Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1766: Miss you a meal

   Chapter 1766

  If the company can earn 1 cent per share per year, and the price-to-earnings ratio is 50, then the price of the new shares is 1 cent*50+5 cents=5.5 yuan.

  Generally, it will rise by more than 50% after listing, which means that the usual price of this stock in the secondary market is 8 yuan.

  You can sell things for 5 cents for 8 yuan. Moreover, the calculation of net assets is very complicated. You don’t need to sell a broken chair for 50 cents to collect the broken ones. The assets can be made into 150 yuan.

  Along the way, Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Jianyun chatted, and soon arrived at the airport.

  After boarding the plane, Sun Jianyun and Jiang Xiaobai sat together, and originally wanted to talk about some work matters.

  As a result, Jiang Xiaobai directly adjusted the seat to the back, asked the stewardess for a blanket, and then closed his eyes.

  This Sun Jianyun, serious work is serious work, but a little too unreasonable.

  After a business trip, I will start working when I get there.

  As a result, I have been talking about work since I got on the bus. I have been talking about it all the way. I have to talk to myself about work when I get on the plane. Do I have any vision.

   "Hehe, Jiang Dong, you can take a break!" Sun Jianyun smiled awkwardly. No matter how slow he reacted, he knew what Jiang Xiaobai meant at this time.

  Jiang Xiaobai closed his eyes and didn't take care of the goods. It's up to you.

  It didn’t take long for the plane to land at the airport in the capital from the magic capital to the capital.

  Jiahe Co., Ltd. does not have an office in Beijing, but Huaqing Holding Group has two black Crown cars and three people set up to facilitate the company and its subsidiaries to come to Beijing to do business.

  But this time they only came to drive a Crown sedan and hired a bus temporarily.

   "Dong Jiang." The director of the Beijing office greeted him with two people.

   "Well, it's hard work." Jiang Xiaobai shook hands with the other party, and then walked out with someone.

   "Dong Jiang, get in the car. I have arranged a place to live in Beijing..." The director of the Beijing office said, Jiang Xiaobai nodded. If these things are not well arranged by the other party, then he will be a little incompetent.

  A group of people stayed in the hotel, and the director of the Beijing Office rented a meeting room. Jiang Xiaobai took a look and found it to be pretty good.

  The hotel's grade arrangement is also quite advanced, and now Jiahe Co., Ltd. will be listed soon.

  Listing is not only to be able to raise funds, but more importantly, from now on, every move of Jiahe Co., Ltd. will be exposed to the public’s attention.

  So sometimes it’s not about saving or not. The car you take and the hotel you live in will reflect the financial resources of a company.

  You said that the general manager of a company, the chairman of the board was on a business trip and stayed in a broken hotel.

  This kind of person, how can you let investors have the confidence to invest for you?

  A simple truth, everyone in the stock market is chasing ups and downs. The more money you have and the less money you need, the more banks will think about you and give you a loan.

  And when you are in debt and really need money, the bank will hide away and will not accept you at all.

  Family and company want to be sought after by investors, and want to get investment, in addition to good business conditions and ambitious future corporate plans, they must also show that they are wealthy and not bad at all.

  If this time Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Jianyun brought people to Beijing to carry out a road show, they would live directly in a small hotel.

  The next day, no, not even the next day. Tonight this news will spread among investors in the capital.

  At the roadshow tomorrow, maybe reporters will mention this issue.

  " Jianyun, inform everyone to go to dinner. After dinner, we will have a meeting at the meeting at two o’clock in the afternoon to arrange the activities of the roadshow tomorrow.

  For activities that need to be contacted now, contact now, and work hard. "Jiang Xiaobai arranged.

  Sun Jianyun nodded and went to inform people.

  A simple bite, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the room to rest for a while, and Sun Jianyun knocked on Jiang Xiaobai’s door to inform Jiang Xiaobai that it was time for the meeting.

  From two o'clock to four o'clock in the afternoon, the scheduled meeting lasted two hours. The meeting was mainly composed of Sun Jianyun arranging tasks, and Jiang Xiaobai on the side provided comments on missing and filling vacancies.

  After the meeting, Sun Jianyun received some calls from investors who needed to meet up at night, so he talked to Jiang Xiaobai.

  Look at whether Jiang Xiaobai has any arrangements and whether to attend.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s answer was unexpectedly rejected. Originally, the time tonight was also the time for Jiang Xiaobai to move freely.

  After the roadshow ends tomorrow, the evening dinner with investors and securities firms will be the highlight. It will not be too late for Jiang Xiaobai to attend. There is no need to start the roadshow.

  The chairman came forward to receive investors, and the relationship between that company and the company was a bit too small.

  So even if Jiang Xiaobai is fine tonight, he will not come out to attend the dinner.

  What's more, Jiang Xiaobai has something to do tonight. He has come to Beijing, and a promotion meeting will be held tomorrow. Some business partners must be notified.

   And Song Hanbin also needs to make an appointment for a meal, although after Song Xin leaves, the relationship between the two is not as close as before, but it is okay.

  When you come to Beijing to do business, if you don’t make a phone call, you will inevitably not be complained by Song Hanbin in the future.

  After returning to the room, Jiang Xiaobai called Song Hanbin and made an appointment for dinner.

  "You are not sincere. It's past four o'clock. I called someone to have dinner at six o'clock. Did I send you a bite of food or something?

  Do you think my factory has no dinner and entertainment? You won’t make a call in advance, you just won’t make a call in advance. Will you not make a call after someone arrives at noon today?

  It’s only half past four before calling. This is obviously just being polite..."

  On the phone, Song Hanbin complained and couldn't stop.

   Jiang Xiaobai is a little confused, what's the situation with Lao Song?

How did    become a bitter woman? As for it, is it because I want to deal with it.

   "Then you don't have time?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly.

   "I have, at six o'clock, I will be there on time."

   Jiang Xiaobai listened to the busy tone of "beep" on the phone, and was a little startled. If you have time, what are you doing with so much nonsense?

   Well, yes, you have time.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and called other partners one by one, saying that he hoped that they could come to participate in the road show of his home and company tomorrow morning.

  As for the fact that they wanted to treat guests to dinner, Jiang Xiaobai refused all of them.

Jiang Xiaobai refused even Mou Qizhong's banquet, and it was arranged until tomorrow.

  Mou Qizhong happened to be in the capital during this time. Regarding Jiang Xiaobai’s banquet, he agreed without thinking about it. What is the relationship between the two of them, the best partner?

  (End of this chapter)

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