Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1856: Just eat instant noodles

   Chapter 1856 Just eat instant noodles

   "By the way, where is the instant noodle factory, let's go and take a look." Jiang Xiaobai stayed at home and company for a while and couldn't stay there. He wanted to go to the instant noodle factory to take a look.

The   Instant Noodle Factory has been established for a long time. It was reported some time ago that it has produced several flavors of instant noodles. I would like to invite Jiang Xiaobai to take a look.

   But some time ago, Jiang Xiaobai had no time, so this matter was put aside.

  Now Jiang Xiaobai has time, of course he wants to take a look.

  Instant Noodle Factory is not far from Jiahe Company, which is a wholly-owned brand factory of Jiahe Company.

  In the production workshop, Jiang Xiaobai probably took a look, and now the confirmed flavors of instant noodles have begun production.

  The production of braised beef noodles is the most. There are also many other flavors such as spicy noodles and scallion noodles.

  Sun Jianyun brought some samples, Jiang Xiaobai opened several packets of instant noodles and took a look.

  The braised beef noodles and spicy noodles are all deep-fried and look golden and golden.

   Jiang Xiaobai squeezed a little bit and tasted it. It is good to eat dry like this, but the taste is still a bit different.

   "In this way, it's noon right away. Give me a bucket of soak in the same way. Let's taste this at noon." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Li Ji's face turned dark on the side of   . After he received Sun Jianyun's notice, he began to prepare.

  Because the notification time was too anxious, I was busy preparing for lunch just now for most of the day.

  I thought that it was noon right away. At noon, I will entertain Jiang Xiaobai in the factory. After all, Jiang Xiaobai is going to eat instant noodles in their factory.

  This is really not for him.

  Li Ji did not agree, and turned to look at Sun Jianyun.

   Jiang Dong's request, he really couldn't agree to it.

  Sun Jianyun also looked embarrassed, Jiang Dong came to the factory to inspect, and finally let Jiang Dong eat instant noodles.

  If this is spread out, let others say it.

   "What's the matter? Can't bear two buckets of instant noodles?" Jiang Xiaobai asked jokingly.

   Jiang Xiaobai certainly understood what Li Ji was thinking.

   "It's not reluctant, Jiang Dong, you are joking, but the factory has already prepared food, right?" Sun Jianyun said, looking at Li Ji.

  Li Ji nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes, Jiang Dong, it's ready, if you don't eat it, it will be wasted."

  Sun Jianyun quickly persuades: "That is, it would be a pity if it was wasted.

  And if you come to us for inspection, if you just eat instant noodles, you say this, how will I behave when I go out in the future? "

   "Haha, okay, then let's do it, the dishes are normal, even if this instant noodles is a staple food, okay, I will take a step back, ours is also a special feature, okay?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

  Li Ji and Sun Jianyun looked at each other, nodded quickly and agreed.

   "I think it's okay, there is no problem, so let me arrange it." What else can Li Ji say.

  Furthermore, Jiang Xiaobai insisted on eating instant noodles. Could he still stop him?

   While talking, a group of people arrived at the cafeteria, home and the instant noodle factory, although it was not long,

  But because when the factory was built, the investment and planning were huge, and there were many production lines, so there was a canteen in the factory.

  Moreover, there are many canteens, and inside the canteens are small private rooms that are characteristic of this time.

  When Jiang Xiaobai and the others arrived, all the cold dishes were already served.

  Moutai was also on the table. As soon as Jiang Xiaobai and others sat down, the cafeteria began to serve hot dishes.

  There are a lot of dishes, flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, and generally speaking, it is very luxurious.

  But Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much. Although it is a private enterprise, it is impossible to say that it will not be welcoming and sent to this set at all.

  This is a society of human affection. If you refuse to even eat, it will make people feel a little unkind.

   "Dong Jiang is here, come on, chefs and masters, hurry up." The staff was informing him.

  The deputy director came in with two boxes of instant noodles.

  "Director, did you miss the meal? Even if you didn't miss the meal, you wouldn't be talking about eating instant noodles, right?"

  The chef laughed and joked with the deputy director.

   "Fart, this is what Jiang Dong wants to eat, quickly take out your twelve-point craft, this is the staple food." said the deputy director.

  "Planner, don't come to play." The chef smiled and shook his head. What a joke, he prepared so many delicacies and instant noodles.

   "Are you kidding, do you think I am joking? It's true, and Jiang Dong wants to eat instant noodles first, so it's up to yours now." The deputy director said solemnly.

  The chef was a little startled, and it took him a long time to determine that the deputy director was not joking, and that Chairman Jiang really wanted to eat this stuff.

  The chef said bitterly: "But, yes, there is this saying in our business. The simpler the dish, the more delicious it is, so that it can show the level.

  Shredded potatoes, vinegared cabbage, but this instant noodle, I really have not made it.

  This bowl of instant noodles, can I still make a lot of flowers? "

   "Yes, you really have to soak up this instant noodle today. Let me tell you, today this is more than just a meal.

  It is a political task. Jiang Dong eats instant noodles to see what the taste of the instant noodles produced in our factory are like.

  It’s up to you if it doesn’t work. "The deputy director looked at the chef and said.

  Chef looked embarrassed, this is really terrible.

  Political tasks, the instant noodles must be soaked up, isn’t this embarrassing?

  But it still has to be done. Even if the chef uses his heart and his heart, he can boil instant noodles. With such a simple procedure, even a fool can do it.

  There is really no room for play.

   Soon the instant noodles were on the table, Jiang Xiaobai raised his hand and greeted everyone to move their chopsticks.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even say that he had eaten it all. He tasted everything, and then ate a little dry.

  "This braised beef noodle tastes good, at least it tastes good when eaten in soak, but if it is eaten dry, it seems to taste a little worse, not so crisp."

   Jiang Xiaobai groaned, although instant noodles are not dry noodles.

  But there is no difference between instant noodles and dry noodles at this time.

  Jiang Xiaobai said, Sun Jianyun nodded and turned to Li Ji and said: "Director Li, you write down what Jiang Dong said, and then make corrections."

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, I have written it down, and I think this scallion noodles needs improvement too." Li Ji asked.

   "Well, the flavor of scallion noodles is a little bit heavier. Of course, you can decide on the technical aspects of the design. I'm just a suggestion.

  Look at how to deal with the noodles, so that the scallion oil will have a stronger flavor, and the flavor will make it more delicious. "Jiang Xiaobai said.

  (End of this chapter)

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