Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1666: Jiang Xiaobai also wants to be the boss

   Chapter 1666 Jiang Xiaobai also wants to be the boss

   "And it’s like what you said, Jiang, it’s still in the preparatory stage and the country hasn’t approved it

  The specific articles of association have not been finalized, so I have not come over to talk to you about this matter..."

  Laosan Liu explained while observing Jiang Xiaobai’s expression.

  Jiang Xiaobai calmly listened to Liu Laosan's explanation, and then smiled and said, "What are you talking about? No need to explain, this is a good thing."

  After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai got up and said, “It’s almost noon. Let’s go out for a meal and chat while eating. I won’t be able to accompany you at night. I have also made an appointment with someone from the bank!”

  He really wants to take the opportunity to have a little bit of Liu Laosan. Recently, he hopes that the group is closer to the Taishan Department.

  Taishan Department Jiang Xiaobai remembers that it should have been established this year. In Shandong Province, what the full name is? Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t remember, and he won’t remember so many useless.

  Anyway, in this Taishan family, there are many well-known bigwigs in later generations, like Liu Laosan who belonged to the Taishan family in his previous life.

  There is also Feng Lun, which is also a member of the Taishan family, all of whom are well-known private entrepreneurs in later generations.

  In this life, Liu Lao San and the others strictly belong to their own line. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai would not let Liu Lao San get close to others, and finally his alliance ran to others.

  So tap it appropriately, it is naturally necessary.

   "It's okay." Liu Laosan stood up and walked out behind Jiang Xiaobai, but he understood very well in his heart.

  Some of his recent practices should have made Jiang Xiaobai have opinions in his heart.

  If Jiang Xiaobai had no comments, he might interrupt him when he first explained it, instead of waiting until he had finished explaining, and then interrupted himself loudly.

  Two people took two drivers and went to the hotel.

  After sitting down and ordering the food, the conversation continued.

  Laosan Liu was going to talk about the bank, but Jiang Xiaobai mentioned another thing.

  "Lao San, we have not gotten together for some time recently, so let me have the time to invite some familiar and good relationship people to the magic city.

  Let’s get together. You said about bank loans this time and gave me a certain amount of inspiration. Although we private enterprises, we have already accumulated a certain amount of accumulation.

   But speaking of it, it is still very weak, and once it encounters some wind and grass, it is difficult to get through.

  But we are united together. We help each other and make progress together. If anyone has a problem or something, we can also extend a helping hand..."

  Jiang Xiaobai spoke word by word about his thoughts.

  If you were in your previous life, it would be great to be able to work in a certain company on the side of the Taishan Department.

  After all, he is an ordinary economics graduate.

   But in this life, he has experienced so much, so he also wants to be the boss once again. They can set up something like Taishan or Taurus.

  I have helped many people over the years and have shares in many companies, so why can’t I set up a similar economic cooperation organization?

  Ten years in Hedong, ten years in Hexi, everyone can take turns to sit on the throne of the emperor, not to mention the boss of such an economic cooperation organization.

  I am not incapable of this ability and this personal connection now.

   Jiang Xiaobai’s words revealed his ambitions.

  Luo San Liu listened quietly. From Jiang Xiaobai’s words, he heard Jiang Xiaobai’s ambition to be the boss.

  But he didn't think there was anything wrong with this. Jiang Xiaobai started his business earlier and has a high status in the domestic business field. There is nothing wrong with being an economic cooperation organization.

  Some time ago, someone invited himself to Shandong Province to attend a meeting, and the meaning expressed was almost the same as Jiang Xiaobai’s meaning.

  In terms of strength, Jiang Xiaobai is not as powerful as Jiang Xiaobai.

  What's more, Jiang Xiaobai helped Hope Group a lot, and he still has 25% of the shares of Hope Group.

  It is purely from the interests of close relations to consider, and should also consider Jiang Xiaobai's side, rather than the Shandong province side of the meeting.

  What's more, they have known Jiang Xiaobai for more than ten years. Jiang Xiaobai is capable and very trustworthy.

  I had said it at the beginning and gave them money to invest in shares, only dividends, and not intervening in the affairs of the company.

  After Jiang Xiaobai promised, he really did it. After so many years, no matter how well the group is hoped to develop.

  No matter how much money the Hope Group has made and how much influence it has, Jiang Xiaobai has always kept his promise. Apart from dividends every year, he does not ask about the Hope Group at all.

  Unless Hope Group is in difficulties and needs Jiang Xiaobai’s help.

  So compared to those who don't know much, Laosan Liu is of course willing to cooperate with Jiang Xiaobai, an acquaintance who has known each other for more than ten years.

   "Lao San, what do you think?" After Jiang Xiaobai said, he looked at Liu Lao San and asked Liu Lao San's views and attitudes.

   "This is of course good, Brother Jiang. You started your business early, and you needless to say your prestige in the industry. When that happens, you will speak up, and there will be a crowd of responders...

  Needless to say, I must listen to you completely, and advance and retreat with you. "Lao San Liu smiled and said.

   also picked up the wine glass and stood up: "Brother Jiang, I will toast you in advance."

  After finishing speaking, Old Three Liu drank it, Jiang Xiaobai was a little bit dumbfounded.

   "Okay, it's just an idea. We still need to ask everyone's opinions on how to do it at that time." Jiang Xiaobai solemnly raised it, and then put it down lightly.

  No him, because the idea is still a bit immature. When he was in Dragon City, he had formed a small group in the past few years, but the number of people was still too small at that time.

  But the timing is not very mature, mainly because the economic environment is not too good, so the effect is not good later.

   Now I was reminded by Liu Lao San that he remembered this again. Now the time is right. If we do, we must do well.

  What kind of charter is this chamber of commerce, who should be invited, what kind of threshold will be there in the future, and what is the purpose of the chamber of commerce?

  What to use to ensure everyone’s interests? Many things need to be considered.

  Since you do this for the second time, you must do it well.

   "By the way, Brother Jiang, what do you think about the bank?" Liu Laosan asked again.

  What do I think, I stand and watch, sit and watch, and watch next to me.

   "I'll look at it again." Jiang Xiaobai said casually. If he didn't have a flower bank before, then he would have to plug everything in, after all, it was a bank.

   But now that I already have a Flower Bank, I am not very interested in this Minsheng Bank.

  (End of this chapter)

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