Chapter 1630 Transcendence

  Under the spotlight, Jiang Xiaobai talked freely.

  There are flashing lights from time to time, Jiang Xiaobai has long been used to it, with a calm expression on his face, a smile on his face, and extremely confident.

  Starting from today, Huaqing Holdings has reached a new level.

   "Next, I announce that Huaqing Holdings has officially settled in the magic capital." Jiang Xiaobai said decisively.

   "Papa." There was fierce applause from the audience.

  Zheng Qingyun stepped onto the stage: "On behalf of the magic city, I welcome the arrival of Huaqing Holding Company. Huaqing Holding Company is a leader among domestic private enterprises and has always made a lot of contributions to the development of domestic experience..."

  Zheng Qingyun praised, the expression means that he attaches great importance to Huaqing Holding Company.

   "Thanks to Director Zheng for the compliment just now. Next, our Huaqing Holding Company will continue to work hard and make our own contribution to the economic development of the magic city." Jiang Xiaobai also expressed his opinion.

   "Okay, next is the reporter's question session..." Zhao Xiaojin announced.

  Suddenly some reporters stood up and asked questions.

   "Dong Jiang, it is reported that your Huaqing Holding Company has acquired three plots of land in the Pudong Development Zone for development? Is it true?"

   "Yes." Jiang Xiaobai replied affirmatively, and continued without waiting for reporters to follow up: "I know you might ask this question.

  We have won three pieces of land. The planning drawings of two of them have been finalized. One of them is named Huaqing Building and the other is called Huahai Center Building. Below are the planning drawings of the two pieces of land..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, and the plan of the two buildings appeared on the projection behind.

  There was an uproar at the press conference, and the renderings were so beautiful.

  "The total height of Huaqing Building is more than 500 meters, which is..." Jiang Xiaobai continued to introduce.

  But the uproar below is getting louder and louder. These two buildings are higher than the Oriental Pearl Tower. The Oriental Pearl Tower was originally expected to become the tallest building in the capital after completion.

  As a result, it has not been completed yet, will it be surpassed?

  Moreover, the Oriental Pearl Tower is a TV station, and there is no way to compare it with a building like Huaqing Building. At the very least, the Oriental Pearl Tower cannot be compared with Huaqing Building in terms of majestic growth and the shocking level of the soul.

   "Jiang Dong..."

  "Dong Jiang..." Originally, the reporter prepared a lot of questions, but in the end they all turned into questions for the two buildings.

  Jiang Xiaobai certainly has questions and answers. He originally had the intention to promote the two buildings, so of course, at this time, it is of course necessary to promote it.

  A press conference lasted more than two hours before it ended.

  In the end, many reporters still have some unfinished meanings.

  However, the press conference has been held for more than two hours, and it has been past eleven.

   "Brother Zheng, let's arrange a meal together at noon in the hotel." Jiang Xiaobai asked, looking at Zheng Qingyun.

   "Okay." Zheng Qingyun nodded and agreed.

  There are still many people attending the luncheon dinner, reporters, business partners, and the top management of Huaqing Holdings.

  After eating, Zhao Xiaojin arranged a red envelope for a reporter to express his meaning. This is the habit of Huaqing Holdings.

  The reporter from Magic City took the red envelope of Huaqing Holding Company and was still very happy. After all, Huaqing Holding Company is different from other companies. Huaqing Holding is a key enterprise invited by the city.

  Zheng Qingyun and others left after eating.

   Jiang Xiaobai and some partners sat down in the meeting room.

Needless to say, those who were originally the partners of Huaqing Holdings Co., Ltd., this time they came here to cheer for Huaqing Holdings Co. to maintain the relationship.

  Some of the new bosses are basically all coming to the newly established Huahai Automobile Factory, and they are also some companies that are connected with automobiles.

  There are also companies that want to seek cooperation with garment factories, home and beverage factories.

  Many people came, and Jiang Xiaobai did not receive the reception separately, but let everyone sit together.

  Needless to say that there was a cooperation, I just chatted a few words, and when I saw Jiang Xiaobai had something to do, he got up and left.

  All the rest are newcomers and want to seek cooperation.

  "Thank you for your support in advance. I know that you all come over. There may be other ideas, such as interest in Huahai Automobile Plant, or other companies..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, everyone smiled and nodded.

  "Huahai Automobile Plant is now building factories, and our company’s system may or may not be known to some people. Each of the subsidiaries of our Huaqing Holding Company operates independently.

  On the subsidiary side, our headquarters only has the right to direct, but we will not intervene in the specific affairs of the subsidiary..."

  Jiang Xiaobai rejected it very tactfully. Everyone looked a little ugly. Of course, no amount of emotions would be left.

  After all, when everyone came over, there was speculation in their hearts, and they didn't expect to succeed once.

  As long as you are familiar with each other, it will be much more convenient to meet and discuss things in the future.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "Of course, if you are all right, I will arrange a hotel for you. In two days, there will be a meeting with the senior management of Huaqing Holding Company.

  The leaders of each company will come over, and you can talk about it in detail when you have any ideas. "

   "Thank you Jiang Dong, then I will stay in Demon Capital, but the hotel doesn't have to bother Jiang Dong." Jiang Xiaobai just finished speaking, someone smiled.

   "Yes, Dong Jiang, the hotel is no longer needed. I have something to do. I will come back when your company has a meeting in two days. Thank you Dong Jiang for the news..."

   "Thank you Jiang Dong for your love, I will live in the magic city, and I must wait until the Chubeiping director of the garment factory..."

  Everyone said, there was no hope in the first place, but there are still surprises, and of course there is nothing dissatisfied with everyone.

  Thanks to Jiang Xiaobai one by one and got up and left.

   "It is estimated that Chu Beiping, Sun Jianyun, Mao Zhenghua and others will have headaches after they came over." Shi Sheng said with a wry smile as everyone left.

   "Hehe, let them get away with their headaches, let's just relax ourselves." Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently.

   "By the way, Jiang Dong, I want to report something to you." Shi Sheng said.

   "Well, come to my office and talk." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and came to his office with Shi Sheng.

"Dong Jiang, I'm still talking about resignation. Now the company's relocation is basically completed. The next step is the construction of the two buildings. I am really powerless. I am getting older and I can't keep up with my energy... "

  Shi Sheng looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said seriously, this is the third time he has offered to resign.

  (End of this chapter)

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