi Province, do you need me to make a call..."

  Zheng Qingyun knew that Jiang Xiaobai had to call him, and he definitely needed his own help. He didn't refuse. No, he didn't need Jiang Xiaobai to speak, he just asked for help.

   "It's like this, it's a little troublesome..." Jiang Xiaobai briefly talked about the current situation with Zheng Qingyun.

  If this is for someone else, Jiang Xiaobai would definitely not dare to say it. Just kidding, I'm afraid I can't keep this kind of information away. How can I say it everywhere.

  But Zheng Qingyun is different. Jiang Xiaobai believes that Zheng Qingyun just can't help and won't talk about it everywhere.

   "You said I should make up now, is it appropriate to take out a part of the shares?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  On the phone, Zheng Qingyun said without even thinking: "It's useless, it's been found out now, and the supplement is useless.

  And now your company's case, with the spread of the storm, has developed a kind of weather vane meaning.

  Many people are observing, so no one dares to intervene in this matter. If you do that, it will be really superfluous and superfluous..."

  Zheng Qingyun said, Jiang Xiaobai also wanted to understand. After he came back, he was also a little anxious, and his consideration was not comprehensive, and some authorities were confused.

   Just as Zheng Qingyun said, after this case was stabbed by the media, many people are paying attention, not just private enterprises.

  Of course, private enterprises are the most concerned, because this case can be regarded as a vane.

  Many state-owned enterprises are also paying attention. After the rise of private enterprises, they have robbed them of a lot of business.

  If the private enterprises become lonely and return to their original state, then their state-owned enterprises can have a better life.

  There are also various units, such as Zheng Qingyun, a pioneer of reform, if the wind direction changes, then their official career will be cast a shadow.

  The opposite is true for those conservatives, and those who stay for business without pay are also watching.

  Huaqing Holding Company is now in the vortex of the storm, and I don’t know how many people are paying attention to it.

   "I understand." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  "Well, you must not make extra moves at this time, just cooperate with the inspection steadily, and after the results come out, take the initiative to publicize it and have a better attitude.

  I estimate that the current situation will not change, so..." Zheng Qingyun analyzed.

  Jiang Xiaobai knew that some things were probably not so easy to pass, and that things have not really had much to do with Wu Xuefeng now.

   is mainly due to the behemoth of Huaqing Holdings, and the fact that it was revealed by media reporters during the confrontation has been magnified many times.

   "In this way, I will call my old leader..."

   "Brother Zheng, no need, you just said that, so many people are staring at this matter, so you don’t need to make people embarrassed.

  Although Xinxing Feed Factory made some mistakes, these things still can't affect me or the company headquarters.

  It’s not time to survive, let us do this by ourselves. "Jiang Xiaobai refused Zheng Qingyun's help.

  Thanks to Zheng Qingyun and then hung up the phone and shook his head at Li Lao San.

  But I didn't expect Li Laosan to breathe a long sigh of relief.

   "Jiang Dong, this is the best thing. If the company pays the bill because of my mistake, I can't bear it.

  It’s pretty good now. I can deal with it lightly. I’m very satisfied. If I have something to do with it, it was originally my mistake..." Li Laosan said.

   Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, unwilling to say more, of course he did not agree with Li Lao San.

  If there is something to carry, if it can be avoided, of course it must be avoided. Let's talk about it when there is really no way.

   "Okay, you have to implement the things you arranged before, and tell you the truth about the current situation.

   Let everyone have a unified voice, of course, not that all are the same, but the same, understand? "Jiang Xiaobai looked at the arrangement between the two.

  You can’t do other things, but it’s okay to talk with the villagers in the village and unify the caliber.

  Jianhua Village was originally the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Company, but now it’s because of helping the villagers.

  Jiang Xiaobai believes that they will cooperate well.

   "Okay, let's go now." Shi Sheng and Laosan Li nodded.

   Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, sent the two away, and then he thought of a solution in the office.

  In fact, it goes without saying that at this time, it is for later generations that many companies dare not say that they are completely legal in the course of their operations.

  Because some boundaries are blurry, but later generations will give them some face for some large companies, such as interviews...

  But this time is different. Everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and the tolerance for many people is not high.

  Fool Guazi just got a little money in the book and it was sentenced if it was not clear, not to mention them.

  Jiang Xiaobai is not clear about the final processing result. If it ends with a fine, it is best.

  And a little bit less time is to guarantee Li San, and the worst is to squat.

  The first two results do not matter. The reputation is damaged and there will be no substantive punishment.

  But it's the last one, Li San may enter.

  It’s really not good, let Li Laosan go abroad to hide, but if Li Laosan goes abroad, it will completely make Huaqing Holding Company untrustworthy.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn’t want to weigh the gains and losses. Li Laosan was the first group of people who followed him in Jianhua Village.

  So even if it was Li Laosan made a mistake, even if it was Huaqing Holdings Co., Ltd. made a big mistake.

   But Jiang Xiaobai decided to keep Li San without even thinking about it.

  However, it is also possible not to take the worst path, and others are also possible.

   Jiang Xiaobai was considering the probabilities of several outcomes, but he did not dare to bet.

   "Li Longquan." Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the phone on the table and called Li Longquan over.

  (End of this chapter)

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