Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1671: Start bidding

  Chapter 1671 Start of bidding

  Jiang Xiaobai is arranging the daily work of Enchanted Capital, while preparing for the trip to the north.

  At the same time, the bidding meeting of Huaqing Holding Group, which has attracted much attention in the domestic construction industry, has begun.

  Recently, the domestic construction industry has attracted a lot of people because of Huaqing Holding Group’s bidding for two buildings in Magic City.

  Two high-rise buildings over 500 meters, the investment is more than 2 billion yuan, and the margin alone is more than 30 million.

  Participation of top foreign designers, all of this has moved the hearts of various domestic construction companies, just like sharks in the sea smelling blood and moving with the wind.

   is too eye-catching. If the construction of such a building can be completed, not to mention the profit, the reputation and qualifications alone will already be able to make people excited.

  Even after this building was built, it didn’t make a penny of profit, but wasted time. But as long as it didn’t make a loss, many construction companies were willing to do it.

  The ability to build a high-rise building independently is the qualification. With this qualification, as the domestic economic environment improves, it is conceivable that there will be more opportunities in the future.

  But first of all, if you have such qualifications and can build such a building, otherwise, everyone will not dare to use you when building a building.

  It is not only the building, but also represents that its own construction company may jump up and officially enter the forefront of the domestic construction industry.

  So this time it is not only a profit problem, but also a reputation problem, and the attraction is increasing.

  Before the formal bidding, the Huaqing Holding Group only collected the deposit for the bidding, which had reached 500 million.

  As long as the qualified construction companies feel that they have the opportunity, they will come to join in the fun, and some small construction companies that are not qualified also want to increase their knowledge.

  Zhang Weiyi has been busy for the past two days without touching the ground, walking around the banquets of various construction companies all day.

  It’s not that these construction companies want to rely on Zhang Weiyi to decide the ownership of the bid, but it’s always good to be able to meet and pull together.

  Especially when other people are doing this kind of thing, there is no reason not to do it. In case it is time for the bidding, the two parties have similar bids, let alone which one Zhang Weiyi will choose and which one he prefers.

  Of course, they want to invite Jiang Xiaobai even more, because everyone knows that Zhang Weiyi may have a certain right to make suggestions on such matters.

  But Jiang Xiaobai must have brought the final big idea, but it is a pity that Jiang Xiaobai never showed up from the beginning to the end.

  So people like them can only invite Zhang Weiyi to the next level to see if they can get some opportunities from Zhang Weiyi.

  Zhang Weiyi was a little languid while drinking tea in Jiang Xiaobai’s office. He finally spared some time to report to Jiang Xiaobai’s work.

  Recently, it’s been drinking every day, and sometimes he has to catch up to two places in one night, and he can't hold it even if he is hitting hard.

  Sometimes I think that as soon as Shi Sheng moved to the magic city, he immediately chose to retire. It is really a wise decision.

  It was that he was so young that he couldn't bear it. What's more, Shi Sheng was already more than fifty years old. If Shi Sheng continued to toss like this, let alone how many years he would live less.

   may not be able to get off the wine table.

  I really envy it when I think about it, but it’s just occasional envy. Zhang Weiyi still enjoys this feeling in many cases.

  Especially this time, there is a classmate in the construction company that came from Beijing. Of course, his classmate is not the leader of the construction company, but just a middle-level leader.

  I haven't seen each other for many years after graduation. They occasionally meet with each other in Beijing. After graduation like him, he was abducted to Huaqing Holding Group after he stayed in Beijing for a short time.

  The people who run around all day basically have no contact with the capital.

  In addition, when he was abroad before, he basically lost contact for a long time.

  After accepting the invitation, he recognized it with his classmates at the dinner.

  The fellow villager sees fellow villager, tears in his eyes. Not to mention his classmates, not to mention it, after having this relationship.

  The atmosphere on both sides is obviously more harmonious, sitting in the center of the dinner table, looking at the envied eyes of the classmates.

  He is not a person who likes to write, but what do men like, power, status, etc.

  Thinking that when he left the capital, many people didn’t say anything less.

  What a fool, a lunatic, a good government agency and units are not waiting, ran out to the sea to do business, and then just go to the sea to do business.

   Even went to a township enterprise to be the director of a small factory. For ordinary workers, being the director of a small small-scale enterprise is a bit interesting.

  But he is a college student, working in a government agency in Beijing, and he has a bright future.

  It’s not that you have lost your mind. How could you run out? Isn’t this a neurosis?

  Talking cool words, watching the excitement, making jokes secretly, even in the first few years he went home during the Chinese New Year and taught him face-to-face.

  Speaking nicely, what is good for you, you shouldn’t be like that.

   But in fact, they blame him on the commanding heights of morality and make fun of him.

  And now ten years have passed, how? Feng Shui turns, he is now a shareholder of Huaqing Holding Group, although the shares are not too many.

   But a few million, tens of millions, is still the general manager of Huaqing Holding Group.

  Have the right to inquire about all major and minor matters of Huaqing Holding Group.

  And his classmate, because of seniority and position, is still in the middle.

  In fact, this phenomenon couldn't be more normal. This is the case within the system. First of all, you must be strong.

  Secondly, qualifications are required. It does not mean that you can do whatever you want with strong abilities. You also need qualifications.

  Next, you still need a little bit of luck. For example, how fast your boss is promoted, and the position is always vacant before you can have a chance.

  If by any chance your boss is about to retire and not retire, there is no aggressiveness.

  If that person has been in this position for seven or eight years, you can only stare at him.

  If you want to make progress, or you will leave your original unit, or you will have to find a way to vacate your family.

  And this needs to have a relationship behind, and even if there is a relationship, if you change to a new unit, you have no results. You can only start from the beginning and take your time.

  This is embarrassing, so the development within the system looks bright, and that is for ordinary people.

  For some people who have revenge, it's different.

  It is not easy for his classmates to become middle-level leaders, but it is still not enough for him.

  (End of this chapter)

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