Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1822: Song Xin's troubles

  Chapter 1822 Song Xin's troubles

  Chen Dongsheng nodded, first prepare the company and then discuss investment and shares. He has no opinion on this matter. He is not afraid that Jiang Xiaobai lied to him, nor is he afraid that the two people may not have a bad discussion about investment and shares.

  If you change someone else, a series of things such as shares and investment ratio will not be negotiated, no contract has been signed, and some funds will not even start to prepare for the company.

   But Jiang Xiaobai, there is no need to worry about such things at all, Jiang Xiaobai is still very generous.

   doesn't care about these things at all, so Chen Dongsheng is very relieved in this regard.

  When it comes to noon, the insurance company's affairs are finally discussed.

   "Okay, let's have a meal together." Jiang Xiaobai stood up and said with a smile.

   "Okay, we have to eat something to celebrate at noon." Zhang Weiyi also echoed, and a group of people stood up and walked toward the outside of the meeting room.

  Zhao Xiaojin followed Jiang Xiaobai and reminded him in a low voice: “Jiang Dong, you are going to the capital in the afternoon. It is a three o’clock plane. You need to go to the airport at 2:10 at the latest.”

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, indicating that he knew it. It was only after twelve o'clock, and there was still time to eat.

  On the way from the company to the hotel, Jiang Xiaobai asked Li Longquan to contact the Beijing office and asked the Beijing office to send a car to the airport.

  After Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the restaurant, he just drank a circle of wine and ate a little casually, and the time was almost there.

  Jiang Xiaobai stood up holding a glass of wine: "Everyone, I have to do something when I'm flying to the capital in a while, so I'll take a step first. I'm sorry, I'll leave after I drink this glass of wine."

   "Okay, so everyone raises their glasses together, and there will be opportunities to eat together in the future." Chen Dongsheng stood up and said.

  After Jiang Xiaobai finished a cup, he put down the wine glass and left with Li Longquan.

  Drank some wine. After getting on the plane, Jiang Xiaobai squinted his eyes and went to sleep. It didn't take long for the Magic Capital to arrive in the capital. At about 5:30, Jiang Xiaobai and Li Longquan got off the plane at the familiar Beijing airport.

  The colleague in the Beijing office was already waiting in a black Crown sedan. After Jiang Xiaobai took the car key, he sent the office colleague back, and he drove Li Longquan to the hotel.

   Stopped at the entrance of the hotel, Jiang Xiaobai did not get off, but let Li Longquan get off with his luggage, but he didn’t mean to get off.

   "Longquan, you go live, I'll do something, and I will call you if I have something to do later." Jiang Xiaobai exhorted.

  In fact, Li Longquan is a little unwilling, but it is obvious that Jiang Xiaobai is to do some other things and is unwilling to take himself with him. Jiang Xiaobai also wants to have a little of his own private life.

  I understand this by myself, but I understand it by myself. I am a driver and a bodyguard. If I leave Jiang Xiaobai, what should I do if Jiang Xiaobai has something to do?

  Li Longquan is very embarrassed, but there is no way to be embarrassed. Jiang Xiaobai is obviously very determined. He can only tell Jiang Xiaobai to call himself as soon as he has something to do, and then he takes his luggage and enters the hotel.

  Jiang Xiaobai started the car, and drove past according to the address of the Foreign Affairs Office in his memory.

  When Jiang Xiaobai was in the capital, he did not go to the foreign affairs office, sometimes changing foreign exchange coupons and the like.

  But I don’t know how many years I haven’t been here, and I don’t know if the Foreign Affairs Office has changed places. After all, I haven’t been to Beijing for many years.

  Jiang Xiaobai drove the car on the road, and almost fainted after a while. The capital was developing too fast. After only a few years, many places have changed from what they remembered.

  Beijing, Song Xin just got off work. She has been a child since she came back to Beijing for a year. She does not have to stay at home all day with her mother helping her. Her father finds a job for her to work in the Foreign Affairs Office.

   is mainly for receiving foreigners, such as consulates, etc., she is good at foreign language, and she is a returnee who has returned from studying abroad. Don’t do this work too easily, okay?

  But although the work is easy, but after a long time, it feels a bit boring and not challenging at all. And although she has strong working ability, in this kind of unit, it is based on seniority.

  Her work experience is no matter how rich, no matter how strong her ability is, no matter how high her education is, the one she can't get around after all is her low qualifications and she just entered the unit.

  So every day, she still has to endure the stupid orders of various leaders, and after spending a long time with Jiang Xiaobai, she is also very disgusted with the existence of foreigners as superior.

  But in their work, many leaders still hold that old thinking. After meeting the foreigners, their waists can't straighten up. Even if they can't straighten their waists, let them do the same for their subordinates.

She is unwilling to do so, but from time to time, the leader puts the "big picture first" to suppress others. There is really no way. This is real life, not a novel. Others are kneeling and licking. You don’t do this. Directly attack others, they will respect you instead.

  This kind of thing is purely fabricated, and the foreigner is not a fool. People put a respectful attitude and don’t want to come to you to get angry.

  So it makes Song Xin feel a little uncomfortable to work. Of course, what is even more uncomfortable is the messy interpersonal relationships in the unit.

  Before, she was in the Huaqing Holding Group. It was the person in charge of the dignified family and the company. Maybe someone was jealous, but no one dared to say it.

  Because the status is too high, there is no need to deal with ordinary mortals at all, but now the foreign affairs department is different.

This place is a place where the little demon is windy, and the water is shallow. There are many people who chew the tongue behind. For example, she bought a red Xiali car, but the unit used to ride a bicycle, so she drove over once. That's it.

  Someone was talking behind the result. She had no choice but to park the car in a nearby alley, and then ran over to drive home after get off work.

   "Song Xin, how are you going?" a female colleague looked at Song Xin and asked.

   "I'll walk by myself and take a walk." Song Xin waved her hand, and after she got out of the unit's door, she was going to drive in the alley.

  But I was stopped after two steps.

  "Xinxin." A man's voice sounded.

  Song Xin frowned, stopped her footsteps and turned back, and said in a cold voice: "Please call me Comrade Song Xin, we are just ordinary colleagues, Comrade Wang Guodong, please respect me, and please respect yourself.

  If there is another time, don’t blame me for being rude. "

  (End of this chapter)

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