Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1642: Doting girl is famous

  Chapter 1642 The pet girl is famous

   "Wow, wow..." Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect that he would hug the girl happily, but in the end he cried out with the girl and returned to Zhao Xinyi's hands.

  It is the time for a child of more than three months and four months to recognize people. Although Jiang Xiaobai has only been away for about half a month, it is already a long time for Jiang Xin, who is only three months old.

   "Haha, it's over, the girls don't recognize you anymore, you see your dad behaved." Zhao Xinyi joked.

  But I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be very sad, and he kept coaxing her girl next to her.

  "Xiaobai, you didn't have the patience in Langlang's meeting!" Zhao Xinyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai like this, and said somewhat dumbfounded.

  "Now coaxing the girl, what are you doing to mention the son!" Jiang Xiaobai teased the girl seriously, and said casually without looking up.

   "Dad is back!" Jiang Langlang came out of the room and saw Jiang Xiaobai rushing over.

  So Jiang Xiaobai hugged his son and continued to coax her daughter.

   "Dad, let me tell you, I am in elementary school, our teacher..." Jiang Langlang has become a chatter in the past two years, whispering in Jiang Xiaobai's ear.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai focused on her daughter. Of course, she didn't have a preference too much. While teasing her daughter, she casually played with her son.

  Jiang Langlang is still young after all. If he is ignored, it may cause problems for his mental health growth. Otherwise, it must be a girl.

   "Well, Langlang, you are holding your sister and talking on the sofa with your father, I will cook." Zhao Xinyi handed her daughter to her son.

   Although the girl did not let Jiang Xiaobai hug, she still had a good relationship with her brother Jiang Langlang, and she giggled in Jiang Langlang's arms.

   "Girlfriend, come and hug Dad." Jiang Xiaobai slowly coaxed.

  Kid, I played with Jiang Xiaobai after a while.

  Wait until the meal was over, Jiang Xiaobai had already been hugged and played.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai stayed with her daughter at home without any arrangements. After her lunch break, she clamored to go outside.

  Jiang Xiaobai took a look. The weather outside was good, he cleaned up the girl, and then went outside with her.

  The weather in Longcheng in mid-May was also very good, neither cold nor hot, the afternoon sun was warm, Jiang Xiaobai held his daughter in the community lazily basking in the sun.

  Jiang Xin's **** eyes looked at the world, Jiang Xiaobai carefully observed the girl, her long eyelashes blinked, and she already looked like a mother.

  Small nose, muttering mouth, and small tongue from time to time. It's so cute that Jiang Xiaobai's heart is about to melt away.

  Want to ignore everything from now on and grow up with her daughter.

   "Ah, oh..." Jiang Xin waved his little hand and turned his head to direct his father to wander around the community.

  Don’t know when, the girl fell asleep, Jiang Xiaobai sat on the recliner holding her girl.

   Feeling that the girl fell asleep on her chest together, her little appearance made Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but want to kiss her.

  But I was afraid that the girl would wake up, so I kept sitting.

   "Jiang Dong..."


  There were still many people in the community who knew Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai stopped him as soon as he was about to say hello.

   pointed to the girl who was sleeping soundly in his arms, and then smiled.

   Jiang Xiaobai loves her daughter. This is not news within Huaqing Holding Company and Huaqing’s family building.

  But most people just heard about it, and today is the first time I have seen each other.

  At this time, everyone bringing their children is different from future generations. Before three months, they all let the children sleep in bed.

   still **** his legs all day, for fear that the sleep is not secure, no one would hold such a small child all day.

  After all, there are many children in the family, if you bring a girl like Jiang Xiaobai, no one can bring it.

  What's more, like Jiang Xiaobai, he would hug him out to play when he was so big, and sleep on his body when he was tired of playing.

   "Did you see it? Jiang Dong was sleeping with her daughter over there. He didn't move for half an hour. This is too much to spoil her..."

  "Who would say no? I have heard that Chairman Jiang dominates his daughters a long time ago, but I didn't expect to do so."

   "Yes, recently the ethos of our family home was brought by Jiang Dong to something wrong. Many families have begun to love their daughters and sons, especially young people..."

  Two old ladies are discussing while exercising at the fitness facility about 100 meters away from Jiang Xiaobai.

  Upward and downward effects. After the news of Jiang Xiaobai's doting on her girlfriend came out, many young people in Huaqing Holding Company were also affected.

   also calls herself a "daughter slave." She is very fond of her daughters, but a bit harsh on her sons.

  This has caused many elderly people to be reluctant, and the patriarchal trend is still very serious at this time.

  But because the instigator is Jiang Xiaobai, everyone has nothing to do.

  Before, when everyone was chatting in the community, some people vowed that if Jiang Xiaobai came back and saw Jiang Xiaobai, he must talk to Jiang Xiaobai well.

   But now Jiang Xiaobai is sitting on the lounge chair next to the fountain in the community, which is very conspicuous.

  As for those bragging people in the past, none of them dared to step forward and could only talk secretly from the sidelines.

  And the content of the discussion has also changed.

  Isn’t it the original "Preferring women to men, isn't this the yin and yang reversed? Unreasonably, this ethos has been broken..." or something like that.

  It's "Jiang Dong is really a pet girl, this little girl is really happy."

  Looking at Jiang Dong's petting girl, you know that Jiang Dong is a good boss. "And so on.

  When Zhao Xinyi found Jiang Xiaobai in the community, Jiang Xiaobai's arms were a little sore.

  Only then went home with her daughter, Jiang Xiaobai was cautious all the way, for fear of awakening her.

  Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s movements, Zhao Xinyi said dumbfoundedly: "Xiaobai, if you let others watch you like this, I guess I should talk about you when I look back. Where can I pet children like this."

   "My own girls pet themselves, they love to say what they say." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head indifferently, and the hands holding the girl became tighter.

  Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaobai drove to his home and the beverage factory.

  The home and the beverage factory also received news that Jiang Xiaobai was coming over for a meeting.

  The listing working group formed by the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Company and Jiahe Beverage Factory, and the working group sent by Director Lin of the Shanghai Stock Exchange are all in the conference room, sorting out information and waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to arrive.

  If this is an ordinary company, the head of a listed company such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange working group, or the head of a listed company, it is not easy to see the working group.

  But before they came, the director had already explained that Huaqing Holdings was different. The listing this time was a political task.

  (End of this chapter)

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