Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1739: Busy schedule

   Chapter 1739 Busy Itinerary

   "Will it be opened on New Year's Day? Okay, if I have time then I will go over and take a look." Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi said.

  After Zhang Weiyi finished the report, he turned around and left. After New Year's Day, the Christmas business abroad will also end, and the Huahai Automobile Factory in the north should also be about to begin.

  I don’t know what kind of answer the Huahai Automobile Factory can give.

   Jiang Xiaobai was thinking. Sun Jianyun called and talked about the listing of the home and the beverage factory. It is estimated that after the Spring Festival, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t care too much.

  But the home and beverage factory has been built in the magic city's factory, and now the factory in Longcheng is moving.

  It is estimated that after New Year's Day before the Spring Festival holiday, the relocation will be completed, and there will be a listing ceremony at that time.

  Jiang Xiaobai agreed without even thinking about it, saying that it will pass when the time comes.

  The main factory listing ceremony, it is estimated that not only is it on the spot, but at least one person will go to the magic capital.

  It is likely that Zheng Qingyun, the main factory of Jiahe Beverage Factory is listed, even if Jiahe Beverage Factory is officially settled in Magic Capital.

  If the magic capital doesn’t show its importance, it’s not justified.

   And Jiang Xiaobai will of course not ignore the relocation of his subsidiary Huaqing Holding Group.

  Wang Chao’s flagship store of Huaqing Electric Appliances opened in Magic City. Jiang Xiaobai can also not go, but the opening ceremony of the main factory of Jiahe Beverage Factory is a must.

  What's more, Jiahe Beverage Factory is ready to go on the market after the Spring Festival.

  Currently, the Modu stock market is very hot. Director Lin has implemented Jiang Xiaobai's catfish plan very well.

  The catfish in Baoan was also very successful.

   Speaking of the listing of his home and the beverage factory, Jiang Xiaobai remembered Jiang Xiaobai's garment factory, which was also completed, and is now preparing for the listing.

  It is estimated that it will be after New Year's Day...

   Jiang Xiaobai was thinking, Zhao Xiaojin knocked on the door and came in: "Jiang Dong, this is the latest schedule. You can take a look."

  Jiang Xiaobai took it over and looked at it. Zhao Xiaojin on the side said, “This is the schedule for the Spring Festival holiday from now until the end of the year.

  Of course, it’s not the same. It’s just the current arrangement. If there are any emergencies, it will need to be adjusted later. "

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at the large sheets full of photos, and didn’t talk about the itinerary in the morning and afternoon, and even had arrangements for many evenings.

  To accompany this to dinner, invite that to dinner, this meeting, that meeting, this is until the holiday before the Spring Festival, I have no time for myself.

   "There are so many here, can't we push a little away." Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Dong Jiang, it was you who said that you have not been to any subsidiary this year and want to go there a year ago, so the schedule is relatively tight. If you push this schedule off, it will spare a lot of time, I promise you It was easy years ago."

  Zhao Xiaojin screamed that he was wronged, Jiang Xiaobai was a little helpless, and went to various subsidiaries to inspect. This was what he thought before.

  Last year, I didn’t go there, but only once when I passed by.

  Not to mention this year. Basically, I have never been there, except for the home and the beverage factory. Jiang Xiaobai stayed for a while because of the listing.

  Although these companies are all subsidiaries of Huaqing Holding Group, and are wholly-owned subsidiaries.

  But Jiang Xiaobai did not show up for a long time, and it was not suitable, so Jiang Xiaobai greeted Zhao Xiaojin and said that he was going to make a circle a year ago.

  It takes time to make a round, not three words.

  Jiahe Beverage Factory, Huaqing Electrical Appliances, Xinxing Feed Factory, Jiang Xiaobai Garment Factory, Changxingju Real Estate Company, Cannery and Feed Factory, and Huade Satellite Company in Beijing.

  To go to that one, you need to stay for two days. These companies are not together, plus the time on the road, three days may not be enough.

   Jiang Xiaobai was a little bit distressed, but suddenly his eyes lit up.

   "The time between this home and the beverage factory and the garment factory is back in a row. When they relocate to the magic city, it will be fine to take the time to visit." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  I'm really a clever ghost. If this is the case, I only need to go to Pengcheng and take a look at Changxingju Real Estate Company.

   Then go back to Jianhua Village to see the educated youth cannery and feed factory, and finally go to Jinling.

  Zhao Xiaojin expressionless, cast a glance at Jiang Xiaobai and said: “Jiang Dong, I know what you think, but the family and the beverage factory and clothing factory have moved here.

  But there are branches outside. Now that you are out, don’t go to see if you are a little bit biased. "

  Zhao Xiaojin's words made the smile on Jiang Xiaobai's face disappear, which is really the case.

  These two companies are not only a main factory, but also many branch factories.

  Jiang Xiaobai gets busy. He doesn't even have time to go to the headquarters of the subsidiary, so how can he have time to go to the branch factory?

  Then the main factory moved over, so take the time to go to the branch factories to take a look, and you don’t have to go all the time. Each factory chooses a good performance factory to take a look. This will also help inspire the fighting spirit of the branch.

   "Well, what about the others?" Jiang Xiaobai asked. In addition to the inspection missions of various subsidiaries, there are a lot of other messy things.

  He didn't believe that, with so many itineraries, no one or two could be reduced.

  He still has to practice real truth today, kidding, does his dignified boss do not want face? If you say it, it has no effect at all.

  As expected, Zhao Xiaojin nodded: “In the middle, there are several itineraries that are not that important. If you don’t want to participate, you can do it.”

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, this is the truth!

  However, Zhao Xiaojin said as soon as he changed his voice: "But this has not passed New Year's Day, Jiang Dong, there are still many meetings, inspections, etc., have not been confirmed.

  Think about it, do you want to adjust the time left at that time? "

   Although Jiang Xiaobai didn’t want to admit it, what Zhao Xiaojin said was the truth. It’s New Year, and even he wanted to go to the various subsidiaries below.

  What's more, the leader of the magic city will definitely think about it when the time comes.

  This year's Huaqing Holding Group is in the limelight. It is strange if the leader does not come, and this kind of thing is only notified one or two days in advance, and time must be spared.

  A few more receptions and inspections, plus if there are more meetings temporarily, this is just to take up the travel time that can be pushed out.

What can Jiang Xiaobai do? These inspection meetings and the like seem to be useless, but if the leaders really do not come and the Huaqing Holding Group is not notified in each meeting, that is not right and should be scary.

   "Well, I see, you arrange it." In the end, Jiang Xiaobai just said with a black face.

  (End of this chapter)

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