Chapter 1832

  "Xinyi, the text is here." Jiang Xiaobai pushed open the second door of the house. This door was installed later, and the normal elevator entrance will not install the door.

   "Brother Jiang, sister-in-law." Zhao Xinyi greeted her with a smile.

   "Xinyi, I'm sorry to cause you trouble." Jiang Shuwen said politely.

   "Where are you, Brother Jiang, I have long thought of you coming, please come in soon." Zhao Xinyi is also very enthusiastic, but this is because of Jiang Xiaobai's face.

  She just met with them at the wedding of Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha.

  She knew that Jiang Xiaobai’s feelings for Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha were not something that a good friend could say clearly.

   is more like the feeling of a loved one.

  The children also came, Jiang Xiaobai introduced.

  "This is Yin Xiaoyin, Yin Xiaojun, Jiang Langlang, Jiang Xin."

  "This is Uncle Jiang, Aunt Xiang."

   "Hello Uncle Jiang, to Auntie." Yin Xiaojun, Yin Xiaoyin and Jiang Langlang said hello in unison.

   Jiang Xin was anxious and a little speechless, babbling.

  She is still a bit uncomfortable talking now.

   "Hello." Jiang Shuwen nodded with a smile, and took the red envelope from his pocket. He was ready before.

  He knows the situation in Jiang Xiaobai’s house, but he has prepared more than four red envelopes, just to guard against other children in Jiang Xiaobai’s house.

  The red envelopes are also not small, they are all 100 yuan.

  One hundred yuan of New Year's money, needless to say, at this time, even after a few years, entering the first few years of the millennium, it can be considered too much.

  However, the children at home did not answer. Needless to say, Yin Xiaoyin and Yin Xiaojun both felt that they were older.

  Especially Yin Xiaoyin has already worked and made money, and of course he is not willing to ask for red envelopes.

  And Jiang Langlang is because there are too many people giving red envelopes during the Chinese New Year. He is completely confused about what should be recognized and should not be asked.

  Sometimes I wander around in the community, and I don’t know how many people I can meet to give red envelopes.

  The residents in this community are all family members of the Huaqing Holding Group, for the prince of the Huaqing Holding Group.

  Give a red envelope for the New Year, everyone thinks it's normal.

  For more than one hundred, more than one thousand are available, and less are three or five yuan.

  So Jiang Langlang doesn't accept any red envelopes and new year's money in the community. If Jiang Xiaobai agrees to accept it, he will accept it.

  If he goes out by himself, he won’t accept any of them.

  So at this time, Jiang Langlang just tilted his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xin stretched out his hand babbling.

   "Let's take it." Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Shuwen, of course their fathers in the previous life were not polite.

  To be more polite, but it will look rusty.

   "Thank you, Uncle." Jiang Langlang took it and didn't care. He collects a lot of New Year's money every Chinese New Year. It's just that Zhao Xinyi took all the money away, leaving him only one hundred yuan.

  So he didn't feel much about the New Year's Eve.

  Because I don’t own it, I don’t have the joy of collecting money.

  Yin Xiaojun also took it. His new year's money was taken away by his sister when he was a child. In the past two years, although his sister did not want the new year's money, he gave it to him.

  But he has never been short of money. He worked again a year ago, so he didn't have the fun of making money. This is the worst. He can't experience the fun of making money.

  The fun of this life is much less.

  "Hurry up, please sit down, please sit down." Zhao Xinyi greeted, poured tea for the two people, and asked them about the situation on the road.

   "By the way, I have already cleaned up a room. Come upstairs and see if you are satisfied. If there are many rooms in the house, you can choose." Zhao Xinyi said.

   "No, it's too bothersome, in fact, we can live outside." Jiang Shuwen said uncomfortably.

  Zhao Xinyi had already pulled Xiang Sha Sha and walked upstairs, and Jiang Shuwen followed.

   Jiang Langlang crookedly beside Jiang Xiaobai, they all said that the boy kissed his mother when he was young, and he loved to follow his father when he grew up. That was because his father was able to play with him. For example, at this time Jiang Xiaobai took him to watch cartoons.

  If it was Zhao Xinyi, she would have turned off the TV for him.

  Normal people are Yan father and loving mother, but Jiang Xiaobai's family is just the other way around, Yan mother and loving father.

  Jiang Xiaobai is a reborn person. I don’t know how many I have seen in TV dramas.

  Fathers spend less time with their children than their mothers. If they are fierce all day long, it is only strange that the children are not rebellious.

  Jiang Shuwen, Xiang Shasha followed Zhao Xinyi upstairs. They guessed that Jiang Xiaobai’s house should be luxurious, otherwise they would be sorry for the environment of the community.

  But I did not expect it to be so luxurious. After going up the wooden stairs, there will be a living room, and then a spacious and bright room.

  The room Zhao Xinyi prepared for them is the master bedroom facing south, and the window is a whole floor-to-ceiling window. How can people at this time have seen this kind of room?

  Not to mention other things, the floor-to-ceiling windows alone have already suppressed people.

  A whole window, plus today’s weather is very high, the sun outside is directly scattered all over the ground,

  To be honest, Xiang Shasha and Jiang Shuwen have been living in the south for the first time. After getting off the train, the weather still felt a bit cold.

  Although it is said that there is heating in the hotel of the railway station, but the hotel around the railway station, where can the conditions be better?

  The heating is not too sufficient, and the room is still leaking. The two people were a little bit cold last night, and a little bit difficult to endure.

   But standing at the door of this room today, I immediately felt that it was warm like spring.

  The sunlight in this room shone warmly on the two of them, making the couple a little bit eager to just bathe in the sunlight.

  "Look, OK? This is the cloakroom, where you can hang clothes, and this is the bathroom." Zhao Xinyi continued to introduce.

   "Okay, okay, too good." Jiang Shuwen was very excited.

   "Hehe, okay, just put your things down, come down and have some tea, I will cook for you early, have eaten, take a good rest." Zhao Xinyi saw the fatigue on their faces.

   "Okay, thank you, thank you." Xiang Sha Sha also repeatedly thanked, and finally got a good night's sleep tonight.

  Zhao Xinyi settled the two of them, then turned around and went downstairs. Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha looked at each other.

   "When will we be able to have such a house? It is so beautiful and how comfortable to live." Xiang Sha Sha said with some emotion.

  Jiang Shuwen didn't dare to answer the conversation at all. In such a house, he felt that there was no hope for him in this life.

  Being able to live in an ordinary apartment building from the tube tower, he is already very satisfied, so he can't dare to ask for other things.

  (End of this chapter)

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