Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1758: Bring back half a burger

   Chapter 1758 Take a half burger back

   "Dad, why are you here?" Jiang Langlang ran over and took Jiang Xiaobai, looking up at his father and asked curiously.

   "Why? Don't you like Dad to pick you up?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "I like it, but my father is busy at work, I can go home by myself." Jiang Langlang said sensibly.

   "What do you want to eat? Dad will take you there and eat something delicious." Jiang Xiaobai said, touching Jiang Langlang's head.


   "Really." Jiang Xiaobai said affirmatively.

   "Then I want to eat KFC." Jiang Langlang said.

  Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, nodded, but curiously asked: "How do you know KFC?"

  Kentucky entered the country in 1987. It came at the front gate of the capital, and it was 1989 when it entered the magic capital.

  Opened the first KFC restaurant in Dongfeng Hotel.

   "I heard from my classmates that they were delicious there." Jiang Langlang was about to drool as he said.

  To be honest, Jiang Xiaobai really doesn’t know how delicious KFC’s chicken wings and French fries are. It’s just fast food.

  However, the domestic KFC at this time represents high-end foreign food, and many children can show off for a long time after eating it.

  Jiang Xiaobai drove and brought Jiang Langlang to a stop at the entrance of Dongfeng Hotel. The four golden characters "Dongfeng Hotel" were still in traditional Chinese characters.

  Juxtaposed above the signboard of Dongfeng Hotel is the signboard of KFC, and there is an old man's head beside it.

  Jiang Xiaobai walked in with his son. There were still a lot of people. Jiang Xiaobai lined up to buy coke, chicken wings and burgers for his son, and he ordered a glass of coke.

   Jiang Langlang ate a satisfied meal. In the end, he didn't finish the burger, so he had to take it home to give his sister a taste.

  'S Jiang Xiaobai couldn't laugh or cry, and even said that his sister could not eat.

   Jiang Langlang wants to bring back to his mother Zhao Xinyi again. Anyway, Jiang Xiaobai is quite satisfied with this intention.

  Bringing her son back home, Zhao Xinyi has already returned.

   Jiang Langlang touched his chubby belly and wanted to give Zhao Xinyi the remaining half of the hamburger.

  Zhao Xinyi didn't dislike it, and took it over and touched her son's head with satisfaction.

  Early the next morning, after Jiang Xiaobai got up. He sent his son to school, and told him about the business trip on the way, and agreed to a series of unreasonable requests from his son.

  For example, when he came back, he would take his son to the amusement park to play, such as bringing toys, Jiang Xiaobai agreed one by one.

  To be honest, just by virtue of the frequency of his business trips, the son can still know that it is quite satisfying to be called "Dad".

  After sending off his son, Jiang Xiaobai went home to pick up his luggage, and then he came to his home and company.

  Family and company Sun Jianyun has been waiting in the lobby of the office building with people, and the roadshow team has assembled.

   "Dong Jiang, just a few words?" Sun Jianyun asked.

   "What? Just get in the car and set off." Jiang Xiaobai said grimly, threw the car key to Li Longquan, and then got on the bus.

  What’s not good about Sun Jianyun at a young age? He learns these useless things. He also said a few words when he started. This is to go to a road show, not to fight a war. Why is there still a mobilization?

  Sun Jianyun didn’t understand the situation, but he didn’t dare to delay. He waved everyone and got into the bus behind Jiang Xiaobai.

  There are about fifty people in the roadshow team this time, and the host is still the host of the Magic City Promotion Conference.

   "Dong Jiang, this is the itinerary of the past two days. Please see if there are any problems." Sun Jianyun handed it over, and Jiang Xiaobai took it and took a look.

  It’s okay, I know to set aside a night’s rest for myself to arrange a little bit of other things.

   "Okay, just press this for now. If there is any special situation, I will let you know." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

   "Yeah. By the way, Dong Jiang, I have asked someone to calculate the issue price of our company's stock using the net asset ratio method. Our issue price is probably..."

  Sun Jianyun said, and told Jiang Xiaobai about various calculation methods, such as net assets, price-earnings ratio and so on.

   To be honest, Jiang Xiaobai learned this stuff when he was in school in his previous life, but the rebirth has been returned to the teacher for so long.

  But Jiahe’s current net assets are also 200 million, which means that they have 200 million equity.

  Two hundred million shares, generally companies have to issue almost twice as many when they go public.

  In other words, after the issuance, Jiahe Company will have 400 million share capital, which is equivalent to 50 cents per share.

  The price-earnings ratio is currently not available in Jiahe Co., Ltd. because it has not yet been listed. The price-to-earnings ratio and the price-to-earnings ratio are compared with the stock price after the listing.

   Anyway, Jiang Xiaobai listened a lot, and finally calculated the issue price, which was about 30 yuan.

  The issue price of 30 yuan is not low, of course, this is also related to the operating conditions of the family and the company.

  If it is Changxingju Real Estate Company, it will definitely not work. Changxingju Real Estate Company has basically been operating in a semi-debt state.

  And Jiahe Co., Ltd. basically does not have any loans, all of which are self-employed. The beverage industry is originally an industry with relatively abundant capital flows.

  In the past few years, the operation of Jiahe Co., Ltd. was relatively conservative. Of course, this is mainly related to this era, not that Jiang Xiaobai is conservative.

  So the financial situation of Jiahe Co., Ltd. is very healthy, and there is basically no loan at all.

  In addition, the five domestic factories are all built on the land purchased by the company, so the net assets must be higher.

  This is not only reflected in the home and the company limited by shares, but also influenced by Jiang Xiaobai, it basically involves the construction of factories and the like, all of which are buying land and building factories.

  The land of the factory is owned by the company. If nothing else, the company will go bankrupt in the future. It is estimated that these land will be enough for the company to tide over the difficulties.

   "Dong Jiang, do you think this price?" Sun Jianyun asked.

  "I don’t understand algorithms such as price-to-earnings ratios and premiums.

  Since it is listed, it must be how to make money. This is calculated by the net asset ratio method. Isn't the final decision still to be determined through a certain bidding method?

  So the calculated issue price is just a reference, don’t worry too much. "Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  In fact, in the capital market, sometimes it is really bloody, and sometimes you can’t understand all kinds of show operations.

  For example, the audited net assets of the company are 1 million yuan, then the original shareholders own 1 million shares. Another 1 million new shares are issued. This is 2 million shares to divide the net assets of 1 million, which is 50 cents per share.

  (End of this chapter)

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