Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1511: Jiang Xiaobai has never changed

   Chapter 1511 Jiang Xiaobai has never changed

  Li Laosan sat down next to Jiang Xiaobai, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai's firm expression, and his heart was moved.

  Jiang Xiaobai is still that Jiang Xiaobai. It has been more than ten years and has never changed.

  When something happened to the small canning workshop, Ge Wei would look for him and almost killed him. He didn't spit out, and took it all.

  Allowed everyone to go to university, but he stayed on himself, did not go to Chengjingcheng to go to university, and only left in the next year.

  This is the case, but also because of an accident, Liu Mei committed suicide, otherwise he might also die.

  But in this way, he protected everyone.

  That year, the educated youth cannery was a small workshop. Compared with going back to the city to go to university, compared with his own life, it is not worth mentioning, but that's it, Jiang Xiaobai did it.

  The end was miserable, but because of this incident, many people felt Jiang Xiaobai’s personality charm, so they followed Jiang Xiaobai.

  Even if you take risks, even if the risks are great, because everyone thinks that if something happens, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely be able to handle it.

  In a flash, more than ten years have passed. The small workshop in the educated youth courtyard of Jianhua Village has disappeared. It has grown into a large and intertwined company. It has a small reputation in the province and in the country.

  In the ranks of private enterprises, it has become a leader.

  In the process, Jiang Xiaobai did not live up to their expectations. Now more than ten years have passed.

   is no longer the same, the wealth accumulated by Huaqing Holdings is enough to make people crazy.

  When he went to the south, he heard that human life can be measured by money.

  Wealth is increasing, and many things are beginning to change. He thinks that more than ten years have passed, and many people have changed, and many things have changed.

  Even Jiang Xiaobai will be different, because there are more people eating with him, from a few people to tens of thousands.

   Jiang Xiaobai’s status is different. He was just an educated youth who went to the countryside, but now he whispers, many people have to listen.

  So Jiang Xiaobai will also consider a little more, for example, put the company and the development of the company at a high position.

  Others have to line up one row back. This is normal, and Laosan Li can understand it, because he sometimes thinks like this in his heart.

  Because the company’s management system has become more stringent.

   More than ten years ago, he took people to follow Jiang Xiaobai to do things, such as picking yellow peaches up the mountain, some people were lazy, and he opened one eye and closed one eye and passed by.

  They are all in the same village. They grew up together, but now, if someone is lazy, or someone does something wrong, he will follow the company’s rules and regulations.

  The punishment, the education, because these rules and regulations are one of the reasons why Huaqing Holdings has been able to go to this day.

  So he has to maintain and manage...It is often said that small businesses are more humane, while large companies pay more attention to management systems.

  This is the normal state of a company.

  Now Huaqing Holding Company is a big company. He made mistakes himself. Jiang Xiaobai asked him to take the responsibility on his own initiative. He has no complaints.

  He thought that Jiang Xiaobai clarified these three possibilities, which also allowed him to have an understanding of the responsibilities he had to bear.

   But that's it, he was also grateful, because Jiang Xiaobai came back in a hurry and worked hard, and even if the shares can be divided, Jiang Xiaobai is willing to distribute the shares of the feed factory to protect himself.

  Now that a lot of efforts have been made, it still doesn’t work. He needs to take responsibility. He has no complaints, but is very grateful.

  But I didn’t expect that the real situation was not like this. Jiang Xiaobai was the same as it was more than ten years ago, and there is no change at all.

  He even let himself go abroad to hide, even if it might have a greater influence, Jiang Xiaobai would let himself go, just to protect himself.

  Moved? Li Lao San felt sore in his eyes. He was over half a hundred years old and had never seen anything, crying. He hadn't experienced this kind of emotion for a long time.

  But now he really wants to cry, and he can't help crying. Really, he seems to have returned to the educated youth courtyard.

  That will make him young and strong, Jiang Xiaobai is still a hairy boy, but full of passion and charm.

  It has been more than ten years and nothing has changed. Jiang Xiaobai is still the Jiang Xiaobai who protects them at all costs.

   did not go far, never went far.

  Li Laosan was holding a teacup, while drinking tea slowly, while covering up his gaffe.

  He didn't want to cry too shamefully in front of Jiang Xiaobai. He was a grandfather. If Jiang Xiaobai talked about it, he would have no face to meet people.

  But the tears in my eyes could not be controlled, the tears fell into the tea cup, and then drank into the mouth.

  Bitterness with sweetness and a hint of salty taste, the same is very long.

  By putting down the teacup, Laosan wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

  In the office, Jiang Xiaobai and Li Laosan did not speak for a long time, each drinking tea.

   Jiang Xiaobai is giving Laosan Li time to consider and accept this reality.

   "Xiao Bai, I won't leave, no matter what the result is, I will recognize it, I'm so old, I'm already enough..."

  Lao San Li spoke, his voice was not loud, but the meaning of the words was particularly firm, Jiang Xiaobai could ignore it for his own sake.

  But I can’t really selfishly ignore it.

  Ashamed and run out of the company, let his mistakes affect the company and delay the company's major development opportunities, then he really becomes a sinner.

  "No, the third child, listen to me, I have arranged it. Li Longquan has not been away the other day, I just asked him to work on this matter.

  And we also have industries abroad. It’s not that if we go abroad, life and other things will become uncomfortable. On the contrary, people should develop a little bit abroad..."

  Jiang Xiaobai thought that Li Laosan was reluctant to go abroad because he had become accustomed to living in China and he was reluctant to leave his hometown.

  This Jiang Xiaobai can understand that many young people are willing to go abroad, but the elderly are different.

  Especially Li Laosan, who lives in the country very comfortably, who wants to leave his hometown?

  It is normal not to want to go out, for fear of uncomfortable living abroad after going abroad, bad life, etc.

  It is normal to have such and other worries, and Jiang Xiaobai wants to dispel Li Laosan's worries, joking, with the financial resources of Huaqing Holding Company.

  I can live comfortably everywhere now.

"The third child, rest assured, I have already arranged it. After going abroad, it will be upstairs and downstairs, eating steak and drinking foreign wine, and when this matter is over, I will arrange for you when it is all right. come back.

  It doesn’t take long to stay abroad, you just take a vacation..."

  (End of this chapter)

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