Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1610: The way of unifying thinking (part 2)

  Chapter 1610 The Way of Unifying Thoughts (Part 2)

  "If you don’t agree to relocate, if you don’t want to leave, write a resignation report, and the company will pay three months’ salary as compensation.

  You can write it after the meeting is over. After you have finished writing, hand it to the department leader. After the department leader signs it, you can take the copy and go to the financial settlement of the salary. "

   Jiang Xiaobai watched everyone talking word by word.

  The people in the conference room breathed suddenly.

  "Ordinary employees write resignation reports to their team leaders, and leaders such as team leaders write reports to their leaders in charge,

  The leader in charge writes a resignation report to his department leader, and the department leader writes a report to the company’s vice president.

  Vice President writes a report to President Shi,

  Regardless of the position, all approvals are granted, and the company will never retain..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, many people in the conference room bowed their heads, not daring to look at Jiang Xiaobai.

  Resign. Many people who do not want to leave have this plan, but they are also ready to find a home.

   Then resign, or resign when the company moves.

  It’s not now, it’s too sudden.

  Since the last company relocation meeting, although Jiang Xiaobai suppressed everyone, many people were still unwilling.

   There are rumors in the company, and people are panicked. Some senior executives know about it, and even like to see it.

   even with a hint of possibility, to fight Jiang Xiaobai in this way, hoping that Jiang Xiaobai can give up the relocation of the company,

  Although the hope is small, after all, they all know Jiang Xiaobai, knowing that Jiang Xiaobai is a firm-willed person, and will not dare to be opposed by others.

  The old people who have been in the company for a long time know that the last time there was a disagreement was when the Huaqing Building was built.

   Song Weiguo, the general manager of the company at the time, felt that the construction of Huaqing Building was too risky and disagreed. The final result was that Song Weiguo went away and ended.

  And these people resist silently, it should be of no use, but there are still some people who are hopeful.

   But never thought that Jiang Xiaobai's resistance would be so fierce.

  I am not afraid of everyone resisting or resigning.

  Looking like this, everyone in the conference room has resigned, and Jiang Xiaobai won't care.

  As everyone thought, Jiang Xiaobai spoke again: “I tell everyone clearly that the company must be relocated. There is no doubt about this, and it will be in the first half of this year.

  I will give you three days to consider. If you are willing to stay, then follow the company and work hard and follow the company’s relocation.

  If you don’t want to leave, you should hurry up to resign and leave, and save the time to stay and make the company panic. "

  Everyone did not say anything. For three days, they have not found a good job now, so it is a day to stay one more day.

  Just leave, you have to wait until the day when the company relocates.

   Jiang Xiaobai seemed to see what everyone was thinking, and said with a sneer: "If you resign within three days, you can receive three months' salary in addition to this month's salary, which is regarded as company compensation.

  But after three days, the monthly salary will be settled. "

   "Ah, how can this be like this..."

   "Yes, isn't this right next to someone to resign?" The meeting room suddenly became noisy, and there was a lot of noise.

  I don’t want each one anymore.

  The senior leaders of the company were also taken aback. If the previous words mean that Jiang Xiaobai is not afraid of everyone resigning, then it is Jiang Xiaobai who is now forcing everyone to resign.

   At the very least, it is forcing those who have already decided to leave, have not yet found a next home, and those who are vacillating to make a decision.

  After all, three months’ salary is a sum of money for many people.

  Yes, Jiang Xiaobai is forcing everyone to resign.

  People's minds can't be chaotic anymore. If you can't unite your thoughts, it's useless.

   "Finance," Jiang Xiaobai looked at the financial department: "According to this implementation."

   "Okay." The finance general manager stood up and nodded.

  "Mr. Shi, Mr. Zhang, you have to go around for more than two days. If there are not enough people, you will first transfer people from home and beverage factories or other companies, and then slowly recruit..."

   Jiang Xiaobai faced Shi Sheng again, Zhang Weiyi and Zhang Weiyi confessed, and then announced that the meeting was adjourned.

   Jiang Xiaobai is gone, Shi Sheng and Zhang Weiyi are unwilling to talk to these people.

   also got up and left.

  Only people in the meeting room were noisy.

   "What's the matter? I have been in the company for such a long time, and one sentence dismissed us..."

   "That's right, even if we resign, we also have to be willing to resign. We decide when to resign..."

  Some people complained with dissatisfaction.

  Someone could not listen anymore, and said, “I didn’t force you to resign. They said they didn’t want to do it. You can resign. There is still three months of salary subsidy.

  What is there to be dissatisfied with, occupy the pit and not shit..."

   "Who are you talking about?"

   "How about you?" The two groups almost fought, but with so many people present, they were still separated.

  Then both parties screamed and left, although many people were dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaobai's decision.

  But it was clear in his heart that Jiang Xiaobai made such a decision and would not change it anymore.

  They have only three paths now. Either follow Jiang Xiaobai, or they can get three more months of salary if they leave now.

  Either wait a few months for the company to relocate and then leave, without any compensation.

  Although many people are dissatisfied, they have decided not to follow the company, and they are still planning to resign in these two days.

  After all, there are three months of salary compensation, even if you fail to find a home for a while, you will not lose the three months of salary compensation.

  For those who were hesitant, now we must hurry up and consider.

  Jiang Xiaobai compensated for three months' salary at once, and this move completely put those who want to fish in troubled waters.

  Now I only have to go or stay. Although there is still a third way, I will leave after a while.

  But isn’t that a problem? Three months of salary compensation is missing.

   is equivalent to three months of work in vain. Only people with broken brains will choose the third way.

  This can be regarded as another way to unify thinking, after all, this person who has no other thinking left behind.

  The only thing left is a kind of thought. From the result, compared to doing ideological work for everyone, I don’t know to what extent everyone can understand.

  This method is simple and straightforward, and the effect is excellent.

  It’s just that this also takes a big risk. If all the people quit, the headquarters will be paralyzed.

  All the foundations that have been saved for so many years are gone.

  Huaqing Holding Company is already short of talents, so if you do this, there are no more people.

  (End of this chapter)

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