Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1613: let's move

   Chapter 1613 Take Action

  The meeting was held on February 19, and the relocation working group was established on February 20.

  A total of fifty people, divided into five groups, began to officially move.

  One group of people went to the magic city on the day of its establishment, and started looking for someone to repair the Asia Building.

  For the remaining four groups, one group is responsible for communicating and coordinating the relocation of other companies.

  The other two groups are responsible for the relocation of the headquarters, and the last remaining group is responsible for communicating with the newly established joint venture automobile company.

  Liu Jian has already sent people back. Huahai Automobile Factory and Huaqing Holding Co., Ltd., a joint venture between the two parties, invested 50 million yuan, a total of 100 million yuan, to register and establish Huahai Domestic Automobile Company in Magic City.

  The registered location is the Yili Building, and Zhang Weiyi is responsible for coordinating this matter.

  Shi Sheng is responsible for the relocation of the headquarters and contacts with other companies.

   Jiang Xiaobai was in the office and finally found time to meet Guo Fansen.

  "Sorry, the company has been in a mess in the past two days. I haven't paid attention to you and sat down to talk." Jiang Xiaobai said, pointing at the sofa at random, and came over with two cups of tea.

   "I understand. Jiang Dong, to be honest, this time is the busiest time for the company, and you are distracted by my business. I am a little embarrassed..." Guo Fansen sat down.

   "What's the matter, I know you, all of you feel that time is not waiting for me and want to make a career.

  This is normal. Now the economic environment is also very good. It is a good time! "Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said indifferently.

   "Let's talk about it, what do you want to do?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "I want to go back to Beijing and become an information consulting company." Guo Fansen said.

   "Hmm..." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and motioned for him to continue.

   "I have inspected it before, and many companies don’t know much about the market, or the upstream and downstream industries.

  I don’t know the company’s products, which company is the most profitable to sell, and I don’t know which company I will look for to get the lowest cost of raw materials.

  I don’t know the advantages of my company’s products, I don’t know how to collect all kinds of information, and I can’t start when I encounter problems.

  I don’t know how to choose the best..."

  Guo Fansen said his thoughts, while Jiang Xiaobai listened carefully.

  He probably knows one thing. In his previous life, Guo Fansen started as an information consulting company.

  His information consulting company looks similar to the Heyang information consulting company on the surface.

   is to provide information to enterprises, but there are still differences between the two.

  Heyang’s company is more targeted, positioning and marketing plans for a certain company.

  The information company conceived by Guo Fansen, to put it bluntly, is to position the company by collecting big data, which is a bit more extensive.

   "Dong Jiang, how do you think I am playing with this idea?" After Guo Fansen spoke vigorously, he watched Jiang Xiaobai humbly ask for advice.

  After all, he is still worthless now, and Jiang Xiaobai has made his own piece of world in the economic field.

   Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and said, “The idea is very good. In fact, your idea is simply data collection.

  Using big data to give the best solution, and the most suitable people..."

   Jiang Xiaobai briefly talked about big data to Guo Fansen. As for cloud computing, he did not mention it, it was too early.

  Guo Fansen's eyes are getting brighter as he listens. He just had an idea before, and thinks this is okay.

  But what is the theory of doing this, he has never figured out.

  The three words "big data" Jiang Xiaobai said gave him a clear direction.

  "The more corporate information you collect, the bigger your company will be, and the more you can provide solutions for various customer groups.

  If one day, if you can collect all consumer information... Then no matter what your company does, it can be successful. I would like to congratulate you first. "

   Jiang Xiaobai reached out to Guo Fansen, already treating him on an equal position.

   no longer regarded him as a subordinate, because Guo Fansen was going out, and going out to find a piece of his own world.

   "Thank you Jiang Dong, no matter where you go, you are my old leader and my minister." Guo Fansen said excitedly.

   "Okay, do you need investment?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

   "I need a little, about 300,000 or so, I will give you percent..." Guo Fansen said embarrassedly.

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai interrupted.

  "Okay, I told Xiaojin, let her go through the investment process and give you the money. As for the number of shares, I don't care too much.

   Whether it is 3% or 5%, I have no requirement. I just hope that if we go out of our Huaqing Holding Company, we must become bigger and stronger and become the backbone of a national enterprise in the future. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Guo Fansen nodded vigorously. With an investment of 300,000, Jiang Xiaobai only needs 3%, or 5%, which is no different from giving away money for nothing.

   Before talking with Jiang Xiaobai, he considered giving Jiang Xiaobai’s shares, 300,000 investment, giving Jiang Xiaobai 50%, or 70%.

  But he did not expect that Jiang Xiaobai would not even reach one-fifth or even one-tenth of what he thought.

   Investing in oneself is not for making money, just because you are optimistic about yourself and hope that you can do your business well after leaving Huaqing Holdings.

  It’s not that Guo Fansen has never seen someone with extraordinary bearing and broad-mindedness, but Jiang Xiaobai really admired him, and even convinced him.

   "Thank Dong Jiang, thank you." Guo Fansen said moved.

  Jiang Xiaobai patted Guo Fansen on the shoulder: "Do it well. Although I have gone out, I can speak if you have anything to do."

  Jiang Xiaobai signed Guo Fansen’s resignation report and signed his name on Guo Fansen’s investment plan.

   Sending Guo Fansen away, Jiang Xiaobai squeezed his brows. He had a headache and lost another general.

  Otherwise, if you train a little bit, you will be a character who can be on your own.

  Fortunately, there are still two people left in their group. One of them is Li Shaowen, who Jiang Xiaobai is optimistic about.

   Forget it, big guys like Guo Fansen are also willing to succumb to others, and leave after leaving, forge a good relationship.

  May be used in the future, and this Li Shaowen is also worth training, so I feel much better when I think about it.

  How can I earn it by myself?

   "Xiao Jin, you call Chen Dongsheng here." Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

The group of   Chen Dongsheng is a family car project. Before that, he had been with the overseas Huahai Automobile Factory and returned to China at the end of last year.

  Jiang Xiaobai did not spare any time to have a good chat with them. Now that Guo Fansen is gone, he also wants to try to keep Chen Dongsheng and his team.

  See if we can let Chen Dongsheng and others stay in Huaqing Holding Company.

  (End of this chapter)

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