Chapter 1597

   "Ang, what's the matter?" Director Lu asked curiously. It was the first time he heard about it.

  In his previous life, Jiang Xiaobai probably read some news about Zhuang Zhuang Qiu from the Internet, and knew that Zhuang Zhuang Qiu’s accident started with a foreign debt of "300 million" yuan. This incident can be regarded as the fuse.

   But more specific news, Jiang Xiaobai is not clear.

  After all, his previous life was just a college student, and the owner of Qiu Zhuang was far away from their time when the accident happened.

  It’s just that when the teacher was in class, when the teacher talked about the person named in the golden thirty years of development, he mentioned the matter of the master Qiu.

  Later, Jiang Xiaobai randomly checked the information from the Internet, only to glance at it curiously, and then after such a long time passed, he had forgotten everything.

  Where can I remember so much, so he is also half-knowledge, but he remembers that the owner of Qiu Zhuang should be in 1993.

  The accident happened next year. Before, I wanted to come back early from abroad and go to Master Qiu Zhuang.

  However, after an accident occurred in Jianhua Village, the north side was busy, and various things were tangled together, so I didn't go there.

  I kept dragging it until a few days ago when I remembered that it was, but Jiang Xiaobai seemed to stop it at this time and it should be no problem.

  After all, Zhuangqi Qiu will not have an accident until next year, so he should be able to make it in time.

  Now that Zhuang Master Qiu took the initiative to talk about this, he is also listening carefully.

  Only when you understand the causes and consequences of things can you give targeted advice.

  Qiu Zhuangzhu did not hide it, since he took the initiative to mention it, he naturally wanted to talk about it.

   So I told the two about the affairs of Huada Company carefully. In fact, the matter is very simple.

  Qiu Zhuangzhu’s Huada Company has a problem with its accounts, and it has 300 million yuan in foreign debts that do not know how to operate it.

  The general manager of Huada Company passed away suddenly, and these things were exposed.

  Operating the company well in this way, not only the profits are gone, but there are also foreign debts. Of course, the owner of Qiu Zhuang will not do it.

  Although the general manager is dead, the company’s deputy general manager, salesman, plant manager, deputy plant manager and other relevant persons in charge are still there.

   So Zhuang Master Qiu just checked, but because he trusted the general manager too much before, he never asked about the company.

  So now some dogs bite the hedgehog and feel that they can’t make a mouthful.

  Checked and checked. After checking for a long time, I didn't find any one.

  "Xiaobai, your Huaqing Holding Company is also in this model. You must be a little more careful and pay more attention to it.

  Don’t someday the company becomes like me..." Zhuang Master Qiu looked at Jiang Xiaobai and reminded.

  Jiang Xiaobai couldn't laugh or cry, nodded, thanking Master Qiu.

  He is definitely different from the owner of Qiu Zhuang, who is a collective property, although the owner of Qiu Zhuang treats everything as his own.

  But after all, there is still a difference. Daqiuzhuang is a collective industry, so some people want to make a fortune and leave.

  However, the leaders of several companies in Huaqing Holding Company hold shares in it. Although they are not as good as Jiang Xiaobai, the company also has a part of them.

What's more, Jiang Xiaobai pays more attention to financial issues. Even if each company operates independently, the financial affairs must be reported to the headquarters.

  Jiang Xiaobai will look at the financial statements of each company as long as he has time.

  Moreover, the owner of Qiu Zhuang is engaged in a different kind of closeness, not to mention a collective industry, it is a private enterprise, and it can be regarded as a family business at best.

  All the important posts are their own family members. In this way, it is strange that others have no opinion.

  So the occurrence of such a thing at BGI is unexpected, but it is reasonable.

  There is only a foreign debt of 300 million yuan, no wonder the owner Qiu Zhuangan is anxious to get angry, if he changes himself, it is estimated that he will have to get anxious to get angry.

   "Old Qiu, you are not professional in this kind of thing, I think it is better to hand it over to the professional department." After listening to Jiang Xiaobai, he gave an idea.

  "I have worked with a foreign auditing company. I invited them over. They have no interest in any of you.

  It won’t take long for you to find out clearly..."

  "Yes, professional companies are professional after all. Although they need to spend some money, they are neat." Director Lu also suggested.

  He also knows the usual "paternalistic" style of Zhuang Zhuang Qiu. Now that such a big thing has happened, Zhuang Zhuang Qiu is worried that he will get angry and do anything bad.

"Thank you, but just hire a foreign company. You don't know that these prodigal gangs are very cunning. If you don't clean up them, they don't know that Lord Ma has a few eyes..." Zhuang Master Qiu shook his head and refused Jiang Xiaobai Suggestions.

  "Prodigal son" and "Clean up" Jiang Xiaobai knew from these two words what kind of work style Master Qiu Zhuang usually does.

  Where is the owner of Qiu Village, although he said it is a collective property, but the owner of Qiu Village has long regarded it as his own family property, otherwise he would not use the words "prodigal son" to describe it.

  Prodigal son, you must first have a family to be able to defeat.

  For example, if such a thing happened to Huaqing Holding Company, he would not describe it as a prodigal, but other things such as "Improper son of man..."

Jiang Xiaobai was entertaining himself. Before he could speak, the factory manager Lu frowned and persuaded: "Lao Qiu, it's not that I said you. You have to change your style. You can't keep talking and be a parent... And for some things, you can't use violence, you still have to go through proper procedures..."

   "It's not that I am willing to make a statement." Zhuang Master Qiu said disapprovingly: "As long as there is a capable group of people, I am not like that.

  But the point is that none of them are successful. The prodigal is okay, but in other respects, they are useless.

  Without me, I still don’t know what it looks like. "

  Qiu Zhuangzhu said, Jiang Xiaobai and Director Lu looked at each other, and Qiu Zhuangzhu’s words cannot be wrong.

  Jiang Xiaobai and Factory Director Lu are also like this in their respective companies. At this time, the prestige of the bosses of private enterprises is not known how many times higher than those of later generations.

  Private founders talk about it almost everywhere.

  This is true of Jiang Xiaobai, and the same is true of Director Lu. This is normal.

  But Jiang Xiaobai made a point, and when he was angry, he would curse. He hadn't said that he hadn't touched him for so many years.

   is basically the same, but the owner of Qiu Zhuang talks about it, and if it doesn’t agree with him, he will do it.

  Upward and downward effect, the situation of their company can be imagined.

  Director Lu did not persuade him anymore. At this time, people who are doing business at this time do not have a strong sense of perseverance.

  And this also means being arrogant, having one's own ideas, and not being able to persuade others in just a few words.

  (End of this chapter)

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