Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1693: I said, believe it or not

  Chapter 1693 Believe it or not I said I borrowed it

  Jiang Xiaobai did this while reaping many friendships, and at the same time he calmly took care of many domestic enterprises.

   "Jiang Dong, now all the companies have been dealt with, the total is 400 million US dollars, more than 2 billion yuan.

  The cost of our acquisition of these companies was US$100 million, and now we have a profit of US$300 million, which is about RMB 1.5 billion. "

   In the past two days, among many business leaders, he was praised and complimented by everyone. Mr. Huang was standing in front of Jiang Xiaobai’s desk at this time.

   Holding the file and reporting to Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Well, come see me." A smile appeared on Jiang Xiaobai's face.

  These companies were acquired in 1991. In two years, they made a profit of 300 million U.S. dollars.

  Except for this special period in the north, how could there be such an opportunity at other times.

   "Everything is over, Jiang Dong, do you mean to organize a celebration party or something like a celebration party?" Mr. Huang looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded casually: "You can handle this by yourself."

   "Jiang Dong, then tomorrow night, Jiang Dong, you have to participate!" Mr. Huang said.

   "Me?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled and shook his head: "I can't dance, I won't join in your fun."

   "Jiang Dong, what's the point if you don't go to this dance party, you must go." Mr. Huang invited again, as if Jiang Xiaobai couldn't go.

   "Hehe, you want me to make a fool of yourself, Lao Huang, what is your mind?" Jiang Xiaobai scolded with a smile.

   "Oh, Dong Jiang, how dare I? You don't need to dance, just have a glass of wine and show up." Mr. Huang smiled.

   "Okay, I promised you." Jiang Xiaobai said, and then said with a straight face: "Go and bring me the plan of that branch."

   "Okay." Mr. Huang responded, and quickly brought the business plan of the company's branch.

   "Okay, I'll take a look first, let's talk tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai took the plan and looked at it.

  The business plan made by Mr. Huang is mainly for loans to small and medium-sized enterprises.

   coincides with the thinking of the Minsheng Bank.

  There are also buying and selling, buying and selling foreign exchange as an agent, absorbing public deposits, and issuing short-term, medium-term and long-term loans.

  Jiang Xiaobai probably read it once, with some thoughts in his mind, but it was late, he was not busy, and went into the office to rest.

  He has been resting in the office for the past two days, and the time for a business trip to the north is tight, and he has no time to go back and forth in the hotel.

  The next morning, as soon as Jiang Xiaobai got up, Director Lu came over.

  "Xiaobai, thank you, thank you!" Before Director Lu entered the door, a hearty laugh came.

  I came here this time, it can be said that everything I wanted was fulfilled, and everything went smoothly.

  Of course, he knew in his heart that the reason for this smoothness was all because of Jiang Xiaobai.

  Not only his own Wanxiang enterprise, but also other enterprises can proceed smoothly, all because of Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Old Lu, why are you looking for this." Jiang Xiaobai was a little confused, he just came back from washing.

   "I originally came to see Mr. Liu from Huahai Automobile Factory. I saw you coming out of the bathroom just now, so I followed..."

  Director Lu said, suddenly he couldn't speak anymore, because he saw the sign on the door of the office.

"Office of the Chairman."

  For an instant, Director Lu felt a little confused in his head, and Jiang Xiaobai was using it in the office of the chairman.

  He knows that Jiang Xiaobai has been busy with Huahai Automobile Factory in the past two days. This is normal because Huaqing Holding Group and Huahai Automobile Factory have a cooperation.

  It is normal for Jiang Xiaobai to travel at Huahai Automobile Factory, but Jiang Xiaobai will live in the office of the chairman of Huahai Automobile Factory after coming.

  You must know that this is not a domestic joint venture, SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant, but the North Side Huahai Automobile Plant.

  How could Jiang Xiaobai be in the chairman's office?

  "Are you here to see Mr. Liu?" Jiang Xiaobai hadn't realized the problem yet.

  Director Lu nodded: “Yes, I’m here to see Mr. Liu from Huahai Automobile Factory. I want to talk about it and see if there is any possibility of cooperation.”

  He originally wanted Jiang Xiaobai to help introduce some, and get to know Mr. Liu, the person in charge of Huahai Automobile Factory.

  They Wanxiang makes auto parts. They came to the north this time and saw the big fat of Huahai Automobile Factory. There was no reason to let it go.

  However, when I went to Jiang Xiaobai’s room in the hotel in the morning, Jiang Xiaobai was not found, so he came directly.

   But I didn’t expect to see Jiang Xiaobai in the office of the chairman of Huahai Automobile Factory.

   "Xiao Bai, why are you here?" Director Lu pointed to the office sign on his finger and said.

   "Ah!" Jiang Xiaobai put down the towel and looked up.

  On the big sign at the door, the words "Chairman's Office" were shining brightly.

   "This, this, I said I just borrowed someone's office, do you believe it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked tentatively.

   "You said I believe it or not?" Director Lu said with a black face, borrowing, he is not a three-year-old kid.

  What can be borrowed and what cannot be borrowed, there are rules for this kind of thing.

  It is possible to say that Huahai Automobile Factory can borrow several million, or even tens of millions to Jiang Xiaobai.

  But it is definitely impossible to borrow the chairman's office. If the people below do this, then do you want to do it?

  So things like the office must not be borrowed randomly.

   "Haha, come, Lao Lu, come in and sit down." Jiang Xiaobai invited with an embarrassed smile.

  "Is it appropriate? After all, this is your borrowed office." Director Lu said with a smile.

   "Borrow it, then I lent it to me too!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

  He also made a cup of tea for Director Lu. He had probably guessed the purpose of Director Lu’s visit.

  Director Lu and Liu Jian are acquainted with each other. Since Director Lu has come to Huahai Automobile Factory to discuss cooperation, he also needs to meet Liu.

  As soon as we meet, we must be exposed, so I can’t keep it secret.

  It is impossible to say that Jiang Xiaobai borrowed the office of the chairman of the board, and that the general manager of Huahai Automobile Plant was lent by Jiang Xiaobai to Huahai Automobile Plant.

  There are people coming and going! I can't explain it!

   "Let's talk about it." Director Lu stared at Jiang Xiaobai and said.


  "Didn't you look for Manager Liu, I'll call it for you." Jiang Xiaobai gave Director Lu a calm expression.

   Then picked up the phone on the desk and called Liu Jian.

   "Hey, Dong Jiang."

   "You come to my office." Jiang Xiaobai said with his handsfree.


  Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone, then stood up and said, “Old Lu, you sit here for a while, I’ll go in and clean up, and wait for Mr. Liu to come over and let’s talk.”

  (End of this chapter)

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