Chapter 1761 Haier

  Roadshows in Pengcheng do not require anyone to stand.

  Because this kind of city can be said to be an economic city, its economic atmosphere is much stronger than political atmosphere. The roadshow also went smoothly, but Jiang Xiaobai found that Wang Meng had arranged four more security guards around him.

  This time he came out, Jiang Xiaobai brought two security guards, Li Longquan and another one.

   When Jiang Xiaobai asked Wang Meng, Wang Meng said, “It’s messy here now. It’s better to have more people and it’s safer.”

   "I was robbed a few days ago." Wang Meng said.

   "Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened. Wang Meng is now the general manager and person in charge of the dignified Changxingju Real Estate Company. He was robbed.

  "Just not far from the company, the driver and I rushed up to four or five boys, holding knives, briefcases and the like, and they were all robbed." Wang Meng said to Jiang Xiaobai in embarrassment.

  It was shameful to say this kind of thing, but in order to make Jiang Xiaobai pay attention, he still said it.

  He didn't fight back when he was robbed, so he let the family take the things away, there was some money in the bag, not too much.

  Furthermore, what his identity is now. Porcelain does not touch pottery. There is no need.

   Jiang Xiaobai listened to Wang Meng’s words, but also reacted. At this time, Pengcheng’s public order was indeed a bit worrying.

  From a small fishing village to a special zone, in just over ten years, I don’t know how many people came in.

  It is spread in the mainland, Pengcheng is full of gold, as long as you come here to pick up money directly.

  Many people rushed to Pengcheng without thinking about it. As for making money plans, they didn’t have any plans at all, they just came to pick up money.

  I came all the way from my hometown, and then sneaked over from the Yangcheng side. In the city village on the Pengcheng side, hiding from the east and the west, there was no way out for me.

  When you find that you can't live anymore, and this Pengcheng is not the way you think about it, you can naturally imagine what you will do.

   It is normal to take risks. Pengcheng has developed very rapidly in the past ten years, but there are countless kinds of monsters, robberies, thefts, and frauds.

   "Longquan, go back and transfer a group of people for training, and then send them over. We must ensure the safety of the employees of Changxingju Real Estate Company." Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and looked at Li Longquan's confession.

   "Okay, Don't worry Jiang Dong." Li Longquan nodded.

  On the way back on the night of the road show, Jiang Xiaobai patted Wang Meng’s arm and told Wang Meng: “You must pay attention to your safety here.

  If you encounter robbery, money does not matter, but you must ensure your own safety. If something happens to you, it will be the biggest loss for our company.

  As for other things, it doesn’t matter, let alone I can’t explain to Beibei. "

   Beibei is Li Beibei's daughter, Li Beibei.

  "Brother Xiaobai, don't worry, it's not what it used to be, now that there are daughters-in-law, children, and a family of children, how can you be impulsive." Wang Meng nodded.

After Jiang Xiaobai returned to the hotel, he found someone waiting for him in the lobby.

   "President Wang, why is this here?" Jiang Xiaobai greeted him quickly.

   "Jiang Dong, I just saw you surrounded by so many securities firms, I can't speak, but to be honest, Jiang Dong, I am very envious.

  Think about the time when our Wanke went public..." Wang Shi said, shook his head with a wry smile.

  It can’t be compared. Jiang Xiaobai is only conducting three roadshows here, and there are so many securities firms around.

   "What's the matter with Mr. Wang looking for me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked after a few words with Wang Shi.

  Look at the watch. It’s already more than nine o’clock in the evening. It’s not early or late at this time.

  If it was Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Meng’s relationship, it would not be too late, and it would be no problem for the two to go out and have a drink.

   But compared with Wang Shi, the relationship between the two people is not close to a certain degree. At this time, it is more than nine o'clock in the evening, and it is a bit inappropriate to come to the hotel to block people.

"That's it, Jiang Dong..." Wang Shi raised up what he was going to say, but he didn't know where to start. In the end, he just said: "Or else Jiang Dong, let's find a place to sit. I have something to want. please teach me."

  Jiang Xiaobai was slightly pensive and agreed: "Well, there is a teahouse here, let's sit down."

   "Dong Jiang, do you know Haier this company?" Wang Shi asked directly after sitting down.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "I have heard that there is a very interesting company on the island city of Shandong Province. The head of the company seems to have the surname Zhang.

  I have not contacted, but our company's Huaqing Electrical Appliances should have been. "

  Huaqing Electrical Appliances is now mainly in South China and Eastern China. The island city is in Eastern China. Although Huaqing Electrical Appliances is not too strong in Shandong Province, there are contacts.

  But Jiang Xiaobai heard about Haier, not from Huaqing Electrical Appliances, and the Haier brothers were in the previous life, that was a famous existence.

  Of course, there is no need to tell Wang Shi about this kind of thing.

  Wang Shi nodded, Jiang Xiaobai’s words did not have any logical errors.

   "Last year, I made a special trip to visit Haier in the island city. To be honest, I was very touched.

As soon as I walked into their factory, I felt that I had become a part of the assembly line. This feeling made people feel a bit scary... Chatting with Mr. Haier Zhang, said it was half an hour. It’s not bad for a second..."

  Wang Shi said, Jiang Xiaobai did not interrupt him, and kept listening to him.

   Haier’s matter is definitely not the point, because in his memory, Wanke has nothing to do with Haier.

  Of course, Jiang Xiaobai's future generations are only news from some news, and I am not sure how true it is.

   "Mr. Zhang, I heard that he seems to be particularly obsessed with Matsuzaka Konosuke's management philosophy, and the slogan he put forward is also particularly interesting. We must change from winning by quantity to winning by quality in the past." Jiang Xiaobai said in a consonance.

   "Right." Wang Shi nodded: "Haier introduced a lot of management models from Songxia and Fengtian companies. Some time ago, he also proposed a management term of Nissin Nissin, which is particularly interesting..."

  "Some time ago, Haier’s President Zhang published a poem. Haier is Hai, and he wrote very well..." Wang Shi continued.

  This poem Jiang Xiaobai has actually seen it before, and it was seen on the Internet by later generations.

  Of course, Mr. Zhang is still a bit level, although he can't tell from the name, he looks like a limerick.

   "The sea is the sea", but the content is definitely not that kind. The sea is a lot of water, and the limericks like the four-legged horse are very level.

  (End of this chapter)

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