Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1686: Time is tight

   Chapter 1686 Time is tight

   Liu Jian accompanied Jiang Xiaobai all the way to the Huahai Automobile Factory, while introducing him to Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai also expressed his opinions.

  The team slowly followed Jiang Xiaobai and others. The Huahai Automobile Plant was modified by Likhachev Automobile Plant, and the plant distribution remained basically unchanged.

  The whole factory is very big. It’s not a problem to walk a short distance, but it’s still very strenuous to walk directly to the office building.

   And in the middle, if Jiang Xiaobai and others want to go to the production workshop or something, it is farther away, and it is not convenient without a car.

  Huahai Automobile Factory is not like Volga Automobile Factory. The production line alone is hundreds of kilometers, but the area is not small.

   "Besides, besides."

  A train passing by, there is a special train track inside Huahai Automobile Factory.

  This is the demeanor of Dachang. The train goes directly to the door of the production workshop.

  "Some special customized models in the factory have not stopped production." Liu Jian watched Jiang Xiaobai looked at the train and introduced.

  Jiang nodded slightly. He knew a little bit about this. It turned out that the models produced by Likhachev were very complicated. Not only were they sold exclusively on the market, but some of them were customized models of specialized departments.

  There is also a heavy-duty truck market, in which Likhachev's cars are also sold well.

  There are a lot of special vehicles such as space rescue.

After   Huahai Automobile Factory took over, it did not stop this part of the business.

  After all, no matter how small a fly is, it is meat, not to mention that this part of the business is not small.

   "Hmm." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, greeted everyone in the car, and then went to the office building.

   "Dong Jiang." When Jiang Xiaobai got out of the car, Mr. Huang greeted him with someone.

   "Well, Lao Huang, hello, you have worked hard." Jiang Xiaobai and Mr. Huang shook hands. Next to Mr. Huang were the executives and heads of Flower Bank.

After    said hello, a group of people came to Jiang Xiaobai’s office.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s office was kept a while ago, and it was renovated later.

  It’s just that she was usually empty. After receiving the news from Jiang Xiaobai, she cleaned up in advance.

  So now it looks like there is no dust except a little deserted.

  "Sit down, everyone sits down." Jiang Xiaobai greeted everyone to sit down. The meeting room in the office was big enough, like a small meeting room.

  So although there are many people, I can still sit down.

  Liu Jian took care of the tea and brought it over.

  "Okay, let me tell you about it. This time I come here, I can stay for about ten days, up to half a month, so there will be no rest time.

  It’s already three o’clock in the afternoon. We will have a meal together, and then we will take a jet lag, take a rest, and start working tomorrow morning. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Liu Jian and Mr. Huang nodded, they expected.

  In the case of the domestic group headquarters, although they did not participate, they still have some understanding, knowing that the headquarters has just moved this year.

   Two more buildings are to be built, the factory is relocated, and the home and the beverage factory are preparing to go public. Jiang Xiaobai is very busy.

  In fact, it was beyond their expectation to be able to stay for half a month.

  When they called Jiang Xiaobai to report on their work, they all made plans for Jiang Xiaobai to come back when he didn’t have time to come back.

  Now Jiang Xiaobai is staying for half a month, they are very content.

   "Okay, let me talk about it. First deal with the affairs of Huahai Automobile Factory, and then the Flower Bank. Are there any problems?" Jiang Xiaobai asked while looking at the two.

   "No problem." Mr. Huang first expressed his opinion.

  Liu Jian is even more uncomfortable, after all, they Huahai Automobile Factory came first.

  "The Huahai Automobile Plant, Liu Jian, you can arrange it now, hurry up and make a publicity plan, the sooner the better.

  First, make a publicity plan around these several plans, and then comprehensively consider them. "Jiang Xiaobai arranged.

   Liu Jian nodded, called the assistant over, and ordered to go down.

   Jiang Xiaobai continued to arrange, and Liu Jian responded one by one.

   "Also, here at Flower Bank, for the opening of a branch in Xiangjiang, first come up with a plan..." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Mr. Huang again.

  Although I said that I will take a rest today and I will officially start working tomorrow, some preparations have to be arranged.

  "Also, regarding the handling of those steel resource-based enterprises, some people from China will come over, and they should come over one after another in three days. Mr. Huang, do a good job of receiving them.

  If necessary, I will let someone cooperate with you..." Jiang Xiaobai said, and the secretary behind him handed a list to Mr. Huang.

  These are all in the country. I called Jiang Xiaobai. I was interested in the batch of resource-based companies released by Flower Bank and expressed the list of companies that they wanted to come over.

   Originally, Jiang Xiaobai planned to invite these people to the magic city and set off together, but because he still needed to come to deal with the Huahai Automobile Factory in advance, he just notified them of a time and came here first.

   "Okay, I know." Mr. Huang took the list.

  One hour later, the executives of Huahai Automobile Factory and Flower Bank followed Jiang Xiaobai and others to the hotel.

  The time is five o'clock, the weather outside is still very good, but the banquet has already begun.

  While pushing the cup and changing the cup, Jiang Xiaobai told Liu Jian and Mr. Huang about domestic affairs.

  Physically speaking, Huaqing Holding Group and Flower Bank are two companies, but this is only in name and financial.

  But now Jiang Xiaobai holds most of the shares of the two companies, and they are all talking about each other, so there is no difference between two companies and one company.

  For example, the mutual mobilization of personnel in two companies is a matter of Jiang Xiaobai's decision in one word, and the distinction at the leadership level is not so obvious.

  So Jiang Xiaobai also told the two about the Huaqing Holding Group, let them know a little bit.

  Mr. Huang's face was slightly agitated, he knew that Jiang Xiaobai told himself these things were a sign of true trust in himself.

  He has been with Jiang Xiaobai for a short time, and he has worked with Jiang Xiaobai for a shorter time. Since Jiang Xiaobai has worked here, he has been abroad.

  There is relatively little contact. Although he has now reached the top of the company, he feels that Jiang Xiaobai may not trust him so much.

  But now Jiang Xiaobai tells himself domestic affairs, it means he truly regards himself as the top of the company.

   "Yes, there is one more thing. Senior staff have already allocated a certain amount of shares in China. The size of Flower Bank is relatively large. You alone will give you 2% of the shares. What do you think?"

   Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two people and asked, in fact, this kind of thing should have been formally discussed in the office, not on the wine table.

  But Jiang Xiaobai has always been more casual, so he said directly when he thought of it.

  (End of this chapter)

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