Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1847: This will always be your home

   Chapter 1847 This is always your home

  Lao Zhou walked into Jinggang. He can still remember that at the beginning, there was no smoking blast furnace in the factory, and the ground was full of weeds.

   "The older generation of Jinggang people relied on sledgehammers, poles and baskets to produce, but it only took half a year for molten iron to flow out of the blast furnace." Zhou Lao said.

  Jiang Xiaobai did not say a word, and stood by and listened. He didn't know the history of Jinggang, but he could also imagine how difficult it was for the older generation of steel workers.

Before    side blowing the small converter, Zhou Lao stopped and said loudly: "Break the ceiling to see the sunny day."

Before the oxygen blowing converter, Zhou Lao said in silence for a long time: "Before you return to Mapo, you are not afraid of ghosts, and you are not afraid of losing in front of powerful enemies."

   Everywhere, Zhou Lao stopped. I don’t know when there are more and more Jinggang workers following Zhou Lao.

  At the beginning, it was one or two, and slowly followed by more and more people, three, five, ten, one hundred, two hundred, five hundred, one thousand, two thousand...

  Jiang Xiaobai does not know how many people there are in Jinggang, but at least there are more than one hundred thousand, hundreds of thousands.

  Of course, this is the sum of all the industries. There may not be so many people who work in the Jinggang plant.

  But there are 100,000 people, Jiang Xiaobai guessed there should still be some.

  At this time, Zhou Lao had already followed a lot of people behind him.

  A piece of darkness, everyone may have realized something.

  The news of Zhou Lao in the past two days has been circulated in the factory.

  Basically everyone already knows, but the people in Beijing, who are under the imperial city, are most concerned about politics.

  Now that Mr. Zhou has come out, he will be able to guess what it means when he comes back to the factory like this.

  Without anyone speaking, he silently followed Mr. Zhou to walk everywhere with him, and accompanied Director Zhou, whose old factory manager walked the last journey in Jinggang.

  Beijing Steel is very big, and Zhou Lao walks very slowly, but no matter how big the place is, no matter how slowly he walks, there is always time to finish.

  It's noon, no one goes back to eat and rest, but more and more people follow Zhou Lao.

  Many departments, except for leaving a necessary person to maintain production, all came here, and the scalp of the crowd was numb.

  But it was silent, and there was no one to speak.

  The reason for ensuring production is not only because once such a large Jinggang ceases production, the loss will be great if it re-ignites and starts production.

  Of course, if it is for this reason alone, Jinggang is not incapable of losing, and it is enough to make many small businesses go bankrupt. For Jinggang, it is just a drop in the bucket, and it is nothing at all.

  The main reason is that everyone at Jinggang knows the character of the old factory director. Since this is the last time I came back to see it, of course I like to see the scenes of Jinggang in full swing created by him.

  Rather than stop production and look deserted, so they not only stop production, but also work hard, so that the old factory manager can see the lively scene of their Jinggang.

  At noon, the deputy director came over and invited Mr. Zhou to eat in the cafeteria.

  But Zhou Lao waved his hand and refused. The deputy director could only send someone something to eat.

  At three o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai accompanied Zhou Lao out of the factory.

  The black crowd behind him, Zhou Lao stopped and turned to look at the crowd.

   "Thank you everyone." Zhou Lao bowed to everyone.

   "Thank you, the director." Tens of thousands of people bowed to Zhou Lao together.

  Old Zhou did not speak any more, turned around and prepared to get into the car with Jiang Xiaobai.

  But there was a neat voice behind him.

  "The factory manager walks slowly, Jinggang will always be your home."

   Tens of thousands of people spoke together, and the voice shook the sky and went straight up into the sky, making people's hair numb, and a chill jumped directly from the spine to the back of the head.

Zhou Lao's eyes were a little red, but he didn't look back, but followed Jiang Xiaobai directly into the car.

   "Let's go home." Zhou Lao sighed, his tone choked.

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai started the car and walked towards Zhou's hometown.

  The car has already driven far away, and the shaking voice can be heard behind: "Goodbye, factory manager."

  "Xiao Bai, I’m sorry to trouble you. I made a special trip to the capital to do my business, and I stayed with me for one day today."

   "Old Zhou, you must not say that. I didn't help much. I just helped you drive the car." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said.

   "I remember it in my heart." Zhou Lao didn't give much humility, and said directly.

  Soon the car arrived at the door of Zhou’s home.

   "Old Zhou, I will not go up. You can go back to reunite with your family. I will be in the capital for these two days. If you have anything to do, tell me." Jiang Xiaobai got out of the car and said by the door.

  Although he had a lot of things to do in the magic city, he decided to stay in the capital for two more days at this time to see what else he could help.

   "Come on, there is nothing to eat at noon, and it is at the door of the house, there is no reason not to come in for a cup of tea." Zhou Lao said with a smile.

  Jiang Xiaobai was about to say something, he heard Mr. Zhou continue to say: "What? Or are you afraid of getting on my old man and causing you trouble?"

  Jiang Xiaobai quickly shook his head and said: "Where is that? Okay, Mr. Zhou, I know that you are a radical method. I'll go, can't I go?"

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled bitterly. He originally didn't want to disturb the reunion of Zhou Lao's family. There was such a big incident in the family, Zhou Lao is back now, and the family must have a lot to say.

  I’m an outsider, and it’s not necessary to follow to the house.

  But I didn't expect that Zhou Lao would say so in order to invite him.

  If he was afraid of things, he would not come to the capital, let alone come to Mr. Zhou’s house as soon as he came, and would ask for help.

  Today I even picked up Zhou Lao by car, accompanied Zhou Lao all day, and showed up in front of so many people.

  Why is he afraid of things?

  Of course, he also knows that, when Mr. Zhou said so, he just wanted to invite himself.

  "Young people’s heads are so good, you can see it all, well, I invite you to have a meal at home.

  After a busy day, if I leave without eating, my old man should be told that he can’t be a man anymore. "

  Lao Zhou said with a smile. It can be seen that his mood is much better than in the afternoon.

  The people of their generation, who came over in a big storm, have never experienced anything.

  It’s a big thing for others, but for them, life and death are trivial matters. They never worry about personal gains or losses, but other things.

  It is not his position that Zhou Lao is reluctant to give up, but he is not willing to be willing to Jinggang, worrying about the situation of Jinggang after he leaves.

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled helplessly, and helped Zhou Lao upstairs.

  (End of this chapter)

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