Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1732: Very beautiful woman

  Chapter 1732 Very beautiful woman

   "Father Xiaochu." Zhang Li had an awkward smile on her face. In fact, she didn't want to communicate more with Wang Ye.

  Although she is a neighbor, although she was biased towards Wang Ye yesterday, she really doesn’t want to talk to people like Wang Ye.

   But there is no way, since Wang Ye has spoken, she can only stop.

   "Teacher Zhang, what does this Jiang Chao father do?" Wang Ye asked directly.


  Zhang Li cursed inwardly, but the smile on her face kept saying: "I don't know."

   "Teacher Zhang, we are neighbors, and the relationship between our neighbors is usually good. I also take care of your little girl.

  Just tell me about this, it’s nothing..."

  Wang Ye watched Zhang Li talking word by word, the expression on Zhang Li's face was uncertain.

  What is it? The meaning of this Wang’s nonsense is obviously threatening oneself, taking care of oneself, taking care of one’s fart.

  It's just that compared to other neighbors, Wang Ye and his wife don't bully themselves.

  It really made Zhang Li a terrible headache to encounter such a spoiled rogue.

  After waiting for a while, during the winter vacation, my rent just expired, and I would move out of this place when I said anything, not to be Wang Ye’s neighbor.

  When I meet this kind of person as a neighbor, I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes. I am really unlucky.

  I made up my mind, but it’s not the time to turn my face, or even if I moved away, there is no way to turn my face.

  Because I met Wang Ye, a rascal and a shrew, there is really no way.

  The best thing is to transfer this Wang Hupang to another class. He is no longer in his class. If he moves again, he can completely get rid of the family.

  "No, chubby dad, I really don’t know what is going on with this Jiang Chao’s father. This Jiang Chao just transferred to another school this year.

  Files and the like are in the Academic Affairs Office. Once I saw it, it was written that his parents are ordinary staff.

  Other circumstances, I am not very clear..." Zhang Li helplessly explained to Wang Ye.

  However, Wang Ye obviously didn't believe this, and continued to stare at Zhang Li.

   "However, this person who usually picks up Jiang Chao is Jiang Chao's mother, whose surname is Zhao, she is very beautiful and has a very good temperament." Zhang Li looked at Wang Ye and said.

  "Very beautiful?" Wang Ye was a little puzzled. He knew clearly how difficult it is for one woman to admit that another woman is beautiful.

  What's more, this woman Zhang Li looks pretty good, at least he looks like this.

  He also has some unclear goals for Zhang Li, which is also one of the reasons for his frequent contact with Zhang Li.

  But now he heard from Zhang Li that the little bastard's mother turned out to be a very beautiful woman.

   "Yes, very beautiful." Zhang Li said affirmatively, and Zhao Xinyi appeared in her mind.

  Even if she is a woman, she is inherently unfriendly to other women, but it must be admitted that Zhao Xinyi is really loved by God.

  Flawless, body, appearance, temperament, no flaws.

  Sometimes, she was thinking, how could a woman like Zhao Xinyi marry an ordinary man like Jiang Xiaobai.

  She revealed the news to Wang Ye, but she also had no good intentions. She didn't fail to see Wang Ye's rogue entanglement in her mind.

  The reason for saying so now is that one is to retaliate against Jiang Xiaobai for scolding her yesterday, and the other is to make trouble.

   "Okay, okay,...hahaha, the man is not worthy of being beautiful..." Wang Ye said as he took his son to the school with Zhang Li.

  Zhang Li wanted to take a few steps to get rid of Wang Ye, but whenever this happened, Wang Ye would call her aloud.

  Let her wait for herself, Zhang Li looked at Wang Ye's fat, greasy, and full-faced face, really wanting to print her high heels on it.

  But the reality is that I still have to deal with it with a smile.

   Soon two people came to the school gate, Wang Ye also took a special look, but did not see Jiang Xiaobai's figure.

   coldly snorted, it is estimated that Jiang Xiaobai would not dare to come over today, thinking about it, he was going to hand the child to Zhang Li.

  In normal times, Zhang Li said that the little rascal mother Jiang Chao was beautiful, and he would have to wait to see each other.

  But there are still a lot of things today, where does he have so much time.

  Anyway, this Jiang Chao is still in Wanzhu Elementary School, and his mother was a monk who ran away, and could not run into the temple.

  Sooner or later, there is still a chance. When he has handled the business matters, he will come back and wait to see the beautiful woman Zhang Li said. No, she is a very beautiful woman.

  Wang Ye regards the area near Wanzhu Primary School as his own site.

   But just as Wang Ye was about to speak, three cars came over at the door of Wanzhu Primary School.

  Two Crown cars sandwiched a weird black car that had never been seen on the market.

  Although I have never seen such a black car, this car looks unusual, it should be a premium car.

  The two Crown sedans in front of each other are also refreshing.

  Although it has been published in newspapers this year that someone has bought a sports car like Ferrari,

  There are also many good cars like Hutou Ben in the magic city.

  Crown sedan has not been able to be the top car like a few years ago.

  But in the eyes of ordinary people, the Crown sedan is already a high-end sedan.

  And now, it seems that the two high-end cars have become bodyguard cars. The Crown cars are used as bodyguard cars. What kind of person is this?

   "What kind of big man is here again?" Wang Ye sighed, and he didn't have to think about it before he knew he was a big man.

  He has always kept a distance from such big people. After all, although big people say that they will trample him to death, if he jumps hard.

  People would not mind stepping on him by the way.

  Everyone guessed it was right. Just as the convoy stopped, the doors of the two Crown sedans opened one after the other.

  Eight big men in black suits got out of the car.

  Looking at the clothes and figures of these eight people, Wang Ye suddenly narrowed his eyes. How could this feel like deja vu?

  No, it just feels very familiar. By the way, Wang Ye suddenly slapped his head.

  He remembered, it was the group of people who broke into his house and beat him last night.

  The group of people is not wearing a black suit, but a black training suit.

  The figure and body shape are similar to this group of people, capable and strong.

  The most important point is that the temperament of this group of people is exactly the same as the look in their eyes.

  (End of this chapter)

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