Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1619: Li Xiaoliu's phone

  Chapter 1619 Li Xiaoliu's Call

  After finishing the arrangement, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the office, and the phone inside the office rang.


   "Dong Jiang, I am Xiaoliu." Li Xiaoliu's voice rang from the phone. Although it is already a company with an annual profit of more than 100 million yuan, it is also a young talent in Beijing.

  Wandering through the dinners of various chambers of commerce, and various meetings organized in the business field, he can also be seen.

   But in front of Jiang Xiaobai, he still claims to be a small six.

   "Xiao Liu, how is the company recently?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Since the completion of the last satellite launch project, Huade Satellite Launch Technology has taken a short break.

  There have been no new projects recently, and we are still digesting the accumulation of previous satellite launches. It is expected that we will be able to continue developing new projects in the second half of the year.

  "The company is very good. There is nothing wrong with it for the time being. It is still digesting. I have dug up a few technical talents before. Recently, I am thinking about how to use them to form the company's technical talent department..."

  After Li Xiaoliu finished speaking, he asked about Jiang Xiaobai’s company.

"The company is now preparing to relocate. The repair work of the two buildings at Magic City is underway. It is estimated that it will take another month. It is about April. If there are no problems, the building can be repaired. Great.

  After the repairs are completed, the company will officially relocate around May Day after one month. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said: "I have also invited a designer, now I am designing the headquarters building..."

   "By the way, is there anything wrong with you calling?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Well, it's actually nothing big." Li Xiaoliu deliberately didn't know how to say it.

   "What is meant by it is not a big deal, just say if something happens, and hang up without me." Jiang Xiaobai said impatiently.

  "It’s from Baihang. I recently heard that he is very busy in Beijing. He also opened two dance halls and several venues.

  He told me to play a few times in the past, but I did not go there, but I went there once a few days ago, and it was so smoky inside.

  I don’t know what to say about him, so I will tell you. "Li Xiaoliu said it out of his head.

  At that time, Jiang Xiaobai was going to school in Beijing, and then he met Bai Hang, who was also in Beijing at that time.

  So I know Bai Hang too. They are both young people. They talk about loyalty, so the relationship between the two has always been good.

  Later, Baihang had an accident. When they were in Jianhua Village, the two also got together from time to time.

  Later, Bai Hang returned to the capital, and the contact between the two was lost, but he went back to the capital again.

  The two reconnected, but he had been busy launching satellites abroad before, and the others were not in China, and there was no time.

  After the end of the year, the company was not too busy, so he went out with Baihang several times.

  However, the place was not very serious, it was too chaotic, and he wanted to persuade Bai Hang.

   But I also know what kind of temperament Bai Hang is. Although it is a good relationship, speaking by myself may not have any effect.

  Bai Hang's temperament is also very stubborn, and he can't persuade him at all.

  But he couldn't bear to watch Bai Hang fall like this, so he called Jiang Xiaobai to say something.

   Jiang Xiaobai spoke. He felt that Bai Hang could still listen to it more or less.

   "Okay, I see, you have nothing to go and fool around with him, think more about the company." Jiang Xiaobai exhorted, and then hung up the phone.

  Bai Hang, Jiang Xiaobai worked hard to save him from the beginning, but everyone has his own way of living. Bai Hang likes that kind of life in the rivers and lakes. Jiang Xiaobai has no choice but to ask Bai Hang to live according to his own wishes.

  However, I don’t want that, there are other people in the company involved in Baihang's affairs, lest they get involved in Baihang's accident one day.

  Hung up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, and finally sighed, grabbing the phone on the desk and calling Bai Hang.

   "Hey, who are you looking for?" A young man's voice came over the phone.

   "My surname is Jiang, I'm looking for Bai Hang, please and him..." Jiang Xiaobai hadn't finished speaking yet.

   was interrupted by the other party: "Who are you? Understand the rules, Bai Hang is also called by you, called Brother Bai..."

   Jiang Xiaobai had a black line on his face. He didn't mean that he hadn't been scolded since he was a child. Even in the past few years, he has not been scolded.

  But it was the first time I was scolded for no reason.

   "Okay, please call you brother Bai." Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth and said.

   "Oh, I said you are a person, I just owe you a curse, right? Call, who are you? Call us Bai brother." The voice of the young man on the other party's phone rang.

  Jiang Xiaobai was also amused by this bastard.

   asked with a smile, "Then what should I say?"

  "It should be said, let me know and see if you guys have the time to answer the phone."

   "Okay, can you please inform me to see if your brother Bai has the skill, come to answer the phone, and say that someone with the surname Jiang is looking for him." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay, wait."

  Zhao Zijie put the phone on the table, and then went to find Bai Hang in the karaoke box.

  He came from another place. He is just twenty years old and not very old, but he is clever and clever. He has just followed Bai Hang, but he has a good mind.

  So I was taken by Bai Hang.

  "Brother Bai." Zhao Zijie pushed the door in. Bai Hang was singing with the two girls in his arms, and a group of smokers beside him were smoking cigarettes and drinking wine.

   "Ah, what's the matter?" Bai Hang asked.

   "A man named Jiang is looking for you, do you know him?" Zhao Zijie asked.

  "Surname Jiang?" Bai Hang was a little confused. He was messing around in the rivers and lakes, and he knew more people in a mess, and more people knew him.

  In many cases, it is just acquaintance, and it may be forgotten after a while.

   "Well, the accent is not a local." Zhao Zijie added, as for Jiang, or Jiang, he couldn't hear the noise in the private room.

  "Not a local, but Jiang, Jiang." Bai Hang suddenly thought of something, and immediately became sober. He threw the microphone away and hurriedly walked outside.

  Zhao Zijie followed out: "Brother Bai, you know him!"

   "Yes." Bai Hang said in a hurry, and kept walking to pick up the phone on the desk.

   "Hey, is this Brother Xiaobai?" Bai Hang picked up the phone and asked tentatively.

  The surname is Jiang, he guessed it might be Jiang Xiaobai.

"Don’t, don’t call me Brother Bai, I call you Brother Bai, otherwise I’m afraid of being scolded, and I have to thank Brother Bai for answering my phone in his busy schedule. It’s not easy to see Brother Bai, I don’t understand the rules ..."

  Jiang Xiaobai said not salty, but Bai Hang was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Zhao Zijie, who was standing aside.

  (End of this chapter)

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