Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1668: Show muscles

   Chapter 1668 Show muscles

  Until Jiang Xiaobai had eaten and left, Laosan Liu came back to his senses and replayed the content of the conversation with Jiang Xiaobai this time.

  He wants to start from scratch. For example, Jiang Xiaobai said that the data of private enterprises has already occupied half of the sky in the domestic economy.

  For example, Jiang Xiaobai said, some state-owned sectors will gradually be liberalized in the future...

  Every time I talk to Jiang Xiaobai, I get a lot of rewards. Jiang Xiaobai's grasp of the future is unparalleled.

  But his thoughts are always not concentrated, and he can't help but think of Jiang Xiaobai's saying that there is already a bank that belongs to him completely, and he is about to open a branch.

  To be honest, this time he came here with full confidence. After all, as the inviting party, he established his own bank for a private enterprise. This is definitely a major event in the history of private enterprises that can be recorded in the annals of history.

  And this incident is also one of the participants and initiators. Before I came, I had a slightly proud attitude.

  But I didn't expect that this little bit of pride was shattered after Jiang Xiaobai said lightly that he already had a bank of his own.

how to say? Jiang Xiaobai didn't say it, and didn't show it at all, but Liu Laosan felt like a jumping clown.

  I just had an idea here, and it is still in the stage of preparing to set up a bank, so far it has not been approved by the above.

  As a result, I jumped over in a hurry and showed off in front of others. As a result, they were established and already profitable.

  If it is not profitable, how can you open a branch...

   "I'm so arrogant, Yelang is so arrogant!" Liu Laosan shook his head and sighed. Recently, it was indeed a bit erratic.

  Laosan Liu tried his best to get rid of this idea, knowing the shame and then courageously, since Jiang Xiaobai did not deny that the bank was not good, but agreed with him,

  It's just that this time Jiang Xiaobai walked a few steps ahead of time.

  There is nothing wrong with this. After the mentality is calmed down, you can accept this result.

   After all, more than ten years ago, it was in this situation. Jiang Xiaobai was already well-known as a big boss. They were just preparing to start a business and went to learn from Jiang Xiaobai and received financial support.

  It’s no big deal. After so many years, I am making progress, and others are making progress too!

  I shouldn’t have the idea of ​​catching up with myself.

  Sitting in the lobby of the hotel, Laosan Liu thought for a while, took out his eldest brother, called the assistant, and asked him to inquire about the Moscoe Flower Bank.

  Know the shame and then be brave. Only when you know the gap can you catch up!

  After finishing the call, Laosan Liu couldn't sit still, and was about to go back to Rongcheng immediately.

   Things have changed, he wants to go back to the eldest brother, and the second elder brother will discuss it.

  After Jiang Xiaobai returned to the company, he planned to have dinner with the bank at night to discuss loans.

  Of course, Zhang Weiyi will talk about specific matters, so he can express his thoughts on the spot.

  As for the conversation with Liu Laosan at noon, it revealed the affairs of Flower Bank, and also showed his muscles.

  Compared to more than ten years ago, the Hope Group has grown up now. It is not the little brother that he used to be. The little brother consciously has grown up and has ideas in his heart.

  Is it OK if the big brother doesn’t brighten his muscles? The muscular little guy didn't want to follow along.

  Of course, just show the muscles. For Jiang Xiaobai, there is still a lot to do. He doesn't care about this money at all.

  In contrast, the establishment of the Economic Cooperation Chamber of Commerce is currently Jiang Xiaobai’s consideration.

  Jiang Xiaobai probably wrote some referring to the statutes of the Taishan Department and other departments in his previous life.

  But it has improved a bit. In fact, these economic cooperation chambers are unlikely to be too restrictive.

  Because there are too many rules, everyone is unwilling to join in.

  Basically, it is also very random, which makes it difficult for everyone to take out a little share of each other to control each other.

  When something like this happens, everyone can help each other. As for the extent to which it can be achieved, it depends on the personal charm of the leader.

  If the lead elder brother has a strong personal charm, then it is not impossible to say that if the lead elder brother is not strong, his strength will gradually fail. In the future, in this circle, it is not impossible for others to come from behind.

  After all, for their businessmen, the most important thing is financial resources and influence in the industry.

  Even in many cases, financial power is still above the influence of the industry.

  After all, if you have money, you can do a lot of things. If you have a lot of money, you will gradually gain influence.

  Before Jiang Xiaobai had a clue, Zhao Xiaojin came over to inform him of his dinner at the bank at night.

   Jiang Xiaobai, Zhang Weiyi and Zhao Xiaojin attended the banquet.

   Negotiate with the bank. Of course, this is just a greeting. For specific matters, both parties have to sit down and talk at the conference table.

  That’s tomorrow, but according to domestic habits, the two sides first set up their relationship at the dinner table.

  On the other side, Laosan Liu moved quickly and got off the bus at Rongcheng Airport.

  At the same time, he also received a call from his assistant, and he had already inquired about the affairs of Moscoe Flower Bank and was almost done.

   "Mr. Liu, do you want those steel plants abroad?" The secretary drove up to pick up Laosan Liu. This time Laosan Liu went to Modu on a business trip, but he did not follow.

   "Steel plant?" Liu Laosan frowned and was a little confused. He asked the secretary to inquire about Flower Bank. What does it have to do with the steel plant?

   "Yes, it is the steel plant. Recently, the Flower Bank has a group of steel plants and resource-based plants to be sold.

   has now spread in China, and some people are quite interested..." the secretary replied while driving.

  In fact, it is not only Liu Laosan who is puzzled, but his secretary is also puzzled. Those who are interested in these steel plants are all domestic companies that do this.

  And most of them are concentrated in state-owned enterprises, and the Hope Group makes feed.

  It basically has nothing to do with those steel plants and resource-based industries. Mr. Liu suddenly asked what the news meant.

  Is it ready to enter this industry, but just to enter this industry, shouldn’t it be in China in the first place?

  It is impossible to buy these companies abroad without a little ability. They are all the leading brothers in these related industries.

  "Can you tell me more about what's going on?" Liu Laosan became interested, and there seemed to be some things he didn't know in the middle.

   Soon the secretary put aside the news spread by Huaqing Holdings.

  Fortunately, it was the news circulated by Huaqing Holdings. Many people were interested, so it was clear to ask about Flower Bank and the like. Otherwise, he would not get the news in such a short time.

  (End of this chapter)

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