Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1862: Want to meet Jiang Dong

   Chapter 1862 Want to see Dong Jiang

   "Okay, I understand Jiang Dong, I have an appointment with Secretary Zhao." Sun Jianyun smiled and hung up the phone.

  Although Jiang Xiaobai did not answer his question, saying whether to see or not, the three words "have time" have already said everything.

  When will Jiang Xiaobai have time, that is, if Jiang Xiaobai is busy all day, Huaqing Holding Group will have endless tasks for him to do.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s time is all spared.

  Where there is time and no time, it is mainly because of seeing someone doing something.

  Liu Dehua and Wang Zhuxian, Lin Sheng is the magic capital that arrived on June 1st on Children’s Day.

  Liu Dihua took his agent and the company’s two bodyguards.

  There are more people on Wang Zhuxian's side. She brought her agent and two bodyguards of the company; but Lin Sheng brought a small business trip team with a total of ten people.

  Family and the company arranged two commercial vehicles and a tiger head to rush to pick up the plane, but it turned out that there were too many people to sit down.

   However, Lin Sheng himself arranged for someone to pick up the airport, and this solved the problem.

  "Everyone, now we are going to the hotel. The hotel is on the Bund side, close to our company and not far from our company headquarters.

  Everyone came from afar. Let’s take a break today, and then let’s talk about the next work arrangement. What do you think? "The reception staff of the home and company said, and looked at Wang Zhuxian and Lin Sheng. This Wang Zhuxian brought too many people.

  The star of Xiangjiang is different. There are so many people who travel, no matter what is like a mainland actor, go out alone.

  Liu Dihua nodded, he had already arranged the schedule for the demons, any time is fine.

   "Oh, sir, can I see you Jiang Dong?" Before Wang Zhuxian spoke, Lin Sheng on the side asked.

  "Dong Jiang, it seems that there is this arrangement, it should be tomorrow." The staff replied, and the title of "Mr." still felt a little weird.

  Even in the Mainland, even the magic city, which is already a very open city, is often called "comrade".

   "Tomorrow." Lin Sheng was a little disappointed, still thinking that he would be able to meet today.

Wang Zhuxian on the side saw that Lin Sheng was a little disappointed, and proactively said, "Sir, can you help arrange it? We want to see Jiang Dong today.

  In fact, we have heard of Jiang Dong’s name a long time ago. Jiang Dong is a legend in the mall. If possible, we would like to invite him to dinner tonight. See you. "

  Wang Zhuxian spoke very politely, but the words were very rude. If she dared to ask when to meet a big business man in Xiangjiang, she would not put the big man in his eyes at all.

  Although I got some news about Jiang Xiaobai from Lin Sheng's mouth, but deep-rooted thoughts, unconsciously deep down in my heart, will despise Jiang Xiaobai.

On the side of   , Liu Tihua gave Wang Zhuxian and Lin Sheng a surprised look. He also heard about Lin Sheng and Wang Zhuxian. This matter is not a secret in the entertainment circle of Xiangjiang.

  Originally, I saw Wang Zhuxian and Lin Sheng on the road, thinking that they both took this opportunity to travel to the mainland.

  After all, Xiangjiang is a big place, and there is pressure from Lin Sheng's family. I heard that Lin Sheng's parents are against Lin Sheng's divorce.

  Anyway, the relationship inside the giants is very complicated.

  As a result, I didn’t expect it to look like the two of them.

  As for him, it doesn't matter if you see Jiang Xiaobai.

  It’s the best to be able to see it, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t see it. The influence of his home and company in the Mainland, as well as what this endorsement represents.

  Let the people in the mainland more familiar with themselves, of course, it can be regarded as a good relationship with Jiang Xiaobai.

  When I meet again in the future, it is also a friendship.

  As for seeing Jiang Xiaobai, he is really not eager, what can he say when he sees someone.

  The staff looked at Wang Zhuxian a little embarrassed. He knew that this was a customer in the factory. Before coming, Director Sun also told him to be polite to the guests.

  If Jiang Dong wants to meet in person, he must be entertained.

  As for Wang Zhuxian's inner contempt, he hasn't felt it yet, after all, Wang Zhuxian listened to his words politely.

   Unlike the Mainland and Hong Kong, the status of merchants at this time was not so high, after all, the people were the masters.

   and capitalist countries are completely different.

   "This, I can't be the master, so how about it, when I get to the place, I will call the leader and apply as much as possible."

  But whether this can be done, I dare not pack the ticket, after all, Jiang Dong is very busy every day. "The staff member hesitated and said.

  Wang Zhuxian and Lin Sheng looked at each other, Lin Sheng nodded: "Then it will be troublesome, thank you sir."

   "You're welcome, you're welcome." The staff smiled and said nothing, but from time to time they looked at Liu Dehua and Wang Zhuxian. This is the star of Xiangjiang.

  He has heard more or less the names of these two people.

  Soon the car drove to the hotel, the room prepared before was not enough, the staff helped to drive a few more, and then began to contact Sun Jianyun.

   "Mr. Sun, this is the case, this heroine star, if you want to see Jiang Dong today.

   said that it was for us Jiang Dong for a long time, and there was a man who was walking with her, who seemed to be her friend, who was doing business in Xiangjiang. "

  The staff report: "Now we have arranged for them to stay in the hotel..."

   "Well, see Dong Jiang now, so I'll get in touch." Sun Jianyun hesitated and finished. If ordinary people want to see Dong Jiang, it must be impossible to see him without an appointment.

  You think Jiang Dong’s time is worthless. You can see you whenever you say.

   However, Jiang Dong is obviously interested in this Wang Zhuxian, and that is an exception.

  On the playground of the Experimental Primary School, there is a performance on Children’s Day.

   Jiang Xiaobai sat in the stands holding her daughter and Zhao Xinyi, watching Jiang Langlang's performance, and Yin Xiaoyin was sitting beside him.

  All three people asked for leave today. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t need to report to whom he asked for leave. Just tell the secretary to turn off work. This is the advantage of being a boss.

  Zhao Xinyi, as the deputy director of the factory, needless to say, but also to say hello, but Yin Xiaoyin honestly walked through the leave procedure.

  Jiang Xin was a little dishonest in Jiang Xiaobai's arms, and he wanted to run down and participate in it.

  But she was too young, she didn't even dare to go down the stairs, she could only look down at the bottom, searching for her brother's figure in the crowd, and babbled and yelled excitedly when she saw it.

  (End of this chapter)

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