Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1696: Bank business

   Chapter 1696 Banking

  Jiang Xiaobai suddenly developed two buildings in Pudong, China, which is driving Pudong’s economic development.

   "Dong Jiang, when do you have time to go to Xiangjiang for a business trip?" Mr. Huang asked.

   "I'm going!" Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback.

   "Yes, Jiang Dong, if this matter is settled, our Flower Bank is going to open a branch in Xiangjiang, of course, you need to come forward. I can't talk about many things myself." Mr. Huang nodded affirmatively.

  He turned out to be just a professional manager of Flower Bank. He has no way to make many major decisions and cooperation.

  There are also some conversations, and their status and status are not equal to others.

  Although he now has a 2% stake in Flower Bank, he is still very clear about his position in his heart.

   is just a corporate leader, a small shareholder, Jiang Xiaobai still needs to make decisions on important matters.

  "This..." Jiang Xiaobai had a headache. Originally, he wanted to go to the north for a business trip. If he went to Xiangjiang again, the business trip would be longer.

  It’s been a business trip for ten days now. I originally thought that in the next few days, I would easily handle the affairs of Flower Bank and return to my country.

  Now I still need to take a trip to Xiangjiang.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, but did not decline, and directly agreed.

   "Wait until the plan is finalized, you prepare, let's go straight to the north."

  Flower Bank’s first step to the north is not to say that it is very important, but it is also very important, which means,

  Can the Flower Bank of the future develop into a world-wide bank, or will it grow up just by relying on the storm of the disintegration of the north?

  After the storm, they can only shrink to the north side.

  The branch is very important this time, just like Mr. Huang considered.

  If you can gain a firm foothold in Xiangjiang, the next step is to use Xiangjiang as a springboard to enter the mainland.

  If it doesn’t work, you may need to go back to the north or find a new address.

  As for the date of returning to China, it can only be pushed back, but there is no alternative.

  "Okay, Jiang Dong, I know, I will arrange it as soon as possible. After we have confirmed the plan here, we will go to Xiangjiang as soon as possible." Mr. Huang said, he also understands that Jiang Xiaobai's time is pressing.

  "The first item that has been determined now is loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, deposits, long-term loans, and foreign exchange bonds. These profit points are not enough and need to be increased..."

   Jiang Xiaobai continued, the issue of profitability is the cornerstone for the survival of Flower Bank in the future.

   "You have been in the financial industry for a long time, don't hesitate to say if you have any good ideas..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Now everyone in the conference room began to talk.

   "Dong Jiang, I think it is possible to carry out corporate borrowing of bridge funds."

  "Dong Jiang, I think I can act as an agent for collection and payment and insurance business..."

   "I think we can buy and sell government bonds, financial bonds..."

  Everyone was talking in a mess. There was a part of the business Jiang Xiaobai understood, and later generations had heard of it.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai has not worked in a bank specifically. Regarding these businesses, whether they are suitable for a private bank, Jiang Xiaobai can't figure out.

  As the business grows bigger and bigger, I feel my knowledge is getting scarcer.

  But this is not important. If you are in the real estate industry, you may not necessarily be able to draw design drawings and build buildings. In the Internet industry, the boss may not necessarily write codes and programs by himself.

  The business is bigger, the boss only needs to control the overall situation, and the professional people do professional work.

   "Lao Huang, you check and organize the discussion." Jiang Xiaobai pointed.

  Mr. Huang nodded and took the lead in organizing the research, because Jiang Xiaobai was present, so that Jiang Xiaobai could understand.

  The person who proposes to carry out this business should also use as simple as possible to introduce why this business should be carried out, and provide their own basis.

  Similarly, some people will retort and put forward different opinions. Jiang Xiaobai just sat in the main seat and listened carefully.

  Although it was a headache, he would be a little worried if he let it go completely.

  In the small meeting room of Flower Bank, I studied for a whole day and proposed more than 30 businesses.

  But this is not over. More than 30 businesses are definitely too much for a branch of a private bank that has just opened.

  It needs to be reduced a bit, it takes time.

   Seeing that it was already night, six o'clock, Jiang Xiaobai interrupted everyone.

   "Okay, I will stop here today, and continue to study tomorrow." After Jiang Xiaobai announced the meeting, he walked out of the meeting room while chatting with Mr. Huang.

  I was thinking about going outside to eat some food, but when I arrived in the lobby on the first floor, I found that Director Lu was actually waiting.

  After a day, Director Lu has completely digested the amazing news that Jiang Xiaobai is the owner of Flower Bank.

   also clearly realized that the gap between him and Jiang Xiaobai, after adjustment, not only did not lose confidence, but also inspired his fighting spirit.

  He firmly believes that what Jiang Xiaobai can do, he can also do.

  Isn’t it just a car factory or a bank? What’s so great, you can do it yourself.

   But even though I thought so, when I looked at Jiang Xiaobai, I was still a little discouraged.

  I have lived as a dog at an age. They are all human beings, and the time to start their own business is no later than Jiang Xiaobai.

  Why are so many left behind? Look at this private bank and look at this car factory.

  I am still engaged in auto parts. It is really incomparable and can be mad.

   But after a day of adjustment, although there is still depression, it has not affected much.

   "Xiao Bai." Director Lu beckoned.

   "Why did you come to Lao Lu, are you okay tonight? Let's have a meal together." Jiang Xiaobai invited him. He looked at Director Lu with a strange expression.

  This old Lu's self-esteem is quite strong. After knowing that he is the boss of Flower Bank, he stopped talking about business and ran back to the hotel.

  This heart can't endure it. If it's your own...If it's your own, it's also very difficult. I was stimulated so much early in the morning.

   "Well, Xiaobai will punish yourself for three cups in a while, you are not kind, what is the relationship between the two of us, you should hide it from me." Factory Director Lu complained slightly, but Jiang Xiaobai knew that he was retaliating.

   "Okay, in order to soothe your injured heart, I will fine myself three cups." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  In one sentence, Director Lu’s face turned black again, and he cursed others without revealing the shortness. This is too venomous, this is to sprinkle salt on his wounds!

  (End of this chapter)

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