Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1818: Zhao Xinyi's killing of chickens and monkeys

  Chapter 1818 Zhao Xinyi's killing of chickens and monkeys

  Yes, Chen Dongsheng is very confident in his insurance plan, but whether Jiang Xiaobai is confident in this project is also an important opportunity to determine.

  Jiang Xiaobai is too good. The investment project has never failed. Even the seemingly unreliable business like launching rockets can be successful.

  So as long as the myth of Jiang Xiaobai is not broken, as long as it is a project that Jiang Xiaobai is optimistic about, then it is not 100% sure, but at least it is 80% sure that there is no problem.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s vision, coupled with Jiang Xiaobai’s strong financial resources and extensive network of contacts, so basically it can be said that this matter is pretty stable.

  The remaining point is pure fate. This kind of business will come after everyone has broken their heads.

  It’s not too late for Jiang Xiaobai to return home. Jiang Xin is arguing with Zhao Xinyi.

   "No, what's the matter, how did the girl make you angry?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

  "You ask her, if you click this, don't sleep. If you don't sleep, don't sleep. Go to your brother's room and sleep with your brother." Zhao Xinyi said angrily.

  Maybe every family has this experience. The biggest contradiction between mother and child when they were young is the problem of sleeplessness.

   "It's okay, come, I happen to be playing with my girl." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Play, what time is it to play, let her sleep quickly." Zhao Xinyi said.

   "" Jiang Xin shook his head.

   "It's okay, I..." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Xinyi about to get angry again, and quickly opened his mouth to persuade.

   But as soon as she spoke, she was interrupted by Zhao Xinyi: "Okay, if you don't sleep, you father and daughter will both let me go out."

  Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, what does this have to do with him? How could he have been kicked out? This was implicated.

   "Okay, go out." Zhao Xinyi directly pushed Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xin and his daughter out, and closed the door.

  Jiang Xiaobai stood at the door holding her daughter, and looked at each other with her face to face. Jiang Xiaobai sighed and knelt down and looked at her daughter bitterly and said, “It seems that we can only sleep in the guest room tonight, so it's just time for my mother to sleep well.”

   Jiang Xiaobai was talking, and Jiang Xin knocked on the door.

  Zhao Xinyi poked out a head, looked at Jiang Xin fiercely and asked, "What are you doing?"

   "Ma Ma, I want to sleep." Jiang Xin raised his head and stretched out his hand to look at his mother and said pitifully.

  "Come in." Zhao Xinyi picked up Jiang Xin and went directly into the room. Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about following in, and

  Guo made a "bang" and Zhao Xinyi closed the door unexpectedly.

   "No, I..." Jiang Xiaobai stood at the door blankly. What does this have to do with me? What did i do? Why did you shut me out.

  However, Zhao Xinyi was coaxing her girl to sleep, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't plan to enter and disturb the mother and daughter. Instead, he went straight to the study and took out the project plan that Chen Dongsheng had given him.

  I have to say that this Chen Dongsheng is still very talented, and he deserves to be the founder of the "92 faction". This talent and insight are not comparable to ordinary people.

  Speaking of the "92 faction", this group of people is still very complicated. The entrepreneurs before the "92 faction" are basically not very educated.

  If you can have a college degree, it’s really amazing. There are basically no key university graduates like Jiang Xiaobai.

  Most people have graduated from elementary school, and some have never even attended elementary school. They do business because they really can’t survive.

  Sometimes they have amazing instincts, relying on their innate sense of smell to fight in the sea of ​​commerce, smashing the wind and clouds.

  Some people have no knowledge, they rely on experience and talent.

  The "92 faction" is different. Most of the "92 faction" are officials, scholars and the like, and of course there are some ordinary people, but those with academic qualifications still account for a large part.

  For example, Chen Dongsheng's original work was in some ministries and commissions. It was a unit where many people broke their heads and went in.

  They are knowledgeable, well-connected, and knowledgeable, and of course they are more likely to succeed. That’s why the term "92 faction" came up.

  After reading the plan, Jiang Xiaobai realized that it was past ten o'clock in the evening. He rubbed his eyebrows, then closed the plan and returned to the room.

  Sure enough, Zhao Xinyi did not close the door. The door was ajar. Jiang Xiaobai pushed the door and walked in. The girl was asleep and the bedside lamp was still on. Zhao Xinyi was watching with a book in her hand.

   "Why stay in the study so late?" Zhao Xinyi asked.

   Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly, "Why did you shut me out just now?"

   "Isn't that scaring the little baby? Why are you angry?" Zhao Xinyi put down the book in her hand and looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback. He thought that Zhao Xinyi was irritated by her daughter, and said that she was angering herself. However, he didn't expect that he was actually killing chickens and monkeys.

  I am the chicken that was killed. What are you kidding me? I am a dignified chairman. If this is put in the novel, it is the overbearing president, or the trash son-in-law, and it turns out to be Zhao Xinyi.

  He turned out to be that chicken, not a monkey that was frightened.

   "I'm angry, I wasn't angry just now. If you say this, I am really angry." Jiang Xiaobai said angrily, but after going to bed he still hugged Zhao Xinyi.

Some people say that it’s a seven-year itch, but although Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi said that the marriage time is not short, but because of the fact that they have little together and more, although Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi have two children, their relationship is still very good. As gluey as paint.

  Early the next morning, after Jiang Xiaobai came to the company, he directly called Zhang Weiyi into his office.

   "Dong Jiang, what do you want me to do?" Zhang Weiyi asked. Normally, Jiang Xiaobai rarely talks to him when he is at work, because he often has to deal with some documents and the like when he goes to work.

   "Wei Yi, sit down, what are the current investment projects of our Huaqing Holding Company?" Jiang Xiaobai asked Zhang Weiyi to sit down and asked directly.

   "Dong Jiang, what are you worth?" Zhang Weiyi is a little unclear. Therefore, this investment project refers to the company's investment in production, or investment in others.

   Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and did not answer. Instead, he said, “Let’s do this, you call me the person in charge of the investment department, let’s talk about something together.”

  Originally, he was going to talk to Zhang Weiyi first, but after thinking about it, he thought it would be better to call people from the investment department directly.

  Zhang Weiyi nodded, got up and went out to inform people.

  (End of this chapter)

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