Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1789: I do not know

   Chapter 1789 I don't know

  Yin Xiaoyin is here, and his home and company are also listed. Although the dispute between Jun and Wan in Pengcheng is still fierce, it is the two sides that make each other's moves.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai’s mind is no longer on this point. He is going to go to the other side of the ocean to see what is going on with Song Xin. If possible, it is best to pick Song Xin back.

   Jiang Xiaobai is already preparing, but this matter is not easy to handle, first of all, how to talk to Zhao Xinyi.

  Is it telling the truth, or is it a lie?

  First of all, telling the truth is good, that is, there is no need to lie, no need to worry about accidents, and no need to find any reasons or the like.

  But the only problem is that it is a little bit untenable. From Zhao Xinyi's side, Song Xin is Zhao Xinyi's best friend.

  Zhao Xinyi didn't go to her house, but her girlfriend's husband ran over, no matter how she looked at it, she was a little ill-intentioned.

  However, the relationship between himself and Song Xin is not a pure girlfriend's husband, or Song Xin's original boss. The two have had friendships for more than ten years. Jiang Xiaobai wants to help, but he can say the past.

   But the reason is not very sufficient, if you say it, you can say the past.

  The other one is lying. Needless to say, this benefit is basically a benefit. There is no need to be embarrassed at all, as long as it is to find a suitable reason for business trip.

  The only thing to worry about is that Zhao Xinyi and Song Xin are in contact. If Song Xin talks to Zhao Xinyi directly, go to see her by yourself, then you will be exposed.

   However, this possibility is not very big, but there is still it, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

   However, compared with Zhao Xinyi, he said that he was going to see Song Xin. Of course, this choice was the best.

  Jiang Xiaobai is also more inclined to lie. When the time comes, he will say that he will drop by, and he will consider the worst.

   Jiang Xiaobai also made up his mind, and then found Zhao Xiaojin.

  "The sales volume on the northern side of the Moscoe Huahai Automobile Plant in Citigroup is not very good. I am going to make a visit in the near future. You can arrange to contact me."

  Jiang Xiaobai said casually while sorting out the files in his hand.

   "Okay, then I will contact the North Huahai Automobile Factory." Zhao Xiaojin nodded.

  Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand: “No need to contact Huahai Automobile Factory, just arrange the itinerary to Citigroup for me, book the ticket and hotel, if possible, arrange the driver and vehicle, and have a tour guide.”

  Jiang Xiaobai, of course, would not let Zhao Xiaojin contact Liu Jian, and he would reveal the stuff as soon as he contacted him. The purpose he told Zhao Xiaojin was to hope that Zhao Xiaojin could inadvertently reveal it to Zhao Xinyi.

  This is normal, and it won’t arouse Zhao Xinyi’s suspicion. Otherwise, just make up a reason, if one day Zhao Xiaojin and Zhao Xinyi divulge a secret, that’s not good.

  Zhao Xiaojin, as the company’s senior executive, secretary of the board of directors, and domestic Huaqing Holding Group, she knows everything about it. It's hard to find excuses, but she doesn't understand about the overseas Huahai Automobile Factory.

  "Which city to go to Citigroup?" Zhao Xiaojin didn't think much. Her most recent thoughts were about going home with Mao Zhenghua to see her parents.

  This is also the reason why Jiang Xiaobai feels that the time is right. Normally, Zhao Xiaojin is in the company and will contact Jiang Xiaobai every day because of the company's affairs. Maybe he will show off stuff, which makes Zhao Xiaojin feel wrong.

  Although Zhao Xiaojin knew nothing about it and just warned her, but this kind of thing is still somewhat unassuming.

  Now the time is right. Zhao Xiaojin arranged to go home to see her parents, and take a few more days off. When Zhao Xiaojin returns to work, she also quietly returned from abroad. Everything is just right.

   "Well, which city to go to, stay a few days, when are you going to leave, and who do you need to bring?" Zhao Xiaojin's backhand is a bunch of questions.

   Normally, she can decide which department is on a business trip, what work to do, who needs to bring these things, she can decide by herself, and then report to Jiang Xiaobai, if Jiang Xiaobai has no special requirements, it will be decided.

  But Jiang Xiaobai is not allowed to communicate now, then she needs to ask Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Go to the contract, about three days, if the staff, bring an interpreter, and then bring a security team of ten people, you can let Li Longquan prepare for this," Jiang Xiaobai said.

  You still need to be more careful when you go to Citi, after all, free America, shootout every day, be careful.

  People who have two sets of houses are cherish their lives. If I am such a big company, if there is an accident...

   "Okay, I understand." Zhao Xiaojin turned and left.

  Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and went to twist for about three days. It was just an excuse for Jiang Xiaobai. Now I still need to find out where Song Xin's specific address is.

  But it was also very simple. Jiang Xiaobai directly grabbed the phone on the desk and called Song Hanbin.

  It’s okay to find Lao Song for the address. After all, I can be regarded as working for Lao Song, so Lao Song still doesn’t know the address of her daughter!

   "Where is Xin Er in Citi?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly.

   "Are you arranged, are you ready to go?" Song Hanbin was very excited when he received Jiang Xiaobai's call. He had been waiting for his home and company to go public. He guessed that Jiang Xiaobai should be ready to go, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

  I thought that Jiang Xiaobai should be at the end of the month. After all, the company just went public and there are still a lot of things.

   "Well, I'm ready to go, just recently." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Haha, by the way, I haven't congratulated you yet. The listing of the home and the company is very successful. I think the stock price is going up every day." Song Hanbin said with a smile on the phone.

"Tongxiongxitong." Jiang Xiaobai said that after Jiahe Company went public, it rose by 40% on the first day and 10% on the second day. It has been rising in the last two days, but the increase has not been that big, but Still climbing.

  Song Hanbin was stunned when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, and then he laughed. Jiang Xiaobai's words were really okay. They were indeed Tongxi.

  The two chatted a few more words, before hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai remembered: "By the way, you haven't given me the address yet."

"I do not know."

   "What?" Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback.

   "I said I don't know either. Xin'er hasn't given me a word. Just call and ask by yourself." Song Hanbin said indifferently.

"Do you think it is appropriate for me to ask? How do you say, if Xin'er refuses directly, then I won't go." Jiang Xiaobai said leisurely, this old Song, obviously he is doing things by himself, he can do it well and push it. Completely clean.

  (End of this chapter)

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