Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1721: The roots of troubles

   Chapter 1721

   Soon, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Li came to Zhang Li’s office.

  Zhang Li’s office is not a separate office, but a large office. At this time, when the students dismiss from get out of class and school, the teachers return to the office to pack their things and prepare to leave work.

  There are still a lot of people, but while everyone is packing their things, their eyes fall on the three children in the office.

  When Jiang Xiaobai walked into the office, he also saw the scene in the office.

   His son Jiang Langlang was standing aside with a little toilet paper stuffed in his nose. It was obviously a nosebleed and some slight abrasions on his face.

   was staring angrily at a long chubby boy on the opposite side. The chubby boy had dark blue eyes and a pile of toilet paper under his nose.

  It is estimated that he also had a nosebleed. At this time, he was confronting his son Jiang Langlang.

  Behind her son Jiang Langlang, there is a little girl who is very delicately dressed. She has no injuries at all, but she is sobbing.

  Jiang Xiaobai glanced at it and probably knew that, needless to say, the cause of the matter should be related to this little girl who was carved and carved.

   Beauty is a disaster. In fact, some beauties have been the objects of jealousy for boys since they were young. However, his son Jiang Langlang does not have this height and awareness at his age.

  Probably took a look. The two children were still able to stare at each other without yelling pain. Jiang Xiaobai knew that there was nothing wrong with the two of them.

  Even if something happens, it's just a small matter. There is nothing wrong with this skin injury.

  After Jiang Xiaobai was relieved, he observed that the little girl behind his son came, let alone the long one, it was really cute.

  Standing behind the son, the son should not be the one who bullies the male and the female. Of course, at this time, it is enough to talk about bullying the male and female.

  After Jiang Xiaobai entered the office, he did not talk to Zhang Li again, but walked towards his son.

   "Son." Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

  Jiang Langlang raised his head and saw that his father was coming. His face suddenly showed joy. When he was young, his father was the sky of the child and the backbone of the whole family.

  In the eyes of children, the father is the superman, the most powerful one.

  Similarly, it was the same in Jiang Langlang's heart. At his age, he still didn't know how great his father was, and where he was great.

  But in his mind, his father Jiang Xiaobai is the best.

  Although he is not at home usually, Jiang Langlang will pester his father Jiang Xiaobai to play with him as long as he is at home.

  Although sometimes the father’s mind is partly put on the younger sister, but this is nothing.

  If he was at home, Jiang Langlang would definitely come forward, but in the teacher’s office, Jiang Langlang just came over and took Jiang Xiaobai’s hand.

   "Son, what's the matter? I have a nosebleed, how can I fight with my classmates?" Jiang Xiaobai knelt down and touched his son's head.

  I didn’t care too much about the slight abrasions and nosebleeds on my face.

  Well, little boys, like them, they play crazy outside all day. What kind of injury is this injury? Even a fall may also cause this injury.

  But Zhang Li on the side looked at Jiang Xiaobai's understatement, and she was a little unwilling.

   frowned and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and said, "Father Jiang Chao, this time the children's fight is really serious, I..."

   Jiang Xiaobai interrupted before Zhang Li finished speaking, "How serious?"

  Zhang Li was asked by Jiang Xiaobai in a daze. For a while, she didn't know what to say. She had never seen a parent like Jiang Xiaobai.

  Everyone fights like this. Isn’t it serious enough?

  Jiang Xiaobai did not respond to Zhang Li again, pulled an empty chair by himself, sat down beside him, and then pulled his son over to ask.

  This Zhang Li, on the way to the office just now, she was not too pleasing to the eye, she kept shirking responsibility.

  It’s just such a big shit, the children fight between them, and they are talking about bloodshed and scaring people. What is it?

   "Son, tell me what is going on?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "During class just now, Xiao Pang..." Jiang Langlang said and turned his mouth at the little fat man who was on the side.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, “You can’t give someone a nickname. It’s no good. People are fatter and cannot judge people by their appearance. Didn’t Dad teach you?”

   "No." Jiang Langlang shook his head anxiously, and explained: "He is called Wang Hupang, everyone calls him Xiaopang."

  Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, a little speechless, Wang Hu is fat, and there is someone called this name, but thinking about it, it's normal.

  My own sons, Jiang Langlang, Jiang Chao, if this name is used in later generations, it seems to be full of special meanings.

   "Well, you can keep talking." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly.

  "It was during class, this little fat guy always bullied Xiaoqian, pulled Xiaoqian's braids with his hands, and put the caterpillars in Xiaoqian's stationery box.

  I can’t get used to it. Seeing righteousness and bravery, I said Xiaopang, and then Xiaopang hit me first, and I retaliated. "

   Jiang Langlang said milkily, and he straightened his chest, as if I dared to act.

  Jiang Xiaobai knows who this Xiaoqian is without even thinking about it. It must be the little girl who has carved jade.

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Langlang finished speaking, the little **** the side spoke: "Uncle, you don't have to blame Langlang, it's the fat guy who bullied me."

   "Okay, no weird, no weird," Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a smile.

   "But Langlang, no matter what, it must be wrong to fight, let alone hurt the classmate..."

  Before Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Zhang Li on the side took up his mouth again: “That’s right, no matter why, it’s not right to fight. What's more, he hurt his classmate.

  Children can be ignorant, and your parents must have a correct understanding, guide the children correctly, and be on the right path..."

  The more Jiang Xiaobai listened to this Li's words, the more he felt uncomfortable. When he said this, he criticized Shang Lao Tzu and what Lao Tzu did.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't have the mood to care about more with a teacher. If you have time the next day, just talk to the principal of the school.

  Change Jiang Langlang's class to a head teacher, Jiang Xiaobai believes that it is not difficult, the school principal should be able to give himself this little face.

  Otherwise, teach by precepts and deeds, follow this kind of fuss, regardless of right and wrong, shirk responsibility, and finally learn what good results will come out.

As for changing Jiang Langlang’s class, it’s easier, but Jiang Langlang came to the magic city. He was originally unfamiliar with the place. He finally became familiar with this class. If he changes classes again, he needs time to adapt. development of.

  (End of this chapter)

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