Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1682: Father Jiang

  Chapter 1682 Picking up Father Jiang

  The plane flew thousands of miles in the sky. Jiang Tieshan was sitting next to the window, feeling a little agitated. Although he was very old, this was also his first time flying.

"Brother Jiang, I really touched you this time. Otherwise, how can we have this blessing in our entire life?" said the old man sitting next to Jiang Tieshan. His name was Zhang Shan, who turned out to be the section chief of Jiang Tieshan's section, and he was considered Jiang Tieshan. 'S direct supervisor.

  But after they both retired, they will not be as comfortable as Jiang Tieshan after this day.

  It turned out that he was pretty good to Jiang Tieshan. Of course, he would always feel superior to Jiang Tieshan.

   But now, it's completely reversed.

"Yeah, Jiang, to be honest, the feeling of this airplane is really different, Jiang, you are so blessed, we are very envious." There is also Jiang Tieshan's worker who speaks, and his tone is full of envy. .

   "Haha, it's just a plane, I feel there is no difference from a bus." Jiang Tieshan said with a smile.

  These words made all the old workers and friends around me feel a little bit sour. This Jiang Tieshan is definitely pretending.

  The plane is the same as the bus, it’s really...

   "Actually, I was thinking that we would go to sleeper trains, play cards along the way, chat, and look at the scenery along the way outside the window.

  The youngest disagrees, saying that we are old and not suitable for long-distance travel. Let me say that although we are old, we are in good health. "Jiang Tieshan said with a smile.

The people around are full of echoes, and there is no way. Although they know that Jiang Tieshan is showing off, but whoever makes people’s mouth short takes their hands short, this time the cost of going out is all people’s Jiang Tieshan, or to be precise, Jiang’s youngest. All expenses borne.

  They all travel for free. What else is unsatisfactory? How can you not let the old man show off?

  This kind of opportunity is not available to everyone. When they come out, many people like family friends do not know that they are envious.

  Zhang Shan’s youngest son and the couple are very envious, saying that they have not gone out yet.

   "In this way, let's play in the magic city for two days, and then plan the next trip. As long as everyone feels not tired, then continue on.

  If someone has something at home, I will ask the youngest to book a ticket for him and go home. "Jiang Tieshan said with a smile, this time all he was looking for were old workers and old friends.

   There are a dozen people in total. They are usually talked about. Sometimes they will compare with their children, jealous of each other, and sometimes quarrel, but on the whole, these people are some of the people he has the best relationship with.

  When Jiang Tieshan spoke, the plane began to descend. Coming from Longcheng, the scenery was completely different.

  When taking off at Longcheng Airport, all of them were ridges and ravines from the plane. Although they were also majestic, they were used to seeing them, and they didn’t think there was anything.

  But Lemo City is different here. It looks like the river is vertical and horizontal below, and the ground seems to be divided into several small pieces.

  There is also the long Huangpu River, which is completely different from Longcheng.

  Several old men are all lying beside the window watching, you are talking about each other in excitement.

  Although the demons at this time were not as good as those built by later generations, they still have the style of a big city in Shili foreign market.

  After a group of people got off the plane, some of them couldn't find the north, south, east, and west. Now Hongqiao Airport is not as big as later generations.

   But for a group of old men who have never gone out, it is still too big.

   can only follow the crowd to walk outside slowly, but a group of old men are unhappy at first, and slowly they don’t know how to leave.

  However, at this moment, a staff member came over and asked politely: "Are you old comrades coming to see Chairman Jiang Xiaobai?"


   "Yes, I'm looking for Mr. Jiang."

   "Yes, how can I get out..."

  Everyone nodded one after another, and then said in a rush.

  Jiang Laosan, the staff smoked his face. Chairman Jiang is in the VIP room now, the leader is chatting and drinking tea with him.

  It turned out to be Jiang Lao San here, but the staff didn't think much about the person Jiang Xiaobai would pick up.

With a professional smile on his face,    asked again: "Who is Jiang Dong's father?"

  Everyone looked at Jiang Tieshan, and Jiang Tieshan stepped forward and said, "I am Jiang Tieshan."

  "Hello, Mr. Jiang." The staff's face showed an extremely awful smile for an instant, and slightly bent over and shook hands with Jiang Tieshan.

  As if facing not a retired old man, but some big leader.

   "Hello." Jiang Tieshan was also a little surprised, he was not used to such a formal handshake.

   "Jiang Dong is having tea with our leader in the VIP room. I will take you there."

   "Thank you, we almost lost our way just now, you are too big here." Jiang Tieshan nodded, calling everyone behind him to follow.

  The staff are also very talkative, chatting with Jiang Tieshan and others.

  In the VIP room, after Jiang Xiaobai saw Jiang Tieshan and his party, he immediately got up to meet him.

   "Dad." Jiang Xiaobai shouted and took Jiang Tieshan's luggage.

   "Yeah." Jiang Tieshan nodded. It hasn't been long since he and his son Jiang Xiaobai have been apart, but there is no excitement.

   Jiang Xiaobai greeted the people on Jiang Tieshan again. Most of Jiang Tieshan’s old workers and old friends Jiang Xiaobai still knew.

  After greeting, Jiang Xiaobai said goodbye to the manager at the airport, and then walked outside with Jiang Tieshan and others.

   "Uncle Jiang." Zhao Xiaojin also greeted him. She was Jiang Xiaobai's secretary. When she was in Longcheng, she would often send things to Jiang Tieshan on behalf of Jiang Xiaobai and visit Jiang Tieshan.

  Long time, Jiang Tieshan also treats Zhao Xiaojin as his niece.

  At this time, I was also very happy to see Zhao Xiaojin.

  Zhao Xiaojin took Jiang Tieshan’s arm and walked outside while asking Jiang Tieshan how it was like to fly on the way they came.

  This provokes everyone’s topic. They are all flying for the first time, and they are very fresh.

  Jiang Tieshan also cares about how Zhao Xiaojin is in the magic city, adapting to not adapting.

  Looking at Zhao Xiaojin and his father Jiang Tieshan talking and laughing, Jiang Xiaobai was a little speechless, and seemed to be closer than his own son.

  But Jiang Tieshan is such a person, and he is a standard strict father's way of dealing with several children in the family.

   may think a lot in my mind, but I won’t express it in my mouth.

  So the exchanges between Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Tieshan are very few in many cases. It is impossible to have a happy scene like Zhao Xiaojin and Jiang Tieshan.

  (End of this chapter)

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