Chapter 1792 Go to Citi

  On March 27, 1994, at a business invitation from a Citigroup partner, Jiang Xiaobai took Li Longquan and his party to the capital, and then set off from the capital for the contract twist.

  If you apply for a visa yourself, you won’t be able to do it in such a short time.

   After staying in the capital for one night, Jiang Xiaobai met Song Hanbin. Song Hanbin handed Jiang Xiaobai a package with a few sweaters bought from the mall.

   Jiang Xiaobai twitched the corners of his mouth, and he really took it over.

  This was originally an excuse. Bring it. If you can persuade Song Xin to come back, don’t you still need to bring it back again? It's totally unnecessary.

  Song Hanbin thought, it was the same reason, but he insisted on letting Jiang Xiaobai take it.

   "If you bring it over, it's not a lie to her. After all, it's really bringing her things, but it just didn't say who brought her things." Song Hanbin said deceivingly.

  Jiang Xiaobai also took it, and when he returned this large bag of clothes on the plane, he felt a little pain in his head.

  The Citi state in the 1990s can be said to be truly invincible. There are many reasons for all this, such as the Gulf War and the disintegration of Eastern Europe.

  In short, that is, huge wealth has poured into Citigroup.

  I can feel all this since I got off the plane.

  The temperature of the twisting contract in March was much lower than that of the magic. Jiang Xiaobai and the others had expected it, and they put on thick clothes.

  A TV series was also released during the New Year, called "Beijing People Are Twisting Contracts." The contract twisting in 1994 was not comparable to the capital and magic capitals of China at this time.

  It was completely like a big city. When Jiang Xiaobai and others got off the plane, it was six o'clock in the evening when the scheduled time was changed, and the sky was still dark.

  The afterglow of the setting sun only has a little left on the horizon.

  The tour guide and driver ordered by Zhao Xiaojin in advance have already arrived.

  Three commercial vehicles, slowly driving on the twisted streets, pedestrians off work, street stalls, entertainers, colorful neon lights, and endless traffic.

   composes the twilight scenery of the twisted streets. To be honest, it gives Jiang Xiaobai the feeling of returning to the magic capital of later generations and the capital.

   "Tell the tour guide, go to Manhattan Plaza." Jiang Xiaobai said suddenly.

  The translator was taken aback. He didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to know Times Square in Manhattan.

  The translator and the tour guide spoke, and the team suddenly changed its direction.

  The hotel originally reserved for Jiang Xiaobai and the others was not on Times Square.

  Manhattan Times Square is a prosperous block of Manhattan in the Twisting City of Citi, and it is later called "the crossroads of the world".

  There is also a saying that it is not considered to have been to Citi without a contract twist, and that it is not considered to have been a twist to Times Square.

  This is an iconic place, but Times Square in Manhattan at this time is not as good as later generations.

  On the contrary, it is very messy, which is why Zhao Xiaojin did not place the hotel on Times Square for Jiang Xiaobai.

   With the advent of the Great Depression in the 1930s, Times Square was flooded with pornographic performance venues.

  Movie theaters showing action movies all night, and shops selling cheap tourist souvenirs.

  In the following decades, Times Square was regarded as a dangerous area by many people.

  Times Square became a symbol of the danger and corruption of the twisted city from the 1960s to the 1990s.

  Dark themed movies like "Midnight Cowboy" and "Taxi Driver". They were all shot on Times Square, and it is normal for bad movie theaters in the district to show low-level movies.

  The translator was still communicating with the tour guide, and he was a little worried about the safety of going to Manhattan Plaza.

  He is a translator. He often comes to Citi, and he knows a little bit about Times Square.

   "It's okay, the purification work is going on in Times Square, so don't worry about public security," the tour guide said.

  This work was put forward by the newly appointed person in charge of the contract twist this year. The closure of pornographic venues, strengthening public security, and in short, are to turn Times Square into a business card for contract twisting.

  Listening to the tour guide said this, the translator was relieved, but I still talked to Jiang Xiaobai, hoping that Jiang Xiaobai and the others would pay attention to some safety issues.

  When the translator came up with this topic, Jiang Xiaobai also remembered.

  It's just Times Square in later generations. It was a business card for contract twisting. The public security environment is still no problem.

   Originally, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to see it on a whim, but now I regret it. It's not that Jiang Xiaobai is timid and afraid of death.

  It's that people will cherish their lives when they are old. There are sweet wives and lovely children in the family. How can they not cherish their lives?

   But now that it has been said, the convoy has also turned, and the tour guide said that there is no problem, and Jiang Xiaobai has no regrets.

  However, Li Longquan and others were still asked to be vigilant.

  Originally, the hotel Zhao Xiaojin had agreed upon was in Manhattan, not far from Times Square. Soon the convoy arrived at Times Square.

  Jiang Xiaobai and others got off the bus, and Li Longquan and others immediately looked at it.

"The tall buildings are like steep mountains, and the walls are transparent glass, like a crystal palace. The colorful street lights flicker and flicker. sky…"

  This is what Ding Ling wrote in "Manhattan Street Night View." When Ding Ling came to Citigroup, it was 1981. At this time, Times Square in 1994 was more prosperous than that time.

  All this made Li Longquan and others an eye-opener. In newspapers and TV news, people feel that a contract is heaven, and even the air is sweet.

  Li Longquan can be regarded as a knowledgeable person, of course he would not think so, but looking at the night view of Times Square really shocked him.

  From the perspective of some domestic cities, China is really too backward now.

  "In another twenty years, we will have such a night scene in our country. Envy, and yearn for that, then keep up your morale and work hard." Jiang Xiaobai said with some emotion.

   "Jian Dong's words are awakening." The translator said with some admiration. This is not flattering, but telling the truth.

  Ordinary people will only feel the power of Citi when seeing this scene, yearning for this kind of life, and even thinking about wishing to stay here forever.

   But Jiang Xiaobai is different. Instead, he inspires fighting spirit, recognizes the gap more clearly, works hard, looks at the problem from different angles, and naturally stands at a different height.

  Don’t blame Jiang Dong for being able to do such a big business. This realm is different.

   "Haha, let's go, let's go back to the hotel for a meal and rest." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said with a smile. He will go to Song Xin's place tomorrow.

  (End of this chapter)

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