Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1676: Determine the winning bidder

  Chapter 1676 Determine the winning bidder

   However, Zhao Gang and the others have different purposes.

  Others can't wait to let Jiang Xiaobai help. They can get the best for nothing. Of course, this is impossible, everyone knows in their hearts.

   And Zhao Gang called to show that Longgang was interested in this matter, but did not want Jiang Xiaobai to help too much.

  After all, he knows what the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and the foreign flower bank is.

  That is Jiang Xiaobai’s enterprise. If you help, Jiang Xiaobai might be able to sell half of it to Longgang.

  If it was 20 years ago, if it was the technology that Longgang urgently needed, then there is nothing to say. Zhao Gang would definitely hope that Jiang Xiaobai would do this.

   But now is different. He is old and about to retire. He has contributed his entire life to Longgang.

  Youth, blood, and beautiful years, I have contributed to Longgang all my life.

  When he is old, there is no need to let his daughters and sons-in-law suffer for the sake of the factory, not to mention the technology that Longgang lacks.

  So there is no need for this at all. If it can be taken under normal competition, take it down and add a cornerstone to Longgang. If not, he doesn’t care.

  That’s why he gave instructions to Jiang Xiaobai. He understands Jiang Xiaobai’s character, if he doesn’t explain it directly.

  Jiang Xiaobai thought that what he wanted might be to disregard his own interests to fulfill himself,

  This has been confirmed in the past life.

  Jiang Xiaobai has grown up step by step by himself. His status is constantly changing, but his person has not changed.

  Before hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai told Zhao Gang again about buying a house for Zhao Gang and being renovated.

  Zhao Gang is still very concerned about this matter and made some comments.

  Hang up Zhao Gang's phone, Jiang Xiaobai checked that the time was almost up, and went directly to the small meeting room.

When Jiang Xiaobai arrived, they had already brought out a tender.

   "Jiang Dong."

   "Dong Jiang." As soon as Jiang Xiaobai entered the meeting room, everyone stood up and said hello.

   "Sit, how about? How many bids meet our expectations?" Jiang Xiaobai said, and sat down.

  Zhang Weiyi handed the selected bids to Jiang Xiaobai, and at the same time introduced: “There are now several bids. Among them, the bidding conditions of China State Construction, Magic Heavy Industry Group and other enterprises are very in line with our company's requirements.

  The conditions of China Construction..."

  Zhang Weiyi introduced Jiang Xiaobai while Jiang Xiaobai was also looking at the bidding book.

  Basically, the conditions are the same. Among them, because of a previous cooperation between China State Construction Engineering Corporation, all the conditions are in Jiang Xiaobai's heart.

  Including construction time, project payment plan and the like.

  The other companies are slightly worse. Jiang Xiaobai took out the Zhongjian company first.

   Needless to say, the conditions of China State Construction Engineering are the best, but if it is slightly higher, Jiang Xiaobai will also choose China State Construction Engineering.

  After all, the two parties had cooperated before, and the cooperation was relatively pleasant, and they were familiar with each other.

  What's more, China Construction did come here with sincerity this time, and the bidding price was the lowest among all companies.

  As for other companies. More or less, the bid price is higher than that of China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., or 5 million, or 10 million, or 20 million.

  Among them, Modu Heavy Industry is 10 million higher than Zhongjian.

  However, in such a bid, the price difference is 10 million, 5 million and the like, which cannot be the decisive factor.

  If the difference is one hundred million, two hundred million, etc., it may be a bit more obvious.

   Five million, ten million, Jiang Xiaobai didn't care at all.

   "China State Construction is one, what do you think?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly.

   "Very good, we also mean the same. China State Construction is bidding for the construction of our Huaqing Building. I agree." Zhang Weiyi said.

  This time the two buildings, Jiang Xiaobai was not tied together. There were already more wolves and less meat. If the two buildings were tied together.

  There is only one family to eat, which is not in line with Jiang Xiaobai’s original intention. Besides, the construction of two buildings at once is also a big test for many construction companies.

  So the two buildings are tendered separately. In theory, Huaqing Holding Group has not stated that each company can only bid for one high-rise building, or Huaqing Building, or Huahai Center.

  In theory, a company can bid for the Huaqing Building and Huahai Center of Gravity at the same time.

  But in fact, all companies have a tacit understanding of only bidding for one of the buildings.

  Eating alone is sometimes not so delicious, not to mention that Huaqing Holding Group will not allow it. It makes people laugh for nothing.

  After Zhang Weiyi finished speaking, several members of the bid evaluation committee also agreed, and the matter was settled.

  In the remaining few construction companies, there are Beijing, Pengcheng, and Modu Heavy Industries.

  The conditions are almost the same, and there is no cooperation, which is more difficult.

   "Wei Yi, which one do you prefer?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  "Madu Heavy Industry Group." Zhang Weiyi said plainly.

   "Why?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "First of all, Modu Heavy Industry is capable, and Modu Heavy Industry is also a leader in the construction industry on Modu's side. Their main body of the Oriental Pearl Tower, which has been completed, has passed the inspection and has experience and strength..." Zhang Weiyi said with a vague look in his eyes.

   But Jiang Xiaobai understood that because there were other people, Zhang Weiyi had another reason that he did not say, and that was to measure it from a political perspective.

  It doesn’t make sense. In the two tallest buildings in Magic City, the local construction industry of Magic City can’t get a single one.

  The last one I didn’t get was that the road manager built by the Jin Province Province did not cause any trouble to Jiang Xiaobai in the end.

  But I have tossed it several times, which is very troublesome.

  Of course, it was Manager Lu who was self-righteous, and wanted to point fingers at Jiang Xiaobai, so Jiang Xiaobai ignored him.

  But now this Modu Heavy Industry Group is different, it understands the rules very well, and the conditions are also very good.

  Actually, Zhang Weiyi just said that he has strength and experience. There is one more thing to add to these two points, that is, understanding the rules.

   Jiang Xiaobai is also willing to give some care to those who understand the rules.

   "Okay, then give Modu Heavy Industry Group, you have to take care of your local enterprise!" Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said.

  "Dong Jiang, the atmosphere..."

   "Jiang Dong said this very well, a company that takes care of his own people..." Other members of the bid evaluation committee also praised Jiang Xiaobai.

  Although they seem to have nothing to do with all companies, after all, they are experts and professors in related industries.

How can    have nothing to do with Mordu Heavy Industry Group, the leading company in the local construction industry of Mordu.

  (End of this chapter)

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