Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1718: The rules of the capital market

  Chapter 1718 Rules of the Capital Market

   That night, Director Lin and Jiang Xiaobai were so drunk that the big rock that was pressing in his heart was finally resolved.

   Or to be precise, there is already a plan, that's it.

  At the end of the meal, Director Lin still took Jiang Xiaobai’s hand, thanking Jiang Xiaobai.

  Let Jiang Xiaobai have something in the future, even if he can do it, he will definitely not refuse.

  The listing of the home and the beverage factory is even covered by him, and he is solely responsible for it.

  These words did not let Liu Changfu hear. Otherwise, Liu Changfu would have died of soreness.

  They want to go public at the Magic City Diesel Engine Factory. It was extremely difficult. They wanted to see Director Lin. They waited for several days. Finally, relying on their relationship with Jiang Xiaobai, they saw Director Lin.

  Everything was explored by myself, but Jiang Xiaobai’s home and beverage factory were listed, and he was directly responsible for the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  Fortunately, Liu Changfu didn't know.

  The next day, Director Lin has been working on this matter.

  At the same time, many newspapers in Modu reported this news. Judging from the public facts, the favorable balance is in favor of Yanzhong Industry, and most of the major media that have paid close attention to this turmoil also sympathize with it.

  After all, this kind of acquisition has no precedent in the stock market, and everyone is not used to this way of capital operation.

  The company that others have worked so hard to make, after going public, you can turn other people’s company into your own in this way.

  This method is not acceptable to everyone, and at the same time, they are unwilling to accept it. After all, no one would say that their company will not be listed for a lifetime.

  What if you also suffer from such a hostile takeover after listing?

  Is there any king's law? If you have money, you directly buy some shares, and the enterprise becomes your own.

  So what do you guys have fortunately?

  In addition, Baoan is an outsider, while Yanzhong Industry is a local enterprise of Magic Capital. Everyone habitually sympathizes with the weak and dislikes such robbers like Baoan.

  Yes, many people in the magic city are positioning Baoan as robbers, and they are robbers who broke into their homes.

  When Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Changfu ate, that's what Liu Changfu called Baoan.

  Because Jiang Xiaobai has come to the magic city and Zhao Xinyi's relationship, Liu Changfu has been deliberately befriending Jiang Xiaobai recently.

  So I have a lot of contact with Jiang Xiaobai, and I meet Jiang Xiaobai for dinner every other day.

  Liu Chang and Fuxu said in a whisper, Bao’an is not good, it’s not good, and he even wanted to call on some people to resist Bao’an.

  Their Magic City diesel engine will also go on the market. He doesn't hope that their Magic City Diesel Engine Factory also has Yanzhong Industry on such a day and was maliciously acquired by others.

  At that time, he, the chairman of the board, will also be replaced by someone else. Modu Diesel Engine Factory is his lifelong effort. If he suffers from such things as Yanzhong Industry,

  It is estimated that his lungs are exploding, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and did not answer.

  The domestic stock market and capital market are developing relatively slowly. Everyone is still not used to this mode of capital operation. Of course, going public is very good.

   But again, a company going public must also bear such risks.

  There is nothing in this world that only has returns and does not need to pay. The capital market is optimistic about you, invests in you, and gives you money.

   But again, if a piece of fat is there, you need to bear the prying eyes and greedy predators.

  In the capital market, it has never been warm-hearted, but cruel and cold-blooded. Capital has always been profit-seeking.

  This time Baoan’s behavior is just to tell everyone a fact, and it will also let everyone understand the nature of the capital market.

   Jiang Xiaobai felt that this was not a bad thing.

  But there are some things that you don’t need to talk to Liu Changfu, and you can’t talk to Director Lin.

  Otherwise, Liu Changfu might pat the table and scold his mother. This is not necessary.

  Day by day, in mid-October, the China Securities Regulatory Commission made a ruling on Baoan’s acquisition of Yanzhong Industry.

  The final verdict of the China Securities Regulatory Commission surprised everyone. The shocked eyes were different from everyone's imagination.

  The China Securities Regulatory Commission determined that Baoan’s acquisition was an “violation” and required a fine of 1 million yuan, but at the same time declared its acquisition effective.

  Baoan’s personnel were successfully elected as the chairman of Yanzhong Industrial.

  This news has caused an uproar in the entire business world of the magic city, and even in the domestic business world.

The fine of   1 million is an astronomical figure for many people and most companies at this time.

   But for listed companies, it is a drop in the bucket.

  The punishment fell on Baoan. It didn't hurt or itchy, but it was a punishment, but it really wasn't a high-handed pick and gently put it down.

  It is not a punishment at all, but it is announced later that Baoan’s acquisition of Yanzhong Industry is effective.

  For Yanzhong Industrial, it is a bolt from the blue.

  Yanzhong Industry, due to the specialization of share composition, the public shares accounted for 91%.

  Yanzhong Industry owns only about 9% of its shares, while Baoan’s shareholding ratio has reached about 16%.

  It is entirely possible for Baoan personnel to come forward and be elected as the chairman of Yanzhong Industry to control Yanzhong Industry.

  This is completely giving up one's own business to others.

  So as soon as the news came out, for a whole month, everyone who was in touch with the business world was talking about Baoan and Yanzhong Industrial.

   Jiang Xiaobai returned home and listened to Zhao Xinyi's mention of Yanzhong Industry.

  Zhao Xinyi coaxed her girl, while talking to Jiang Xiaobai about Yanzhong Industry.

  "Xiaobai, how can you say that the China Securities Regulatory Commission will make such a judgment? How can companies dare to go public in the future?

  The company that I had fortunately worked so hard to make becomes someone else’s in a blink of an eye. If someone else buys a company in this way, doesn’t it mean that whoever has the money will be able to see what company buys what company.

  What about the rules? "

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "The strong is first, the rules are second."

   "What?" Zhao Xinyi was taken aback.

  "I said that there is no problem with what you think. The capital market is played like this. The strong are always strong, and the weak are weaker. Those with capital can do whatever they want. If you want to go public, you need to face this kind of risk.

  It is normal to be bought and blocked in the stock market. "Jiang Xiaobai said affirmatively.

  He talked to his wife, and there was nothing to hide, so he uncovered the veil.

  "Xinyi, shopping malls are like battlefields. This is not empty talk. Moreover, Director Lin of the Shanghai Stock Exchange has called me. The result of this process should have something to do with the idea I gave to Director Lin."

   Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Xinyi and said word by word.

  (End of this chapter)

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