Chapter 1527

  The newspaper in the north reported the news. Within two days, the well-known Ha Qiao father automobile factory in China changed ownership, and the largest automobile factory Volga Automobile Factory was divided and sold one-third.

  Many people are talking about it, but there have been a lot of big moves in North Korea recently.

  The disintegration at the end of last year, the people have not slowed down until now. A semi-automobile factory changed owners, although shocked.

   But compared to disintegration, it doesn’t seem to be big news.

  The people in the northern part of the country have been discussing for two days, and the heat has gradually dropped, of course, it has not completely disappeared.

  After all, now it’s not like later generations. There are many hot news topics. The hot news topics are kept for 24 hours, and no more than 48 hours at most.

  It’s still news of entertainment gossip that people pay attention to. Many people don’t pay much attention to this kind of news.

  So the news of the change of ownership between Ha Qiao’s father car factory and one-third of Volga car factory was shocking, but it did not cause any bad consequences.

  Jiang Xiaobai was relieved in his heart. In fact, there have been too many major events in the north in the past two years, which have followed one another, which has greatly increased the psychological expectations of the people.

  As for putting it internationally, I don’t know how many major daily events are, and no one pays attention to this.

  However, the news that such a semi-auto factory changed owners still accounted for news.

  Even in China, Huahai Holdings, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Flower Bank, acquired the Haqiao Father Automobile Factory and the Sanfenyi Volga Automobile Factory in the northern border.

  People of the country have no feeling for such news, after all, they are too far away.

  In fact, it is the two auto factories with 200,000 workers who are really affected by this incident.

  This is what Jiang Xiaobai really needs to worry about. If he doesn't settle well, it will cause a big problem.

  Jiang Xiaobai has not rested since signing the contract, and he kept calming everyone's emotions in the production workshops and units.

  For some high-tech talents, according to the situation, separate or talk with a scientific research and technical team.

  Want to let them go to the country.

  Talks one by one, various conditions, one by one, after all, it is necessary for them to leave their homes.

  After all, Jiang Xiaobai was an acquisition, not a robbery. He was sold to the car factory, not defeated.

  Jiang Xiaobai cannot always be **** directly and sent back to the country. He needs someone to go to the country willingly.

  Of course, it is only a part of the personnel. There are still many people left in the northern border to be responsible for continuing production.

  Every morning, Jiang Xiaobai took people to a meeting late at night, because during the reorganization of the company, there were many problems encountered, and there were also many problems that needed to be solved.

  People, assets, naming, various partnerships, upstream and downstream industries, and various positioning of vehicles.

  "In this way, I will read it out to everyone first. After the plan is announced, everyone will discuss it according to the actual situation.

  Tonight, we must study and work out a suitable plan, and then implement it. "

   Jiang Xiaobai looked at everyone in the meeting room and said, all of them were very exhausted.

  In the past few days, almost everyone has been busy without sleep.

  Even if they are motivated, they can't get rid of the exhaustion of the spirit. If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai to give them soul chicken soup from time to time, they might not be able to hold it.

  Although it was only a short period of one week, it was too tired.

The workload is too much. If you think about it, you can know that one hundred people came from the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Company, plus fifty or sixty people from the investment department of Flower Bank, to reorganize a large factory with more than 100,000 people. The part of more than 60,000 people splintered out of the Volga Automobile Factory.

  This is equivalent to more than 200,000 people, and there are not more than 200,000 people in some counties in China.

  As for the number of people in various units and management agencies in a county, there are only so many people in Jiang Xiaobai.

  What's more, this is not normal management, it is still reorganizing, so you can imagine how tired it is.

   "Papa." Zhao Xiaojin clapped her hands, and someone immediately served hot tea and coffee.

  Everyone looked at each other. Recently, at night, they almost vomited after drinking tea and coffee.

   But there was no way to stop drinking, and could not hold it. The window in the meeting room was wide open, and Li Longquan threw Wu Tiao Hua Zi directly.

   was specially brought by Jiang Xiaobai from China. Jiang Xiaobai took the initiative to take it apart and took the lead in ordering one.

  Others didn’t need Jiang Xiaobai to greet them, they started to take a box of you, and I took a box of it and pulled it up.

   Soon the meeting room was filled with smoke, and then Jiang Xiaobai took the plan and read it.

  "From the two factories of Volga Automobile Factory and Haqiao Father Automobile Factory, a part of the manpower was transferred back to China.

   Then cooperate with the domestic Huaqing Holding Company. Launched two positioning models.

  One way to target the low-end market, and one way to target the high-end market.

  As for the cars in the north, we will continue to focus on their government procurement market and make official cars, that is, the original ZIL-4104 and ZIL-41047 and other business cars, and continue to intensively cultivate.

  At the same time, separate other trucks, such as trucks ZIL-130, ZIS-150 and other models, and split them out to build a production workshop dedicated to the production of trucks.

  This truck factory was named Huaqi Heavy Truck Automobile Company.

  Part of this car factory will continue to produce here to open up the heavy truck market, and some will return to China to enter the country, looking for opportunities for cooperation, and expanding in China.

  After all, the classic CA-10 medium-duty truck in China, the prototype is the ZIS-150 here, and we have no reason for such a glorious history. Let us leave it alone and let this heavy-duty truck disappear into the long history...

   Jiang Xiaobai said, everyone was a little shocked. In this case, it seems that Jiang Xiaobai is ready to enter the auto industry in an all-round way.

  From the low-end market to the mid-end market, then the official car market, and now there is a heavy truck market.

  And I haven’t finished talking, then I guess Jiang Xiaobai has ideas for other markets.

  But thinking about it, they can also understand that they do not have an industrial foundation in China, and they have tried every means to purchase production lines and introduce various advanced production technologies to produce.

  Now there are the Ha Qiao father automobile factory and the one-third Volga automobile factory. Their industrial foundation is deep, and many technologies are originally the most advanced in the world.

  And it's not bad in all aspects, it goes without saying that Jiang Xiaobai is reluctant to let these technical experience be sealed, that is, everyone they are sitting in is the same.

  How to say it, the poor become rich, they have so much property all at once, and none of them are reluctant to give up, so they can only accept all of them and continue to develop.

  (End of this chapter)

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